Friday, December 08, 2006

Miracles on Demand completes the year...

Thanks to everyone on "Miracles on Demand" this week - a really sweet and evolved way to officially end my training year of 2006. Our weather control finally worked! Friday is gorgeous! Pity it's a day late!

And thanks to Phil on the course for the following comment:

Again many thanks for the course.

The first day in itself was worth coming as it vastly improved the
framework I had, and included things, such as Na, which I guessed were in
there, but had not read about. As an ex aikidoist this is particularly
important that the concept of centering is included in the Kahuna name.

I wonder if any of the others on the course really appreciate how much and
how long they could have studied metaphysics without coming up with the
quality of understanding and knowledge you gave on the course.