Tuesday, December 13, 2022

What The Heck Is Content Marketing & Why Should I Care?

 Today we start working on your first piece of written content that your market is going to encounter.  At last you’re going to take the information in your head, and all of the research you’ve done so far, and get something out into the market place!


NOW we’re in the phase where we start to get your message out to your audience to demonstrate your expertise, prove your credibility and provide the ethical bait that will get your prospects to put their hand up and say “Tell me more – I’m interested” 


To get to where I am today I had to stumble and make mistakes, learn what worked, trial and error, wasted opportunities, lots of hope, lots of disappointments.  I’m smoothing the way for you to make your journey more profitable and more likely to succeed.  So learn from my mistakes and use this stuff to stack the deck in your favour.


The process I am going to do with you today I NEVER WENT THROUGH MYSELF.  God I wish I had.  I cobbled my stuff together bit by bit through trial and a lot of error.  A lot of trial too, come to think of it!  So please revere what I’m gifting you with today.  I am going to make this IDIOT PROOF and PAINT BY NUMBERS simple…


OK, so you need to put your thinking cap on and start to assume the Thought Leader position that you want.  Cos you’re about to put pen to paper – or fingers to keyboard – and actually start to get the valuable knowledge that’s in your head, out and onto the screen, or onto paper….


As an example, let me tell you about John our world class dog trainer client.  He was working all the hours god sends, had a big social media following on Facebook and YouTube, but he’d hit his earnings ceiling and he didn’t feel like he was getting the recognition he deserved.  Then I asked him how the “big dogs” in his industry made their money…


Your FIRST Content Piece

In modern internet marketing, you need a funnel, and you throw as many prospects into the top of that funnel as possible, by offering them free irresistible AND VALUABLE information at the top.  In this session we’re going to create that information.  Quickly and easily.

Let me tell you why this is an absolute MUST step, and the keys to the kingdom into the bargain.  Here’s the big picture – we’re going to put your thoughts onto paper and screen, then blast that out all over the world so your target prospects can learn about you and what you know.


The reason this is relevant to you is that as a Guru, an expert, a Thought Leader, you have valuable info that they need.  Some people like to see stuff visually, some learn by reading written stuff, some learn by doing live events and experiential learning, while others prefer to listen to audio and Podcasts.  You need to put hooks out there in all the modalities so that it’s easy to consume.  The more fishing lines in the river, the more you feed your family right?


I know you want to be seen as the Guru – the GO TO person in your niche.  You DON’T want to be an invisible genius.  The main reason you MUST devour this strategy is because if you work it right, it will launch your Guru career.  It’s time to get published, and we’re going to do it FAST.  You do have unique content of value – you have a lot to offer, don’t you?


You NEED content.  Google rewards publishers not marketers.  So you need to publish. Written content, video, audio, events.  This article will provide you with all the material you’re going to need to get started and make a splash.  What will you say to yourself when you get the recognition you deserve?  This is where it all comes together. Does this sound useful?


The fact is when my private clients ask me how to get as much attention and bang for their buck as they can, on a zero budget, then this is the tool of choice that I always suggest. God, how I wish I'd known about this pathway to power when I first started. I promise you, if you spend some quality time doing the following steps, you'll laugh at how simple it is and rub your hands with glee at the results.


Truthfully, it’s about quality not quantity.  It’s about solving a problem.  It’s about helping people with good quality valuable help.  Value = usefulness.  Content Marketing expert Jimmy D brown says if it can’t be done in a month, I won’t even touch it.  If he can’t get a product created in 30 days or less, he moves on to something that he can create in that time.  Think about it – your target market is out there.  You can help solve their problems.  But you need to be seen and get in front of that queue of potential customers.  Ask yourself – are you ready to create the momentum to get started?  What do you want them to know?  What do you want them to feel? What do you want them to do?


There’s a lot in this – you are being asked to come up with written content, anywhere from 15 sentences to a book.  And I’m going to give you the paint brush, the canvas and all of the different colours to create that masterpiece.  Have fun with this – because your public want to enjoy learning what you know.


Let me walk you through the steps.  We’re going to create a skeleton outline of some content to get you started, then we’ll put the meat and bones onto it as we go.  Have fun with this.  First of all we’re going to craft a short article.  Then you repurpose that article in several different ways to act as lead generators and traffic magnets, that will catch your audience’s attention and direct them to your irresistible offer forever more.


Try to make sure you get this work done now because it will make your life so much easier in the near future.  Pick this up really quickly and run with it – this is what separates the men from the boys.  So useful – you have NO IDEA how useful this step is going to prove to be.  I’m going to break it down into very manageable steps that you can easily follow along and complete.  BUT you have to make the commitment to get this done.  Whether it’s an hour every week or you plan to hand this to a VA, you’re going to need to devote time to marketing your business if you want paying clients..

Pick a topic you’re going to write about.  Tip – pick one of the 9 steps of your Signature Framework, or a FAQ from your market research


I have 2 key rules for you to follow in this exercise

1.     Write fast and don’t stop

2.     Write BADLY


Tell me WHY I should care, reasons, why it’s important.

Tell me WHAT it is, facts, figures, evidence.

Tell me HOW it works, steps, strategy

Paint pictures of WHAT IF I used this, what are the possibilities?  Where could this lead?



Write a couple of sentences.  Expand on the point so you can talk a bit more about each one. Write the way you'd tell it to a live client. What do you really want to get across to them?


Then at the bottom of the add a “Resource Box” - A 3-5 line advert for your initial product/service/treatment at the bottom of the article, with a web link to your site. Example "Jonathan Clark offers blah blah to clients who blah blah. For a free e-course go to www.ecourse.com"



We help [target market] who are [problem] to [objective]

Then add a call to action:  To get a copy of our crash course in [topic] go to _______


Can you imagine how good it will feel to have your first set of content pieces out there being read 24/7 all over the world?  What if you read each article out loud to someone – just to see what their reaction is?  Just how creative can you be with this?  You don’t need to get it perfect first time – just let it come together and explore possible combinations…  It’s possible you may come up with more ideas, or maybe a blend of all of them?  I just want you to get SOMETHING out there


Suppose you got bitten by the bug and decided to write an article like this every week?  Who knows where this might lead?  Picture yourself writing a first draft of the article, then coming back to tweak it again the next day  With time you’ll discover the value of what we’re doing here today.  You’ll see this all coming together as we go along so I’m just asking me to trust me now.  You’ll be thanking me later.  There might be some hidden rewards that reveal themselves to you later.  Maybe I have some ulterior motive in getting you to get these done?  Maybe we’re going to repurpose this material any number of ways in the future.  Hmmm.


Only you can push yourself to do the work. Stick to the plan and get it done.

Just experiment with this and you’ll discover where your inner publisher lives.


So back to John the Dog Trainer.  We did a Survey to his 14,000 Facebook fans, “Here are 10 doggy problems, which is your biggest headache?”  Within 24 hours the top 5 jumped off the page.  So we conducted 5 Zoom interviews, one per week, and tackled each of the five topics and included a YouTube video to demo his techniques.  We recorded the 5 Zooms - that became the 5 modules of his online course.  The 5 zooms were transcribed - those became the 5 chapters of his book.  We got him to #15 of all non-fiction books on Amazon.com on Kindle.  Subsequently he got invited to speak to other dog training workshops internationally.


Some final tips:


1.     Use what you know about your customer.  Make the articles speak to them.  Incorporate THEIR wants, dreams and desires.  But also talk about their fears, dreads and problems.

2.     Seed in what you learned about your market. Use the headlines or bullet points you found on Amazon, or the Keywords they search for on Google.  By all means add in any little catchy sentences that jumped out at you back then.

3.     Seed in elements of your Origin Story by talking about your own history.  This is your chance to make them get to know you by sharing some of your experiences.


All you’re doing is sculpting and allowing something to emerge.  It doesn’t need to be the final version yet.  Allow it to slowly come together and let your unconscious mind take all of these ideas and combine them- play with them – in ways your conscious mind hasn’t thought of…yet – tonight while you sleep – if I may make a suggestion – like all the great inventors and pioneers…


This is only one part of a much bigger business blueprint that I teach in my Instant Edge Newsletter, which is FREE for the first 30 days.  To get the printed newsletter plus a self-hypnosis audio and complete online course every month, visit




Sunday, April 24, 2022


Are You Selling What People Want?

WARNING: This is about to get heavy…
It is our job as humans to survive and replicate [S&R], and we will align ourselves with anyone who can improve our chances. The more S&R value you have, the more people will want to hang around you. Following the leader of a tribe will greatly improve your chances of survivability and replication because there’s safety in numbers.
Becoming the leader of your tribe, community or social circle magnifies it ten-fold. This is hard-wired into us through evolutionary behavioural psychology, and the more you use it, the less fear you have.
Here’s the truth: Nature will unapologetically weed your genes out of existence if you don’t take action. If you want to be financially independent, you need a proven plan to build wealth – a saving and investment plan. If you want to look like a Greek God or Goddess, you need a proven pan for building a healthy physique – a new diet and workout plan.
Evolution has moulded you to pursue the ultimate purpose of you being here - to survive as long as possible. Natural selection has hardwired you to then replicate, to ensure your genes survive. For example if you’re a great Coach or Expert but the networking group you’re in is lazy and unproductive, you need to align yourself with a better network fast if you want your business to survive. Join a better gene pool for continued survival.
To improve your chances of survival, learn The Martial Arts [the art of war] – defending yourself and beating your attackers. Named after Mars the Roman God Of War. How to protect yourself from others, and how to protect your mate from being stolen by others!
To improve your chances of replication, learn The Venusian Arts [the art of love] – creating relationships with men and women. Named after Venus The Roman Goddess Of Love. How to align yourself with others.
Both of these fields are disciplines in social dynamics, and both express our inner thoughts and feelings through outer physicality, but ideally need to be in balance. Too much of one and too little of the other will threaten your chances of survival & replication. Doesn’t that make sense?
Ironically, neither of these were taught to you at school as you passed from childhood into adolescence. You were taught Algebra when the only numbers you were interested in was the phone number of that hot classmate you obsessed over.
Women are hardwired to be extremely selective about a partner because she has much more to lose, and the more attractive she is the more she will be approached by lusty males, whether she wants them to or not.
Men are hardwired to have approach anxiety and dread rejection because biologically, rejection meant they would be weeded out of the gene pool. This is also why more affluent areas tend to be where “the beautiful people” live, as the people with the highest S&R values congregate together in better living conditions with more opportunities..
In real life dating studies, physical attractiveness and earning potential strongly predict romantic attraction. People aspire to partners who rank higher than themselves. They don’t want a match, they want a jackpot.
The stereotype of the elderly billionaire with facial burns marrying a swimsuit model who can’t find Paris on a map but wants to go there because it’s romantic, seems to be a myth. According to the University of Notre Dame, economically successful women partner with economically successful men, and physically attractive women tend to partner with physically attractive men.
Enough of the dating advice!! Taking this back to your business, life is full of step by step game plans – life skills – that act like treasure maps to the goals you want to achieve. Pre-determined structured recipes in several phases honed through years of trial and error, full of universal truths and the natural flow of events, reverse engineered so these recipes can be sped up, improved, learned and taught to others. These can be modelled from people who already have done what you want to be able to do, and already have what you want to have.
I have spent the last 25 years of my life acquiring these treasure maps, in a constant search for self-improvement & personal transformation, and I share the best of what I’ve learned with my members. This is always a work in progress and it is constantly evolving. The only constant is change.
The ultimate promise of this approach is that if you master the recipes, you too can achieve equally spectacular results. Now when I was younger I was painfully shy, timid and anxious around people. I looked enviously at other people who were confident, wealthy, fit, popular, savvy and wanted what they had.
Geeks and nerds are typically intelligent individuals who haven’t applied that intelligence to social dynamics, so they appear deficient in those areas. Shyness and loneliness are signals from your survival-focused unconscious mind to motivate you to master these skills. But when they finally figure this stuff out, watch out! Every stud was once a dud.
Now assuming you live to be 100 years old, that gives you 36,500 days of life. Your challenge is to replicate before your shelf-life expires. And ironically, although we may fly in airplanes, carry computers in our pockets and communicate with people on plastic screens, we are still ruled by primitive needs of shelter, food and reproduction – as explained my Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
So we are drawn to people who increase our S&R rating and we are repelled by people who could reduce it. We are attracted to money, health and beauty. We are attracted to success stories, mentors and fitness models. There’s a workshop, an online course and a book for every recipe invented by mankind to help you get what you don’t currently have, taught by someone who [hopefully] already does.

In fact, the perennial topics that sell well, always have, always will, are the 3 areas of life we must improve. Health, wealth and relationships. Success in these 3 areas ensure your survivability and replication [S&R]. They also ensure that your business is profitable, because you’re selling something your audience wants.
Health & Wellness – strong body and calm mind, physically fit, higher energy, absence of disease meaning longer life and healthy offspring as well as physically attractive. E.g. Mindfulness, CBT, Yoga, Personal Training, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Keto, MLM, self-defence, fitness regimes, weight loss, therapy
Wealth & Money – reducing debt, increasing assets, higher income, safety and security, and providing for your loved ones. E.g. Money blocks, Crypto, Rich Dad Poor Dad, property, MLM, business coaching, SEO, Traffic, sales training, content marketing, 4 hour work week
Love & Relationships – relating, building trust, attraction and sex, so you can have loved ones. E.g. Dating Coach, makeup, fitness, presentation skills, NLP, feminine energy, leadership development, networking skills, soulmate, Tantra.
Success in any one of these areas positively affects the others. Neglecting one affects all of them. You might want to consider which of your products and services appeals to which of these 3 areas, and it if doesn’t, you might want to reconsider what you teach.
What I’ve said in this article is profound and controversial. You might feel a reaction to this article, and I’d invite you to ask yourself “Is this true? How does that make me feel?” I’d love to hear your comments and feedback.