Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Project FP - We have lift off!

OK, we are now officially “launched” at www.FullPractices.com…and things are pretty busy at this end.

The web stats have been clicking and we’ve just had member # 33 sign up, but things are starting to slow down. Good thing otherwise we’d go through all 150 Founder Memberships in the first day.

Just a couple of things…I wanted to remind you that the report describing the state of the Coach and Therapist situation [and my solution] is at www.CoachTherapist.com.

A couple of people have called my office to say they feel “funny” about signing up and leaving their credit card details with an online system like Paypal, so we did it the old fashioned way.

It hadn’t crossed my mind that some people might not want to type their credit card or bank account details into a webpage [I do it all the time so it’s normal for me – big learning!] so if that’s you, call me on 0800 072 5792 and I’ll handle it personally.

Finally I wanted to highlight the Bonus teleseminar that comes with membership – open to the first 50 Founder Members only and to be held in late April.

As I write this everyone who’s already signed up is among the first 50 – they are all “in”.

If you haven’t joined us yet, then there is still room. However the “seats” are going fast so I can’t guarantee how long this bonus will be available. My best guess is that it will be full up by Friday.

And if you don’t want to read the full story and are keen just to get on board, just go to www.FullPractices.com

Take care,


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What are you addicted to? [other than blogs]

This is becoming a weekly rant as I watch relevant documentaries on BBC 2 and come away either enthused or with my blood boiling. This time I’m somewhere in between…

“Am I Normal?” this time presented by Dr Tanya Byron [clinical psychologist] asked the controversial question “Is Addiction a disease or the excuse used by weak willed people to absolve responsibility?” More specifically, is being addicted to something like drugs, alcohol, porn, chocolate or online gaming an illness, or an excessive choice by the individual?

In our quote “therapy saturated culture” can addicts such as big name celebrities hide behind the label and plead “its my disorder that controls me”, or is it a chosen escape vehicle for the desperate and needy?

Fascinating to learn that early psychologists linked alcohol to mental health and the word “addiction” became a negative. This was one of the ideas that fuelled the prohibition laws in the 1920’s.

I found myself liking Dr Jeffry Schaler who categorically states society uses the label as an excuse for weak willed people to self-indulge. Addicts choose to stay addicted.

Here’s the science part - we were shown clinical evidence that shows the troublesome behaviour/substance stimulates the release of Dopamine in the brain, making you want more of it.

But at what point does a passionate pastime become an addiction? One definition was that “its an excessive enthusiasm if it adds to your daily life, and its an addiction if it takes away from your daily life”. My response is “according to whom?”

Computer games give you the Dopamine rush from killing foes or gaining levels. Online gambling sites are designed to give you “nearly won” more than “won” because the Dopamine rush of a “nearly won” makes you want to bet again.

And oh dear, the TFT guy went down like a lead balloon. His crusading “I can cure 98% of issues because I come from the university of results and I can fill seminars” spiel sounded embarassingly like the gung ho lines I used to come out with, until I realised that the person’s conscious mind needs a ritual to go through to let the unconscious mind change, and therefore no one ritual fits all.

The EMDR guy just used trance, suggestions and negative imagery to pattern interrupt his smoking client, and guess what? He started smoking again. Quelle surprise!

By far the most important, and I’d say most understated conclusion in this documentary, was the revealing statistics that say 60-70% of addicts eventually grow out of the behaviour of their own accord. It’s like a “phase” they’re going through. Unfortunately, some addicts phases can last decades, if not a lifetime!

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Breaking news – The “Project FP” countdown has begun:


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Even if we answered the question posed, my response is “So what next?” If all addictions are illness, so what next? A boom in therapy? If addictions are all conscious choices, so what next?” The death of therapy?

Debate raged around the idea of control of use versus responsibility of use. Surely its not an either or but includes both?

And another thing – I have to point out that Dr Byron does a lot of “mind reading” when she listens to what a client says, then interprets it and suggests her label for what they just said. Clean Language and NLP prohibited that addiction decades ago!

Tony Robbins suggested [or rather borrowed someone else’s model and renamed it as he was taught to do by Jay Abraham using Jay’s Maven Strategy] that any behaviour that meets 3 of the 6 human needs becomes an addiction. And that’s a very individual thing. Until they find another more effective vehicle that meets those needs, which would tie in with the “phase” concept.

By the way, if you’re a TFT or EFT user [and I chose that term carefully] is it normal for you to tap the client? I always practice a hands off approach and get them to learn tapping points themselves, and besides, I don’t like litigation. Feedback please…

Dr Byron’ conclusions? Addiction is an illness and there are loads of unproven complementary and alternative practitioners making boatloads of cash out of it.
That makes me so angry, I’m off to play World Of Warcraft for 3 days…

Medication or Meditation Part 2

Did you manage to catch the documentary on BBC during the week with Professor Kathy Sykes investigating the myths, facts and benefits of meditation?

She started in a monastery in Nepal by interviewing “the happiest man in the world” and then went on to start an impressively disciplined meditation practice. When most people first try meditation or self-hypnosis they usually can’t sit still for very long cos their conscious mind races with thoughts and distractions. You’ve probably found that to be true.

But give it long enough, and something inevitably happens. Yup, her stuff came up! Sadness about her father’s death and all this repressed emotion that she didn’t even know was in there. And this is the essential first step in my HGE method - to strengthen the connection between the conscious and the unconscious minds through trance.

When asked what the benefits of meditation are, the monk stated “emotional balance, the banishing of anxiety and a change in the way you experience every moment of your life”. Not bad for a built in, no cost approach!

What struck me was here is a professor, a physicist no less, making a meal out of something really basic and easy to comprehend. She was surprised that the relaxation response affected the physical body! At this point I’m shouting at the TV!

Next we’re taken to a closed community in the US where they practice TM – transcendental meditation. But did they have to focus on the guys bouncing across the floor in the Lotus position? “You won’t actually see them levitate” she was told. Didn’t do much for their street credibility.

So there you have it – the big revelation is that, and I quote “Meditation might help anyone deal with life”. Get away…

What was far more intriguing was the medical research that shows the more you meditate, the thicker the Insula gets. The Insula is a thin layer of brain tissue that helps you feel internal states – hunger, thirst and emotion. Science proves that he more you meditate, the more you physically change the structure of your brain tissue. Thus strengthening the connection between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind.

Which brings me right back to where I started this discussion.

So my advice is this – if you don’t close your eyes and go inside on a regular basis, why not start right after you finish reading this? Take 5 minutes to breathe deeply, close your eyes and listen, really listen for what comes up…

And if you are a seasoned meditation veteran, I bet you could do it more often…

Monday, April 14, 2008

Coach/Therapist Challenge # 2

This update coverns Challenge #2 that we’ve heard from our readers about the impending release of "Project FP" - the complete turnkey solution to attracting clients and building a fully booked Practice.

[We already addressed the #1 challenge about difficulty getting clients in an earlier post below]

CHALLENGE: Where do I find the time to study, do my day job and find clients?

BACKGROUND: When I released the sneak preview of Project FP lots of people were stunned by the size of the thing. A major concern that came out as a frequent issue amongst the Coaches & Therapists in our online survey was finding the time to fit it all in.

SOLUTION: While the concern is completely understandable, I want to reassure you that I’ve taken care of that too. This resource is broken down into easy baby steps which you take at your own pace, so you devote as much time as you’re willing to commit. If that’s only an hour a week, then this will still work for you.

Yes, Project FP is big [right now 144 different resources and still growing] but a great deal of the strategies and methods outlined are actually QUICKER and more IMPACTFUL than some of the inefficient practice building I’ll wager you’re doing [or not doing!] right now.

Most Coaches and Therapists I’ve met think that all they need is a website, a nice brochure and shiny business cards and the clients will flock to you. If all it took was a brochure website, a leaflet and a business card, then we’d all be fully booked. Yes we need the logical, left brain legwork to market ourselves, but that’s actually a very small part of what actually works.

When I trained with CoachU one of the things I noticed about most of our teachers was that hardly any of them had brochures and business cards, and their websites weren’t the usual format [About me, What Is Coaching? Blah blah blah] that you see everywhere.

BOTTOM LINE: So expect a higher level of strategy – Mindset and Motivation, empowering beliefs of business pioneers, the secret hidden strategy behind every major flourishing practice, positioning techniques to get noticed above your competition, creating an irresistible offer, systemisation, automation and attraction principles that bring business to you [I’m not kidding!].

The FP approach also comes with free fast track teleclasses every day for 5 days straight, to let you hit the ground running, as well a host of tools that actually save you time, or work to build your Practice 24hours a day, even when you sleep…

Stay tuned for more details. We will be opening the doors to “Project FP” on Wednesday the 16th of April at precisely 11.59 am UK time. The best way to stay informed is by joining our VIP announcement list.

If you haven't already, you can add your name to the red carpet at


Best regards,


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Coach/Therapist Challenge # 1

We have heard 3 major challenges from our readers about the impending release of "Project FP" - the complete turnkey solution to attracting clients and building a fully booked Practice. This update addresses the #1 challenge...

[By the way, I have just loaded a sneak preview of “Project FP”. You can look at the “spy photos” right now at this link:


[Shameless plug ;-) - feel free to pass this link onto any other Coaches & Therapists you know who needs help growing their practice]

CHALLENGE: How do I attract a steady stream of clients who can afford what I offer?

BACKGROUND: A couple of months ago I let it slip to my clients that we were getting ready to release a Practice Building resource all about marketing and promoting yourself as a Coach or Therapist, even if you squirm at the word "marketing"...

That little slip created a bit of a flurry of emails from my client bank. And funnily enough, the biggest concern was exactly what I suspected all along. I often see small circles of therapists sitting drinking tea together in clinics all over the place, because none of them have anyone to treat!

Or Coaches who have huge gaping spaces in their diaries and they just aren't paying the bills from their Coaching practice, so they rely on the other breadwinner in the family, or they have a "real job" as well.

SOLUTION: So given that background, I've compiled a complete list of 48 ways to get clients. Every method I can think of, that I've used. In fact, number 49 will be added shortly if it pans out the way I think it will.

You see, the problem isn't knowing what to do - there's plenty of information out there - books, websites, teleclasses. Any good Coach Training programme will cover "Getting Clients" at some point, and if it didn't I'd ask for my money back! We spent at least 8 weeks on that topic alone at Coach U.

The solution is having a step by step, prioritised baby steps game plan in place, so you do things at your own pace, but in the right order. Actually, getting clients is Step 7 in my system - there are FAR MORE vital steps to implement FIRST, and that's why people struggle.

So when we go live [which will hopefully be week commencing April 14th] the first 150 Founder Members will get all 48 methods + audio training + cheat sheets + free teleclass support for a ridiculously low special offer price.

When we open "Project FP" back up again for new members, I will be raising the price drastically. Raising the price keeps the group size manageable and will pay me back for the enormous effort and costs involved in setting this thing up.

BOTTOM LINE: If you implemented just one of the 48 Pillars as I call them, one per week, and you had 48 sources of new clents working for you, just imagine how busy your diary would get. You'd need a waiting list!

Speaking of waiting lists :-) I am promoting the launch FIRST to those on my internal mailing lists. The best way to stay informed is by joining our VIP notification list. If you haven't already, you can add your name to the red carpet at


Monday, April 07, 2008

Quick announcement and a favour…

Hi there,

Jonathan Clark here, and I need to ask you for a favour...

I’m going to help new and experienced Life Coaches and Therapists who hate marketing and don’t really know how to get clients consistently. “Project FP” will be launched within the next week or so...

We have literally been working on this all-out for the last 8 months solid, putting together the ideal package as voted for in an email survey that you probably took part in. But before we roll it out officially, we need to ask you a couple of questions. Can you help us out?

Please take a minute to answer this super-short survey - there are only 2 questions.

You can answer the questions [and get the FIRST sneak preview of this amazing resource] at this web page:


Many thanks in advance,


Friday, April 04, 2008

The Force Is Strong In this One...

I couldn't resist putting these on here...

My mobile phone deal lets me get a new model every year for free, so I grabbed the new Sony Ericsson. However, I had all these great photos of baby Luke from the day he was born right up to his 2nd birthday in February this year. Trouble was, I was concerned I might lose them when I switched over to the new phone.

So thanks to the great God Ebay, conflicting advice from different mobile phone shops, and a lot of patient fiddling, I present to you..in all his glory...young Skywalker...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Coaching Weapons Of Mass Distribution

McDonalds isn’t a place I find myself in very often. We prefer to eat in a restaurant where the menu isn’t on the roof. But pressed for time, a ravenous two year old in tow and rush hour just starting, it seemed like a good idea…

So there we are standing in line, wondering what we’ll have, squinting to read the options from the back of the queue, and it struck me. Is this really an efficient way of running a business, or not?

In my role as a Practice Building Coach, I teach an invisible secret weapon strategy that adds profits to any practice, makes business easier for the owner, adds massive value for the client, stimulates creativity and allows you to capture the sales that you’d otherwise have missed.

The magic bullet [though there isn’t one] is the Conveyor Belt analogy – to firstly have in place a funnel at the front which draws prospects to you. This is sometimes called an “ethical lure” – a free report, an e-book, a 5 part e-course, some kind of information in exchange for the customer’s contact details. This is also known as “front end acquisition”, acquiring new leads at the front end of the conveyor belt.

Every good Coaching or Therapist website should have some kind of free information available in exchange for the prospect’s email address, thus building a list of interested possible clients.

Think back to McDonalds. Just how do they get people in the door in the first place? Apart from high visibility in the main street, and the occasional TV advert, just how do they “get you”? We had no plans to go there till we spotted the familiar red and yellow signage [and aren’t they all the same colour? The colour Red stimulates appetite. Think red light district. Red for danger…]

Or is it the case that they have such a strong brand awareness that they don’t need to promote themselves?

And what else could they be doing while we stand in the obligatory line? Wasted opportunity # 1. What about screens on the walls with offers, or adverts, or club memberships? A child’s entertainer, close up magician, or a customer services rep at least. Seems like a missed opportunity to have us all just stand there like patient cattle…

What then happens is the client is offered the chance to “upgrade” and actually make a small purchase. In internet marketing you often get what’s called an OTO [one time offer], a screen that will literally only appear one time and if you don’t take it you lose it. This is a real moment of truth in the business ladder as the prospect becomes a paying client, albeit with only a small purchase. But it demonstrates trust and starts the buying cycle.

The aim of the game is to have that client now move along the conveyor, purchasing bigger and more expensive products and services as they continue their client relationship with that company. This is what’s termed as “the upsell”. Think what Amazon does – as you browse books, they let you know that “buyers of this book have also bought…” at the bottom of the page.

So in McDonalds, we pick our meals and we’re asked if we want to “go large”, thus adding an upsell to the offer, giving the customer added value and increasing their profits in one fell swoop.

Now we’re in the backend – where all the money is – the client will come back and buy more, and more often, because now they know you, like you and trust you.

And when you get the Amazon book in the mail, guess what’s included in the box? More offers for other products and services that they think you might be interested in. Amazon really have it sewn up because now they’ll even buy your used books back off you, so they can resell them at second hand prices. A tight business model!

Does it work? Think how quickly Amazon has grown into a household name.

And once they have you on their books, you will get followed up with offers, discount vouchers and updates, just to keep them in the front of your mind so that next time you want one of those products, you’ll naturally go to them.

But what about McDonalds? Wasted opportunity #2. Have they ever contacted you after you’ve been in? Not me. At no point do they capture my name, email or postal address. Can they really rely on the fact that because we bought once, we’ll always come back? That’s a dangerous assumption…

So what does this mean to you? Well, if you run your own business as a Coach or Therapist, you need to have front end acquisition tools in place to capture prospects. They should then be offered a small purchase decision to convert them into paying clients.

And once they are on your books, I recommend you regularly follow up with a series of valuable information, offers, updates and helpful material. That builds loyalty and converts more prospects into paying clients who’ll partake of your main product/service/treatment.

Another thing about MacDonald, and maybe you can tell me because I don’t know. Why don’t they do home delivery? Wasted opportunity #3. OK, there’s drive through, but think how many people would call a phone number and get a Big Mac and fries delivered to their door on a Friday night. Surely they’ve looked into that as an add-on.

Far be it for me to go up against the big boys, but I’m seeing gaps here. Gaps that any good Coach or Therapist should fill and exploit in their professional practice.

Action Steps For You:
1. What front end free information will you offer to get prospects?
2. What small product or service will come next in your conveyor belt?
3. How can you make sure you capture their contact details?
4. What will your follow up message look like?

Now I’m off to play with my free Shrek toy…

Jonathan Clark is a 6 figure Mentor Coach who helps Therapists and Coaches to make their annual income their quarterly income. For more startling truths about the industry visit www.CoachTherapist.com

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Survey Results Are In...

Hi there,

The Feedback poured in from the Coach/Therapist survey with hundreds of responses. Not bad for a 15 question online survey. Thanks for taking part if you did.

Want to know what the most pressing problems are for Coaches and Therapists as we enter April 2008?

I’ve included the full results at www.CoachTherapist.com

New helping professionals continue to struggle to get off the ground, and 81% are still earning less than £10,000 a year.

Wow! Makes you wonder why bother?

Now I am committed to identifying the roadblocks and creating resources that help people break through.

As a result of the feedback, I am in the process of completing “Project FP” which specifically solve these headaches once and for all.

To put your name on the VIP notification list so you get first shout when we launch, just go to www.CoachTherapist.com and click the link on the left.

Thanks again for the feedback. Rest assured I am hard at work creating the very resource you’ve asked for.

Watch this space!

Jonathan Clark.