Saturday, February 13, 2021

How Coaches, Consultants & Speakers Should Really Use LinkedIn For Lead Generation

 One of the questions I get asked all the time by my Coaching, Consulting or Speaker clients is: What are the best ways to generate leads?

 In the old days we would get a list of Companies, or pick up the phone book, cold call them, find out from the gatekeeper who the decision-maker was, then write them a letter, then follow up with a phone call, get rejected by said gatekeeper several times, and maybe [if you were persistent] get a phone call with them to pitch your business to them.

 Thank God for LinkedIn – now I can set up a free account, do a search for my ideal clients, pull up a list of thousands of them, send them a connection request, at least half will say yes and then I can message them to start a conversation.  From my sofa.

Here are some fascinating statistics for you…
According to a 2020 global survey by the International Coaching Federation, the average life Coach earns around £42,000 per year.  The average income for a UK Business Consultant is around the same.
A lot of Coaches and Consultants TRY and use Social media to generate leads.  In fact, 80% of all business to business leads generated through Social Media come from LinkedIn.
On Facebook, the average age of a user is between 20 and 29 years old.  The average income of a Facebook user has been measured as between £15 - £25 k per year.
On LinkedIn, the average age of a user is between 35 and 55 years old.  The average income of a LinkedIn user has been measured as between £40 - £50 k per year.
So assuming you know who your ideal target market is, the older audience with more disposable income is on LinkedIn.
You know yourself, generating new prospects for your Coaching or Consulting business is an endless task.  If people can’t find you, they can’t buy from you, so marketing is a daily requirement.  You’ve probably burned money on expensive ads that didn’t work.  This is a free alternative that’s tried and tested in the real world.
Break out of the feast or famine cycle.  Stop worrying about the future and all of the uncertainty.  If you hate sales and trying to be pushy, let me show you how to make the most of your time and use a clear and easy path to generate new leads from the comfort of your own home.  And it costs you NOTHING.
Here's all it takes:
  1. Describe exactly who your IDEAL client is – their job title, their location, which industry
  1. Do a search on LinkedIn in just your home city and see how many show up.  Connect with 10 a day.
  1. Save that search on LinkedIn so they send you an email every week with new leads that match your criteria.  

If any of this resonates then  I’d recommend you book a call with me – let’s have a free chat and let me help you build a solid LinkedIn lead generation plan – let me walk you through the exact steps I’m talking about on a Zoom call.   You leave with a step by step plan to get leads from LinkedIn every day – in the comfort of your own home – at no charge.

Sound good? Book a call at