Monday, December 16, 2019

5 Ways Writing a Book Will Help You to Unshackle Your Latent Creative Genius

How often have you told yourself, “I’m not a creative person?” Have you gaped at the creativity of young kids playing together, wondering where on earth they conjure up these fantastic ideas? Creativity doesn’t wither and die completely as we grow up; we just don’t use it quite as much as we did as children. Mainstream schooling also doesn’t place a priority on creative arts because teachers are made to prioritise the curriculum and marking papers. If you want to kindle your creative juices once again, write a book.

Naturally, before you start writing a best-selling epic fantasy series, it helps to prepare an outline and know what topic you’ll write about. You get pantsers and plotters.  Pantsers make it up by the seat of their pants.  Plotters like structure and a skeleton outline so they can fill in the blanks.   I recommend you use the latter approach.  If you’re knowledgeable in a particular area, it makes sense to write about your expertise so your business will grow. But even if you want to try your hand at a fictional novel, its best to approach writing a book [like any other project] with a solid plan.

Here are five ways you can ignite your latent creative muse by writing a book:

1. Use the brain dump method to empty your head of too many ideas. 
Studies have proven that multitasking actually diminishes productivity, so rather than trying to write your book while all these other great ideas are floating around in there, take a notebook and just start writing everything down. Capture EVERYTHING, including calling the dentist for an appointment to calling your mother for a chat. Whatever is taking up space in your brainbox should be downloaded onto that paper. A great phrase I heard years ago – “Llet paper remember so you can forget”.  Now that you’ve released these thoughts onto paper, focus solely on writing your book. You’ll discover the writing process is easier when you’re able to focus on just one task instead of two dozen to dos.

2. Open the creativity box to release other ideas. 
So often we get stuck with one idea in our minds and it’s difficult to focus on anything else. Transform that one great idea into a book… then pay attention to related creative ideas that bubble to the surface afterward. There’s an unconscious reason why you can’t move past your book idea and focus on other things; it’s your mind’s way of telling you to follow through and see where it takes you. When your book is finished and you have some time to chill out is often when you’ll get your next inspirational eureka moment.

3. Writing itself is a creative problem-solving process. 
When was the last time you made a pros/cons list to help you make a decision? Or a to-do list to track your daily tasks? Or mind mapping to plan the growth of your business? These are simple examples of how writing is used to solve challenges. Writing out the details of our problem allows us to clarify exactly what has to happen when and it’s then easier to see connections and solutions to these problems.  I mindmap everything!

4. Practice makes perfect. 
Even though there’s no such thing as perfection, this old adage holds true. The more you write, the easier the process becomes. Writing content for your audience will become easier because you have the practice and you’ve done the research to know what your audience is seeking. TIP – what are your prospects’ top five headaches?  Write about that.

5. Embrace the idea of learning something new every day. 
The best books are those that are well researched, so embrace that research phase to unleash your creativity. Discover new facts, new resources, or new theories. Carry this idea over into your personal life and mix up your daily routines to try new things. Listen to audiobooks on Audible.  Read Kindle books on your phone.  Explore your surroundings, take the long way route from the gym, or explore a new town you randomly choose from a map. Your brain will thank you for making it work differently, simply because you stirred things up.

Creativity is latent inside all of us. The process of igniting that creativity and using it to create a business you love will be unique for every person but promises to yield great rewards.

We have a way to get a non-fiction book written and ready to sell on Amazon in 3 hours.  Get in touch if you’d like to talk to me about how that’s done.