Saturday, July 07, 2007

Thought forms...

Hi Jonathan and gang,

Yip I totally agree with that comment, basically...thoughts become things.
The movie ' The Secret' explains this vey well...great piece of work.

I'm sure all you guys out there know and believe that we are all creating
our own reality. However I'm also sure there's times when 'things happen'
and we all wonder, ''did I create that?'' or '' was that me or them or him or her''

It's like, ''well if we're all creating our realities, who's creating what, and who's
you've probably had those wee moments, I know I have (please tell me you have)

Anyway I think the first thing is 'chill'...I've found, or I'm finding that what works well for
me is to just keep it simple.

The thought of monitoring thoughts is a crazy thought...I think.
So I'm just having having fun with it, and it does become quite habitual.
Anytime a wee fly , sneeky negative or unresourceful thought creeps up on you,
IMMEDIATELY replace it with the OPPOSITE, or the outcome you want.

You get into the habit and it becomes a bit of a game. Treat it like a kinda 'swish pattern'
So, in comes the negative thought's what I want instead.

Eventually with repitition, day by day the wee 'critters' start to fizzle out and fade away.
Like I say, I'm starting to have fun with it.

I think it's the time delay between the thought and the actual manifestation of it that
causes a lot of people to give up. I know a lot of my past frustrations came from not
getting what I wanted quick enough.

So now I'm just going about my day with a lazer beamed focus on what I want and
where I'm going and it's a buzz, i've created a 'vision board' that sits by my pc with
pictures and some affirmatons.

As I said earlier the film 'The Secret' helped me a good bit and clarified things for me.
There's a bit in it when Jack Canfeild talks about when he met W.Clement Stone, who said
to him, "I want you to create a goal, so big that it will blow your mind, and prove to you that
it could've only been achieved by applying 'the secet' "

So I thought I'd give it a go. I've put the outcome in an envelope which I'll open at Christmas.
It is so far from my current reality that it is pretty mind blowing, but I know it's mine, it's already
in progress, and every day it's...Bang.....focus and do at least one thing towards it.

Take comfort in the fact that your present reality is the manifestation of past thoughts from years ago, and todays thoughts are....whats to come.
Exciting stuff eh?

Take care guys, and thanks for all your help JC.



New Podcast Series Launched...

Hey I'm hip to the scene and down with my homies....

Keeping up with the times and accessing a whole new demographic of self-developers, I've just launched my new Podcast Show, and I've got big plans for this one.

To subscribe to the regular Podcasts on your PC or iPod, CLICK HERE and you'll be able to stream episodes as they are published.

Hope you enjoy it!


The Danger Of thought Forms

For a while now I've been stressing the danger of feeding inappropriate Thought Forms. I've been warning students that the media is encouraging us all to focus on the same idea. The more they scare us, the more we watch the TV and buy the papers. Now its in my home city.

A thought form is a powerful thought backed up by strong emotions - an energy bundle. Ad + Ki for those in the know. The more you dwell on it, the more energy it gets and the stronger its boundaries become. Ant number of people, all dwelling on the same thought, magnifies it. Infact, it needs living mana/chi to survive.

Starve the thought form, and it will begin to dissolve till it becomes a memory.

How to clear a thought form? Clear any negative emotions like Fear or Anger using Time Line, Higher Self Therapy or any other intervention you know. Esoteric techniques include cutting connections and banishing the energy cluster.

I'm off to do some work on myself. May I ask that you do likewise, and focus on what you want instead, not what someone else wants you to focus on...