Friday, July 27, 2007

"Coach Reveals The Truth About Self Hypnosis and Personal Growth”

After spending 16 years studying positive thinking, meditation, martial arts, Hypnosis, NLP, auto-suggestion, Time Line Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Huna, Feng Shui, Life Coaching, and almost every other approach to mind action that exists, I found that there are 7 critical aspects to making your life easier and attracting success, with the maximum amount of results in the minimum amount of time.

Only when all 7 aspects are in harmony does your subconscious mind (your auto achievement pilot) pour out your unlimited potential almost without any greater effort on your part at all, and your body becomes naturally balanced, calm, and stress free.

To begin with, you have several bodies, all connected together.

1 Let's agree that you have a Physical body, the foundation upon which
everything sits - the vehicle that houses your awareness. Remember, you're body's a temple, but it's also a nightclub!

2 Above that is the Emotional Body, the seat of your unconscious processes and the source of your memories and emotions. The emotional body is magnetic, and attracts people with similar emotions e.g. Anger management groups. Protesters.

3 Next you have the Mental Body - the rational, thinking Conscious Mind, and usually with an area of interest or a field of knowledge that it specialises in. The mental body likes stimulation, deep and meaningful discussion, debate and new ideas.

4 Last but by no means least comes the Spiritual Body, the super conscious mind and your connection with whatever is higher and bigger than you. The Spiritual body attracts like minded souls, such as in gathering to worship, or a "calling", or you reading this book….

Now here’s the second secret - you are of three minds. Our ancestors used to teach this, as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Ever wonder why it's in that order? This trinity is present in every tradition on the planet. The Pope's cross has 3 horizontal bars, the Cardinal's only two, and the Priests only has one. Hmmm. Or the Lovers Card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Cards. There's a man (conscious
mind) looking at a woman (unconscious mind), but she's looking above him at an angel (higher self) which he can't see.

5 You probably know that you have a conscious mind, don't you? The part of you that answered - that was it! It likes experience, knowledge, mental power, analysis and rationality. It also likes respect, admiration, significance and success. It's focussed on specifics, likes order and sequence, and it usually kicks in at about age five. Unfortunately, it's also an expert in denying and avoiding pain.

6 The Conscious Mind thinks, "I am". But you also have an unconscious Mind with feelings, "I feel". (The mind that controls all subconscious activity within your body and the actions and non-actions that you find yourself taking or not taking). It runs your body, beats your heart, stores your memories, controls your emotions. It's sometimes called the "body/mind". It's like a timid animal with basic desires and a mental age of about five years old. It adores food, clothes, security, sex, fun, the five senses and safety. It has no words. You always know you're really at the unconscious level when you have no words for the feelings you're experiencing. Any time you criticise yourself, you're criticising your unconscious mind. Society likes to keep you out of here - men are taught to be unemotional, therapists will help you manage your anger (rather than clear it up completely) and prescription drugs suppress your true feelings. They're still there, you just can't feel them. So the next time a red light appears on your car dashboard, just paint black paint over it. It's still a problem, but at least you can't see it.

7 Many believe you have a third self, the Higher Conscious Mind also, with still more, higher functions, such as wisdom, order, justice, ecology, peace, truth, perfection and evolution. (Your connection to your true unlimited and infinite self). It looks down at you like a totally trustworthy parent gazing lovingly on a perfect child (you). It creates anything that you ask for, (whether you dwell on good things or bad).

The majority of counselling interventions, analysis, positive thinking and reading books are only Mental, Conscious actions. That’s only 2/7ths of the picture. Advanced change techniques like autosuggestion, meditation, Hypnosis and NLP tap into still just 4/7ths of the individual, by also accessing the unconscious mind and emotional body. Psyched up, high adrenaline motivational seminars actually make you less effective by actually keeping you out of the very areas that would stimulate change. And they are emotional states that few people can recreate in their everyday lives, unless they spend more money becoming seminar-junkies. Spiritual practices often only deal with the Spiritual aspect of the person and the Higher Conscious Mind. Again only 2/7ths of the picture. If they involve fasting, retreats or rituals then they activate four, i.e. the physical body and emotional body.

This is why they haven’t worked wholly for you.

Any of these methods taken in isolation leave you short-changed, unable to make the changes you hoped for. It’s like putting a tractor tyre on a Ferrari – you end up with an imbalanced car that is highly unstable, is difficult to stop, burns fuel wastefully, is dangerous to drive and will spend most of its time going in circles…

Get all 7 in harmony, suddenly, in the most natural way, life starts to come together. Love starts to blossom. Money starts to pour in. Abilities start to sharpen dramatically and produce greater fruitage. Energy starts to rise. Health starts to improve. Coincidences start to multiply. Try it and see!

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