Sunday, March 02, 2008

Project FP Is Coming...

On February 2nd I started an online survey at to ask the marketplace the true state of the Therapy and Coaching industry today, and the feedback so far has been startling.

Initial survey results show that the majority are female, aged 36 - 45 and earn less than £10,000 per year.

Now the survey is still on line, and if you're a Coach or a Therapist of any kind then go and take part - its anonymous.

So much for the "Million Dollar Coach" or "Superstar Therapist" hype that gets bandied about so much.

On the same site you can add your name to the VIP Notification list for "Project FP".
What the heck is "Project FP"? I'm not telling just yet, but suffice to say that if you're a new or struggling practitioner, you're about to be handed the solution on a plate.

So cast your vote and get on the VIP list - you'll kick yourself if you miss it...

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