Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just Imagine...

Just imagine you could stand up in front of a group and present to them, feeling safe, calm, in control and running the room.

Picture yourself using NLP language techniques which work faster than the interventions you might already know.

How much easier would your life be knowing what you really need at the deepest level, and how to get it?

What would happen if you cleared up any hidden limiting beliefs about deserving more money that you don't know you have?

How would you like to know what's bound to be coming next in your personal growth?

And does the title "Master Practitioner of NLP" after your name appeal to you?

Is it true that you still have pain and hurt left over from the past? If you let all of that go and aligned yourself to race forward in life, who would you most like to emulate? And what skills do they have that you could learn through NLP modelling? And what if you could do all this on weekends so you don't use up all your annual leave or holidays?

You see, your unconscious mind know the root cause of EVERY problem in your life, and there are only 7. Don't believe me?

Take a look at the "Psychodynamics" handout that I'm offering as a free download from - its on the very bottom page called "Master Practitioner Handout"

And that's only scratching the surface of what we cover on our 14 day NLP and HGE Master Practitioner Certification, held over 7 weekends starting November 1st. Plus there's even more new content that I've never taught before.

This might be something you're interested in, or it might not. If it is, then let me know asap because the fun starts in about ten days time...

Take care,

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