Thursday, February 11, 2010

Self defense, why are they angry with her?

Faye Wilson from Buckie was only 16 when she was raped by a friend in the small Moray town. It took her five years to pluck up the courage to report the crime, by which time it was too late for police to gather the evidence they needed for a prosecution.

You can watch Faye's video and read some of the scathing comments at

Before Christmas we put out a number of free gifts which really proved how vulnerable you can feel on the streets.

We had a Safety Protocol guide showing how useless attack alarms are, a free teleseminar explaining 4 ways a mobile phone can save your life, some scary survey results that revealed more than half the people who'll read this have already been accosted, and an audio interview with my Canary Wharf safety expert Garth. This all culminated in the pre-Christmas live "A Day Of Your Life That could Save Your Life" workshop.

I've had loads of emails from people asking if there's going to be another live event since they missed the last one, they still want to go out at night and let's be honest - the knife carrying nutters are still out there.

We had no idea it'd be this controversial. Just wanted to say that I've been going through them all and I've been having a great time answering questions. So if I haven't got back to you yet, please forgive me. I'll answer as soon as I can.

And just in case you missed any of the free tips, you can still pick them up here:

If you still want to, you can join Garth and the rest of us on Sunday the 21st of February but there are only 6 places left. You won't be Robocop, but just one takeaway tip might buy you precious getaway time...or let you walk confidently to your car.

Maybe you never get intimidated, and this isn't for you, but if you do have any questions about this event, please email me at

Let's be careful out there,


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