Monday, March 15, 2010

Training NLP - I don't mind and it doesn't matter

The voice in your head isn't you.

Ever thought about that?

The voice is your mind, and you are more than just your mind. You are the awareness that you're aware with. So you witness your mind and its thinking.

If you ever hear yourself say "I'm stupid" change it to "My thinking is stupid" Makes a huge difference, and it's actually more TRUE.

In the 3 minds model that I teach [conscious, unsconscious and Higher Self] the internal chatter would be your conscious mind. The unconscious doesn't do language - it does pictures and feelings. And Higher Self? Well, it's your connection with Spirit, or Divinity.

Listen, you can think positive thoughts of abundance all you like and still be broke. Its your unconscious mind that creates and manifests. If your unconscious mind has feelings and complexes around poverty or success, you'll witness the 3D projection of that. As within, so without.

Now scientists have measured [who are these people?] that the unconscious mind is being bombarded with over 2 million bits of information per second. Yet your conscious mind can only handle about 134 bits per second. What does that mean?

It means there's WAY more going on than you know... right now. In fact it's impossible to be aware of everything that's going on in this moment. Therefore, if you're not aware of it, how can you expect to control it?

So let's leave you with a thought:

You can choose what you want, but you have to let go of whether you manifest it or not.

Let me know [your conscious mind's] thoughts...

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