Friday, March 19, 2010

Training NLP - If you can feel it, you can heal it

I'm working on a new "method" [not even sure that's the right word, cos it's bigger than that] that will make a lot of self help, mind techniques pretty much obsolete. Bold statement I know...

One recurring problem is the tendency for mental approaches to teach you to close your eyes and make a picture, visualise your goal or use affirmations "I like myself, I like myself, I sodding like myself". My point is, you're going into silence WITH something.

Now I have 2 main thrusts to my dissatisfaction with "mind techniques", and they are:

1] Many people have read spiritual books, attended seminars, meditated, incanted and tithed and seen ZERO sustained, tangible results

2] I have more books on visualisation than I ever visualised I'd have

Now as a Trainer of NLP, Huna, Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis this is a bitter pill to swallow. So I'm on a mission to get to the root of it, and I'm getting somewhere...

Rather than go into the silence WITH something, surrender and start listening, rather than pleading and waiting.

In the Self-Identity Through Ho'o Pono Pono method promoted in Joe Vitale's book "Zero limits" [which I love by the way, but as a Star Wars fan I'm nervous about the SITH part...] one is supposed to say "I'm sorry, please forgive me" whenever there's negativity/lack/pain.

The idea is that there's repentance and accepting responsibility for creating the circumstances in your universe, by acknowledging that something has gotten inside you. You "caught" the limiting programme, like a cold

The above phrase tells the Divine that you want forgiveness for yourself, then "thank you" expresses gratitude and then the faith that it'll get resolved. "I love you" brings in the aloha of your Higher Self.

This sounds like a plan, and I used it for many months, and it seemed to get results in the tangible, physical world of form. However, I now feel its a bit clunky and there's a better, easier and faster way.

Stay tuned...

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