Following on from an earlier post, I'm hereby announcing the 12 month bootcamp programme starting in January, where I'll personally help a small group of therapists/Coaches/Practitioners grow their practice so its full of paying clients and will have earned you anywhere between £12,000 and £50,000 by the end of 2007. That way, you've recovered all the money you invested in training with me, AND you're in profit.
It will consist of a One day seminar every month on a weekend, followed by a teleclass mid month, personal accountability, marketing strategies on how to increase your number of clients, build your reputation, keep the income predictable, guest speakers, and as much real life nuts and bolts "how to" as I can cram into 12 months.
This will contain ALL of my "Prophetability Now!" seminar content, PLUS all the other tricks of the trade that I've spent tens of thousands of pounds learning and implementing.
AND I need your help - to tailor make it to suit my existing clients, I need you to answer the following questions:
1) Which phrase best describes how likely you would be to buy this programme if it were available right now?
[ ] Definitely would buy it
[ ] Probably would buy it
[ ] Might or might not buy it
[ ] Probably would not buy it
[ ] Definitely would not buy it
2) Overall, how different is this product from others you have seen?
[ ] Very different
[ ] Somewhat different
[ ] Slightly different
[ ] Not at all different
3) How difficult would it be for you to obtain a similar product, benefits or results if the programme was not available?
[ ] Very difficult
[ ] Somewhat difficult
[ ] Slightly difficult
[ ] Not at all difficult
6) What price is MORE than you'd be willing to pay for the programme each month
[ ] £197
[ ] £497
[ ] £997
[ ] £1297
Copy and paste your answers to me in an email to so it stays private. You will be first to receive full details of the new programme as soon as it’s available!