Friday, February 22, 2008

Shocking Report

There's 2 things I wanted to tell you about.

Those who know me know that I am patient and polite. In school my
friends used to call me "Gentleman John" [embarassing or what!]
You'll usually catch me in a really good mood.

But lately something's really crawled under my skin. I've been
talking to lots of people by phone and email...trying to be
patient and bite my tongue...but I just can't do it anymore.

My next NLP + HGE Practitioner Course starts on March 22nd, so I've
been kept very busy handling enquiries and talking to guys and gals
who want to learn NLP, Huna, Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis either
for their own personal development, or to get into a new career as
a Coach, as a Therapist or Consultant.

In fact, the Early Bird £430 Discount is still valid till Midnight
tonight Friday 22nd February. See

But, and it's a big but, I'm getting to hear a lot of horror stories
about people signing up for NLP courses, getting poor training and
not being able to get their money back. Or being confused by the
Trainer and then being told they're STUPID. And coming out of a 7
day course impressed, but totally incapable of doing NLP themselves.

The most unbelievable one for me is dodgy characters that give you
a certificate because you bought their CDs on Ebay!

So I've written a Consumer Advice Guide to make sure you can avoid
this kind of thing, if you're thinking about learning NLP. Who am
I to take this kind of a stand? I'm an NLP Trainer, Author and
passionate enthusiast, and these cowboy tactics harm my reputation
and my industry.

As an Independent Financial Advisor in the UK, I was under the
close scrutiny, continual assessment and strict codes of practice
enforced by governing bodies that had full legal clout behind them.
If a client was unhappy or had felt they were misled, the full
weight of the law could be brought down upon the Company that was

This doesn't exist in the NLP world! The so called "Governing
Bodies" in the NLP community have no real power, no enforcement and
weak assessment. Frankly, you can buy your way up the NLP ladder
and become a Trainer even if you've never seen a real live client
in your life. So when a student asks them "How have you used this
with real clients?", how can they answer honestly? And do you
really want to be one of their first ever students?

Here's the truth - I know of one NLP Trainer who, despite
allegations against him for child abuse, continues to work
exclusively with children. Unbelievable! Ironically, the same
individual has set up a fictitious "Institute for NLP Ethics"!!!

Several female clients have complained to me [privately of course]
about seduction and hypnosis techniques being used inappropriately,
but they're all too scared to challenge the male NLP Trainer doing
it. Can you imagine?

I know of 3 so called "Life Coaches" whose experience consists of
a 3 day training course and 12 written homework assignments! But
will it tell you that on their brochures and websites? I doubt it.

It's no wonder that there are hundreds of people who think NLP is
a bit dodgy. AND, they are giving my chosen industry a bad name,
and that affects me.

Now you tell me, how can the "powers that be" prevent people like
this from practicing?

Do I have a bee in my bonnet about this? Yes I do. However,
it's not in my power to stop them. So I'm going to offer you the
next best thing...

In the next few minutes alarm bells might go off as you become aware
of some of the pitfalls of going into an NLP training blind...and the
ugly side of this industry that noone else has told you about.

It's not my intention to slam or offend anyone in particular here - there
will be no "naming and shaming", but I know you might get hot under
the collar after reading this report.

If you're not planning on studying NLP then give this a miss. But if
you are, or know someone who is planning to, then please make them

You can download the Guide here.

To your personal growth,