Is this you?
Striving to make things happen the way you want them to...
Struggling to juggle all the demands and keep up...
Studied loads and trying to implement all the tips, tactics and "-ologies" that you've learned, cos they promise a better world...
Visualised your goals, used vision boards or mind-maps and the like and yet your reality is way different...
Set goals only for them not to come true, and then you start to doubt that any of this "mind stuff" actually works...
You see, the conscious mind [the analytical critic that asks questions all the time. Does it? Yes. Is that true? Yes. Is that what I'm hearing in my head right now? Yup] loves to get entangled with the mind forms, the complexities. it is built to figure things out and tease out the wool so it can analyse and form conclusions.
• About 17% of brain mass is your conscious mind: yet it controls only 2–4% of actual perceptions and behaviour. The majority is unconscious.
• It looks for patterns and images that are familiar, and rejects those that aren’t.
• This is the part of you that thinks and reasons things out. Your free will resides here. This is the part of your mind that will decide the changes required to live the type of life you want to experience. In other words, your intentions and outcomes.
The conscious mind can accept or reject any idea.
Conscious Impulses Travel through your neural pathways at 120–140 MPH
• No person or circumstance can cause you to think about thoughts or ideas you do
not choose.
• The thoughts you consistently choose and impress from your conscious mind to your
unconscious mind will determine the results in your life.
Normal conscious activity and
STRIVING used to be able to change things, but one day it stops. That's what happened to me. No matter what I tried, none of the old ways were working any more. "GREAT!
You can now realise that you are ready to evolve" said my Coach.
The BIG mistake that we as a race have been making for the last hundred years is closing the
eyes, going into silence and taking something IN with you, like a picture, or
affirmations, visualising. That only works temporarily, or doesn't work at all. i have more books on visualisation than I ever visualised having.
You should
go into the silence is a receptive, waiting state, and wait for what comes out.
Whenever you’re experiencing
lack, you’re thinking about lack. Yet where there is silence there
is peace. In Huna its called the Void. Some call it the Quantum Field, or God, or Creation. Insert your deity of choice. If you go into that space with no intention, no "noise" or interference, then the void can deliver up to you that which you need right now, or more.
Think about it - there are INFINITE problems
in human conscious awareness. There’s a self help book /
method/ seminar / cd set for EVERY problem man can think of. Money, health, relationships, family,
spirituality. Therefore if you have 3
problems you need to study 3 different methods.
What a burden. DROP all of it!
My old motto was inspired by my brother-in-law's service in the Navy – “to strive, to
serve and never to yield”. That was my mantra until 2010. I have a new motto now...