[We already addressed the # 1 question: "Exactly how much will it cost to spend 5 days in a luxury Retreat in Spain?" in the Blog entry below.]
QUESTION: "What subjects will be covered on the Retreat and what will I actually learn?"
BACKGROUND: I ran an online survey to find out exactly what my clients wanted in terms of seminar topics. I received all kinds of email and I was surprised to see the entries coming in. Gradually a popular set of choices started to appear as people "voted" through the options I'd given. The most common problems my clients have fall into three areas:
- Too much to do, too little time
- Never enough money
- Low energy and tired
SOLUTION: Now I think that's amazing, because those are what I teach as the 3 sources of personal power. What that means is, you only ever have 3 things that you can save up, invest into anything, or spend on anything. Time, Money and Energy. And you usually can't have one without spending one of the others. Making money takes an investment of energy and it takes time. Very often you have no time because you're too busy trying to make money. And that also can steal all your energy. Do you see?
So we've put together a series of afternoon seminars that cover solutions to all 3:
We are going to have a look at your health & energy, and the perspectives we are going to use are both ancient (Huna from Hawaii, and Feng Shui) and modern (NLP & Life Coaching).
There will be two intense sessions on money - how to earn more, save more and spend more. Throughout the week there will be prizes given out. Everyone has a chance to win free seminar places, free life coaching, books, tapes, and gift vouchers!
The third main topic will be time - we'll look at retraining your mindset around busyness and priority, as well as handing you a wealth of clever tricks and tips to get more done in less time. We want you to release any stress you bring with you at the Retreat, and change the rules so that when you go home you are equipped to manage your time better... forever!
BOTTOM LINE: Our intention is that by the time you get back you will have a wealth plan to get you out of debt [if you are, and most are], run your finances more intelligently and build a secure future so you're financially independent within 5-7 years. You'll be brimming with energy, you'll have recharged your batteries and will have ways to clear out the energy suckers and boost your oomph anytime you need it. And you'll get more done in a day than most people get done in a week, and it will be on your terms, not someone elses...Stay tuned for more details. Our anticipated "go live" date is now Friday the 14th of December at 5pm. The best way to stay informed about The Release Retreat is by joining my announcement list...see details below.
The Retreat Announcement List
If you haven't already joined my Retreat list and gotten your Sneak Preview of the event, just send an email to JonathanBOSS@aol.com and title it "Retreat".
Take care,