Wednesday, January 09, 2008

How Else Are You Going To Do It?

I've just swiched the TV off and my blood is boiling...

Maybe you saw these 2 programmes tonight on Channel 5 and BBC 2 just like me.

First was "It Pays To Watch" with journalist MartinLewis offering advice on how to save. I really like him and his enthusiasm, especially when he was interviewing Paul Daniels.

Paul Daniels had emailed Martin Lewis suggesting that credit cards be called "Debt cards" instead. Just to really ram the message home.

And this is January where everyone's feeling the pinch, interest rates are up, debt figures are soaring and disposable take home is at a low. How many of those apply to you?

Most people are struggling to meet their monthly commitments as those commitments continue to get higher...

What really got me stirred up was the BBC programme "What Britain Earns". Tonight I learned that the average British wage is £24,000 a year, and 90% of the population earns less than £46,000 per year.

That means you're probably in that band somewhere, maybe even below it.

What really got me going was the lowest pay rates for some of the most "vital" tasks. Hey, squaddies get an extra £12 an hour for being stationed in Afghanistan! Woohoo!

Here's the thing though - it doesn't have to be that way.

Sure you need the security of a monthly salary, but realistically what's the chances of you doubling your wage in 2008? Honestly?

You're probably sighing right now, or laughing out loud sarcastically. Someone once said a sigh means "if only"...

Well, would you believe me if I told you I can show you how to double your salary in 2008?

If you're a trained Therapist or Coach you can
If you're a trained ANYTHING you can
If you have hobbies or interests you can
If you long to work for yourself you can

And I want to hold your hand for the next 12 months and help you personally to do it.

My Fully Booked Bootcamp starts January 27th, where I'll be helping just 24 people build their own earning stream from scratch, and its backed up by a moneyback guarantee if you don't.
Check out the full story at

and if you're interested, hit the Priority Reservation button and we can have a telephone chat about how badly you want to multiply your take home by 2.

How else do you plan to handle the higher mortgage, debt and commitments?

Best Wishes,

Jonathan Clark