OK, it seems like the #1 question on everyone's
mind about The Alchemy Challenge is the "Price
Question". In other words... what is this new
“turn your passion into profits” programme going
to cost?
That seems like a fair enough question... BUT IT'S
Now I don't want to be too hard on you here - I
know that you probably have a book case full of
personal growth books and cd’s [wait till you see
mine!] that you spent a small fortune on.
However, that collection is probably NOT bringing
any direct income into your household – it’s much
like the black hole of useless stock on a liquidated
high street store…
The real question you should be asking is:
"How much is this programme going to make me?"
You see, a properly launched product or service will pull
new leads and cashflow into your bank account. It will
not COST you anything. In fact, it will more than
pay for itself... and it will GROW YOUR BOTTOM
For the last couple of weeks I have been trying to
change the way you look at your intellectual property.
It truly is a personal growth –enthusiasts dream tool –
but only if you use it correctly.
It should be a huge profit-producing source of
business. It should pay for itself. It shouldn't
be an expense.
Think of it this way... if you could purchase a
Magick tool for £2,000.00 that turned lead into
£5,000.00 worth of gold every month, would
you buy it?
Of course you would. In fact, you would probably
try to find a way to buy ten of them.
Well, The Alchemy Challenge is not going to cost
anywhere near £2,000.00 a month. And it will pull
profits into your business like nothing you have
ever seen before.
To your success,
Jonathan Clark
P.S. One thing I forgot to mention - if you want
the latest news see the videos at
P.P.S. I know many of you are anxious to get
started. Well, we are ALMOST ready to release the
system - we just have a few final tweaks. I can't
commit to a release date yet - but keep Monday the
29th clear in your diary :-)
P.P.P.S. We have been asked about how many places
will be available, and whether we are going to limit the
number we are going to offer. I will be addressing
this question soon. All I can say right now is you
want to be among the first 10 to grab one of
these places. That means you should act quickly
once we launch since there are more than 4,000
people on my email list.