Monday, June 23, 2008

You Mean There's 4 of You?

The Kahuna explains - FORMATION OF THE 4 BODIES

The four bodies mature at different times in your life. The Emotional body develops between 18 and 22, the Mental Body between age 28 and 32, and the Spiritual Body between 38 and 42. Most people experience big shifts in their identity during those periods as the body activates and grows. How about you? These are huge learning curves, and we may or may not optimise that body’s development at that time.

The spiritual body activation is often called a “mid life crisis”. Unresolved emotional issues come up, and if they are cleared, all is well. If not, men may find problems with relationships, expressing intimacy, and family values. This can lead to heart disease if unresolved. In women, who they are and what they want comes up. If resolved, the life shocks will spill out and she’ll become very expressive. If blocked, it can cause thyroid problems. Again, all the more reason to learn Huna, build your energy and clear out any unresolved issues.

Mana is life force energy. It’s called Chi in China, Ki in Japan, Shakti or Prana in east Indian system. The hypnotist Mesmer called it “animal magnetism”. Huna was originally called Ho’o mana – the Hawaiians said there was only one real difference between someone who was dead and someone who was alive – one has energy, or mana. And only one’s breathing…

Really simple, and really profound. But then, profound things are really simple. Like that last sentence.

Anything that adds life – is good. Anything that takes away life/decreases aliveness is bad. So some days you have tons of energy and you race to work. Other days are heavy gravity days, when you look over the quilt, the sun is too bright, the sheet wraps itself around your ankle and you just slide slowly back into sleep…

So begin now to pay attention to the energy in your body. The Huna diet book would be one page:

Eat it and have low energy, stop eating it. Eat & energy up? Eat more!

What is your energy doing inside you? How is it feeling inside of you?

You see low levels of mana leads to sickness and dis-ease, and premature ageing. Most esoteric studies taught that if life force energy was low or depleted, or maybe stuck and stagnant, ultimately that would lead to physical dis-ease. High levels of mana leads to empowerment and health, youthfulness and longevity. Imagine sending mana up to the Higher Self, and then having it come back down into the Unconscious Mind, turbo charged. Like rocket fuel.

Max Doubt Replies: OK, so now there's 4 of me? C'mon, you only have one body and that's the one I'm about to bitchslap you with in a minute... The other things aren't 'bodies' - my emotions, my thoughts and my spiritual beliefs are just electricity and chemicals in my bloodstream, making me feel things. And they're part of me, like everyone else.

Trying to say that people go through big stuff at key ages is a big claim to make.

Mid life crisis is just you looking back and taking stock - there's nothing "spiritual" to it, its just time to add up the scores on the doors and see how well, or how badly, you've played the game. And its a good excuse to start chasing skirt that's half your age! I'll show you some animal magetism darlin'....

Profound things are really simple yeah - like this is all tree-hugging hippy crap! See? Simple!

By the way, its a well known fact that every animal that eats gets tired afterwards cos it's digesting the food and that takes it out of you - Christmas pudding and the Queen's speech - works every time.

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