This update coverns Challenge #2 that we’ve heard from our readers about the impending release of "Project FP" - the complete turnkey solution to attracting clients and building a fully booked Practice.
[We already addressed the #1 challenge about difficulty getting clients in an earlier post below]
CHALLENGE: Where do I find the time to study, do my day job and find clients?
BACKGROUND: When I released the sneak preview of Project FP lots of people were stunned by the size of the thing. A major concern that came out as a frequent issue amongst the Coaches & Therapists in our online survey was finding the time to fit it all in.
SOLUTION: While the concern is completely understandable, I want to reassure you that I’ve taken care of that too. This resource is broken down into easy baby steps which you take at your own pace, so you devote as much time as you’re willing to commit. If that’s only an hour a week, then this will still work for you.
Yes, Project FP is big [right now 144 different resources and still growing] but a great deal of the strategies and methods outlined are actually QUICKER and more IMPACTFUL than some of the inefficient practice building I’ll wager you’re doing [or not doing!] right now.
Most Coaches and Therapists I’ve met think that all they need is a website, a nice brochure and shiny business cards and the clients will flock to you. If all it took was a brochure website, a leaflet and a business card, then we’d all be fully booked. Yes we need the logical, left brain legwork to market ourselves, but that’s actually a very small part of what actually works.
When I trained with CoachU one of the things I noticed about most of our teachers was that hardly any of them had brochures and business cards, and their websites weren’t the usual format [About me, What Is Coaching? Blah blah blah] that you see everywhere.
BOTTOM LINE: So expect a higher level of strategy – Mindset and Motivation, empowering beliefs of business pioneers, the secret hidden strategy behind every major flourishing practice, positioning techniques to get noticed above your competition, creating an irresistible offer, systemisation, automation and attraction principles that bring business to you [I’m not kidding!].
The FP approach also comes with free fast track teleclasses every day for 5 days straight, to let you hit the ground running, as well a host of tools that actually save you time, or work to build your Practice 24hours a day, even when you sleep…
Stay tuned for more details. We will be opening the doors to “Project FP” on Wednesday the 16th of April at precisely 11.59 am UK time. The best way to stay informed is by joining our VIP announcement list.
If you haven't already, you can add your name to the red carpet at
Best regards,