Thursday, November 27, 2014

Training NLP Presentation Skills Unpacked By Jonathan Clark

A couple of weekends ago I was fortunate enough to present my "Stand & Deliver - Safely be Yourself In Front Of An Audience" training at Catterick Garrison in Yorkshire.

Now I decided to film the first 15 minutes to put myself to the test.

I wanted to see just how many of the 15 presentation skills that I teach on that training I was actually using myself - kind of proving it to myself, and to keep me on my toes.

Watching it back, it was fun to unpack the first 15 minutes blow-by-blow, and spot the different NLP training elements as I used them.

Hope you find this useful, and moderately amusing :-)


P.S. I've also given myself some feedback on how to make it even better next time...

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