Hi there,
I've posted a video for your viewing pleasure! Its now available to watch online. Simply go to:
No credit card, Chanting or ritual sacrifices required.
Here's what I've learned about people. Most people struggle - they never have enough time to get everything done, they carry hurts from the past and feel stuck in a rut. And what people want, and what they need are two entirely different things. One of my teachers likes to say "People just want to get rich, get skinny and get laid!"
I can't promise to make you rich...[bet you're wondering where this is going now, aren't you....?]...
...but I can help you financially :-)
You see, most of my students are normal folk trying to earn a living and spending 5 days a week looking forward to 2 of them. The majority put up with naysayers, sceptics and even doubting partners as they consume self-help material and try and expand their minds.
And most do develop, evolve and grow...but it doesn't always show up in the physical, material world - like money, houses and things. Many can quote me chapter and verse, but still haven't got a return on their investment so to speak.
I don't know if you already know this or not, but I help people take what they know and turn it into a life changing income stream. By life-changing, I mean enough each month to pay the mortgage payment, or a car loan, or even enough to replace the day job if you're hungry enough! For example;
If you've spent a small fortune on cd's, seminars and books, and you can honestly call yourself an enthusiast, then I can show you how to turn all of that mental knowledge into physical reward. I'm a bit of a mad scientist in that respect. I also used to be a Financial Adviser, then I grew a six figure business without knowing what I was doing.
Imagine if you could do a fraction of that? How much freedom and security would an extra thousand a month bring?
If money's handled in your world, then sorry for bothering you and you can just not watch this. But if any of it rings true, take a look at the video I have for you at
I think you'll enjoy it, and watch for the tease at the end...
Take care,
P.S. Its worth your while to watch the whole thing [hint, hint]