By Jonathan Clark
Even if you've never looked at NLP, here are 6 truths about acquiring knowledge...
Over the last 23 years I have presented 30 NLP Practitioner Courses and have certified scores of NLP Practitioners. Since NLP came into being in the early 1970s there has been a virtual revolution in the field of learning and especially Accelerated Learning.
From Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Model specifying seven different kinds of intelligence to Tony Buzan’s work in Mind-Mapping and scores of other theorists and practitioners, we now know so much more about how to speed up the learning process. Here are 6 of the insights I've had over the years - some of them may be useful to you...
1. If one person can do it, so can you
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s.
Bandler and Grinder claim that the skills of exceptional people can be "modeled" using NLP methodology, then those skills can be acquired by anyone. They also claim that the therapeutic "magic" as performed in therapy by Perls, Satir and Erikson, and by performers in any human activity, had a structure that could be learned by others.
2. You can make money from your knowledge
By the late 1970s, the human potential movement had developed into an industry and provided a market for some NLP ideas. At the center of this growth was the Esalen Institute at Big Sur, California. Perls had led numerous Gestalt therapy seminars at Esalen. Satir was an early leader and Bateson was a guest teacher.
Bandler and Grinder claimed that in addition to being a therapeutic method, NLP was also a study of communication and began marketing it as a business tool, claiming that, "if any human being can do anything, so can you." After 150 students attended a ten-day workshop in Santa Cruz, California, Bandler and Grinder gave up academic writing and produced popular books from seminar transcripts, such as Frogs into Princes, which sold more than 270,000 copies.
A community of psychotherapists and students began to form around Bandler and Grinder's initial works, leading to the growth and spread of NLP as a theory and practice. For example, Tony Robbins trained with Grinder and utilised a few ideas from NLP as part of his own self-help and motivational speaking programmes like "Unleash The Power Within" UPW which I've attended 4 times now.
3. Every skill has a structure, or recipe
According to one study, a classic interaction in NLP has several major stages including establishing rapport, gleaning information about a problem mental state and desired goals, using specific tools and techniques to make interventions, and integrating proposed changes into the client's life. In short - get rapport, uncover the blocks, make changes, and encourage a new, generative direction.
Although the original core techniques of NLP were therapeutic in orientation their generic nature enabled them to be applied to other fields. These applications include persuasion, sales, negotiation, management training, sports, teaching, coaching, team building, and public speaking.
4. You're big enough and old enough
NLP is all about “running your own brain” and managing your own states. As a model about how we function in thinking and communicating, it’s a model that enables us to model best practices and excellence. And over the years, I have used NLP to model learning. Today we no longer have to teach people the NLP jargon at the trainings.
People can read at home. This is one of the oldest technologies for accelerating learning— reading books and listening to audios prior to coming to the training! This primes learners and participants as it prepares them for the patterns and processes. And so that’s part of my programme. We require people to read at home so that they essentially will go through the content of the training before they get to the training.
5. We can get into our best states before we start learning.
We now know that we do our best learning when we are in our best learning states—open, receptive, motivated, primed, and energetic. Instead of waiting for people to come to the training and taking several days to “pump them up” and “sell them on the training” by giving them lots of “Whys” for the value of the training— we do that before they come. Yes, it’s another revolutionary idea.
Traditional “classic” NLP teaches trainers to spend lots and lots of time presenting the why of the training before starting. And that’s a great idea if you have a room full of un-motivated people! In that case, I'd have to spend lots of time selling those who will be participants on the value of “running your own brain.” But do I have to do it that way? No way!
We can use pre-training materials and teleseminars [You can listen to one HERE] to get people into the right state from day one—from hour one. Doesn’t that make sense? It does to me. It also makes for a much, much more exciting training to start out in the first hour with a room full of exciting, passionate, and committed people.
This is also at the heart of NLP—rather than baby people as if they are not responsible for their own thinking-and-feeling states, for their own learning— we start from the position that we believe in them, believe that they are responsible for running their own brain, and that they can do that!
6. You don't want to be an "armchair magician"
That’s why our trainings are very experiential. With learners having already been through the training once (via books, and CDs) they are now ready to put the pedal to the floor and blast through the hands-on experiences to learn in practice how to actually do the processes. And that’s our focus: hands-on practice for competency.
Perhaps by using accelerated learning techniques, using the wild and incredible new technology called “reading and listening at home,” and getting to the essence of things from the beginning—then in eight eventful days ... people who didn’t have a clue about how to actually run their own brains, manage their states, cure phobias, get control over their consciousness, and communicate with more precision can begin the NLP journey.
After all, when we use these newer processes for accelerating the training of NLP, while we intensify the training, we also shorten the time. This means we can reduce the price of the training (which we have). It means participants don’t have to spend as much or take off as much time from work. You can even get trained by teleseminar, like this one HERE which reveals why I created my version of NLP called Hypno Genetics.
For me, I prefer to make NLP increasingly available to more people. The more accessible we can make it, the more people can learn the magic and power of NLP. And, we believe that the more people who can learn to run their own brains and manage their own states—the better off our world will be. And that’s part of my vision for you
An Invitation
Jonathan offers a FREE and revealing teleseminar on NLP, which included information that he prefers not to publish on a blog. If you are seriously interested in being and having more, CLICK HERE to listen to Jonathan's "Get Everything You Want, Change Anything You Don't" teleseminar
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