Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Photoreading In Glasgow, Scotland with Jonathan Clark

Just suppose you could learn any subject in human endeavour.  Anything.  What would you immerse yourself in?  What would you love to learn about?  Then imagine that in an evening you could Photoread 5 books on that topic, in an hour and a half you could activate those books so tomorrow you could go into a meeting and be ready to talk all about that subject.

You see, each of your eyes can process about 10 million bits of information per second, and it works like a camera taking in the whole scene, it doesn’t work like a spotlight scanning left to right the way you were taught at school.  So the way we were taught to read is antiquated and not very efficient.

But here’s the twist - Out of the 10 million bits of information per second that your eyes actually see, you only get about 40 bits of information in your conscious mind, that you’re aware of.  Here’s a scenario that almost everyone has experienced in their life – someone asks you to fetch them the salt, it’s on the 3rd shelf down in the cupboard, and you’re looking and you can’t see it to save yourself.  There’s just no salt in the cupboard.  Then they walk right up to it, grab the salt, hold it in front of your eyes and say “What do you call this?”  Now did your eyes see the salt?  YES!  But did your conscious mind notice?  NO!  And being put under pressure makes your mind even more blind to what your eyes can actually see.

There is so much more going on out with your conscious ability to notice it, it’s astounding!  But what if there was a way to tap into the other-than-conscious portion of your experience.  What if you could take in more, learn more, experience more…

So what the Photoreading whole mind system has done is that is created a step by step process that anyone can learn – despite your previous feelings about school, learning or reading -  that lets anyone tap into the sheer power of your unconscious mind

Maybe the way we’re supposed to learn is the way the accelerated learning experts tell us, if you want to absorb a subject, just immerse yourself in it.  Don’t try to break it down, dipping your toe in the water - just dive wholeheartedly right in.

Picture yourself just absorbing all of it all at once.  And as you do that your unconscious mind integrates it into your existing databank – making the knowledge of the book merge into the rest of your knowledge at 10 million bits of information per second.  So what comes out is your version of the book.

Are you beginning to grasp the possibilities?  For your career?  For investment?  Your health.  Your personal development.  What area of knowledge would you like to delve into?  We can apply this to every area of your life, if we’re ready to step up boldly to the challenge.

Think about it.  Why do we go into a book in the first place?  What’s the purpose?  It’s just bits of paper with some information on it, isn’t it?  What if it was the ultimate personal development tool – adding skills and knowledge directly into your mind.  Remember Joe 90?  Activating who you are – your power and potential

We’re living in the dark ages when it comes to using our minds efficiently.  But we can unshackle ourselves from what traditional society calls learning, and what the education system considers comprehension. 

The Photoreading whole mind system has evolved over the years, to combine accelerated learning secrets from behind the iron curtain, to self-hypnosis, to mindfulness training – all combined into an easy paint by numbers system that lets you consume and recall any reading material – books, reports, regulations, anything.

The implications of this process are unlimited in terms of the effect it can have on your ability to learn, and the results in your life.  Did you struggle at school?  Doesn’t matter.  Did you learn to dislike studying before now?  That can all change overnight.

After you’ve explored one subject, you’ll want to keep opening up, and you can do that by boldly accepting the challenge.

But this same power is available in lots of other areas of your life.  Need to learn how to get better with money?  Need to keep up with work materials?  Got exams coming up?  Imagine having loads of free time, and knowing your subject – while your peers are all hitting the books and clocking up hours of boring, repetitive studying like you used to.

I don’t know of any other commercially available system that taps into this power and promises so much.  It’s fun, its fast, and its easy.  Anyone can learn how to do it.

BUT the only way that you can get these kind of experiences, is to learn how to do it.  Are you up for a challenge?

Book your places on The Photoreading & Accelerated Learning Weekend HERE

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