You probably know that you have a conscious mind, don’t you? The part of you that answered - that was it! It likes experience, knowledge, mental power, analysis and rationality. It also likes respect, admiration, significance and success. It’s focussed on specifics, likes order and sequence, and it usually kicks in at about age five. Unfortunately, it’s also an expert in denying and avoiding pain. But did you know that you also have an unconscious……….mind as well? And you may also realise that you have a Higher Self too. This is the second major teaching of HGE – that you are of three minds.
Our ancestors used to teach this, as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Ever wonder why it’s in that order? This trinity is present in every tradition on the planet. The Pope’s cross has 3 horizontal bars, the Cardinal’s only two, and the Priests only has one. Hmmm. Or the Lovers Card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Cards. There’s a man (conscious mind) looking at a woman (unconscious mind), but she’s looking above him at an angel (higher self) which he can’t see. Think of it as the child, the parent and the grandparent. You’ll never be alone again when you realise that there’s three of you in there.
You’re more than just a Conscious Mind. It thinks, “I am”. But you also have an unconscious Mind with feelings, “I feel”. It runs your body, beats your heart, stores your memories, controls your emotions. It’s sometimes called the “body/mind”. It’s like a timid animal with basic desires and a mental age of about five years old. It adores food, clothes, security, sex, fun, the five senses and safety. It has no words.
You always know you’re really at the unconscious level when you have no words for the feelings you’re experiencing. Any time you criticise yourself, you’re criticising your unconscious mind. People treat their pets better than their own unconscious. Society likes to keep you out of here – men are taught to be unemotional, therapists will help you manage your anger (rather than clear it up completely) and prescription drugs suppress your true feelings. They’re still there, you just can’t feel them. So the next time a red light appears on your car dashboard, just paint black paint over it. It’s still a problem, but at least you can’t see it.
Many believe you have a third self, the Higher Conscious Mind also, with still more, higher functions, such as wisdom, order, justice, ecology, peace, truth, perfection and evolution. This is the spiritual part of you, your guardian angel, and it looks down at you like a totally trustworthy parent gazing lovingly on a perfect child (you). It creates anything that you ask for, (whether dwell on good things or bad) including health and energy, as well as more tangible goals.
Now there’s a connection linking the Conscious Mind to the Unconscious Mind, and another linking the Unconscious Mind to your Higher Self. But there’s no direct connection between the Conscious Mind and the Higher Self. The only way to get communication with your Higher Self, is to first learn how to connect with your unconscious mind. Hence the use of Hypnosis, or trance in HGE, where you go inside…
The Physical body is the vehicle for the whole package. That’s why visualisation with feeling works better than affirmation – the former impacts the unconscious mind, and thus the Emotional and Physical bodies. Affirmations are Mental body, conscious statements. Does that make sense?
Daddy Bray, a Hawaiian teacher or Kahuna said that the lesson of life is for the Unconscious Mind to become conscious, and for the Conscious Mind to become a Higher Self. Your conscious mind’s job is to teach the unconscious mind and grow it up, so it becomes a conscious mind. Strive to make the hidden contents of your unconscious, conscious. He also said that the lesson of Mastery was for the Higher Self to come down into the consciousness, and for the conscious mind to merge with the unconscious.
Become a Higher self and integrate that back into your physical life. Bring your spiritual nature all the way down into the physical body. Then you can truly and profoundly affect other people in your daily life.
Oh and by the way, your unconscious mind looks up at you like an awestruck child – you are a God in it’s eyes. Your Higher Self looks down at you as perfect, in every way, right now. It’s only your conscious mind that needs convincing…