Sunday, December 15, 2024

Why You Need to Stop Perfecting Your Content...

 Why You Need to Stop Perfecting Your Content...

Last week, during a coaching call with one of my clients, something hit me like a ton of bricks.

They were stuck in the same loop I see so many people fall into—spending hours agonising over perfecting their PowerPoint slides, tweaking the tiniest design details, searching for the perfect image, and rewriting handouts for the hundredth time.

They had the passion, the drive, and even the knowledge to create something amazing, but the results weren’t showing up.

I told them: “Stop trying to make it perfect. Instead, focus on getting it done.”

It’s counterintuitive, but here’s why it’s critical.

When you focus on finishing instead of perfecting, you free up time, energy, and creativity to actually deliver your message. Perfectionism might feel productive, but it’s a trap that keeps you spinning your wheels.

For example, one of my other clients took this advice and within a week:

Finished their workshop presentation in under 15 minutes using AI.
Booked 10 new prospects for consultations immediately after delivering it.

It wasn’t flashy or complicated, but it worked because they focused on progress, not perfection.

The hardest part? Most people hesitate to embrace simplicity because it feels too easy or they think, “That can’t possibly work for me.”

But here’s the unsexy truth: the basics work. Every time.

When you stop overcomplicating it and focus on using the tools and strategies that simplify the process, you’ll:

Save hours of your precious time.
Deliver more impactful presentations that connect with your audience.
Finally have the confidence to put your work out into the world.

And that’s when things get exciting.

Anyway, I’m off to plan the final touches for my 15 Minute Workshop Wizard training on December 17th, where I’ll be sharing how to make this process even faster and easier for you.

It won't take long :-)

P.S. On Tuesday, December 17th, I’m going to show you how to create your entire webinar, livestream, or workshop presentation in minutes—with full-color slides and a polished structure—all using AI. You don’t want to miss this. Full details at