After spending 16 years studying positive thinking, meditation, martial arts, Hypnosis, NLP, auto-suggestion, Time Line Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Huna, Feng Shui, Life Coaching, and almost every other approach to mind action that exists, I found that there are 7 critical aspects to making your life easier and attracting success, with the maximum amount of results in the minimum amount of time.
Only when all 7 aspects are in harmony does your subconscious mind (your auto achievement pilot) pour out your unlimited potential almost without any greater effort on your part at all, and your body becomes naturally balanced, calm, and stress free.
Many believe that one of those aspects is your Higher Conscious Mind also, with still more, higher functions, such as wisdom, order, justice, ecology, peace, truth, perfection and evolution. This is the spiritual part of you, your guardian angel, and it looks down at you like a totally trustworthy parent gazing lovingly on a perfect child (you). It creates anything that you ask for, (whether dwell on good things or bad) including health and energy, as well as more tangible goals.
OK, so let's look at the third self, the highest and best of any person, and what it does.
Let's look at the Prime Directives of the Higher Self, or Aumakua as it was called in Hawaii. That's a grab bag term for any parental spirit - ancestors and any gods. Your higher self, the higher mind of mankind. Manao Iaau was another name, and it has many roles. Once again thanks to my Huna teacher Dr Tad James for the following:
1. Guardian Spirit (over the individual). As in Native Americans who believed that you were not connected with your Higher Self at birth, you had to go through a ceremony to connect - they dipped you in water. Hmm, sound familiar? Baptism?. It was a "Totally trustworthy parental spirit". The Hawaiians believe you are connected but may not experience it. It's like you're up there looking down on yourself, wondering "I wonder if Jonathan's going to wake up today?" You are connected, you just need to learn how to communicate with it.
2. God Spirit in the individual. Your way of relating to the source of all creation, God, I'o
3. Connection/communication with higher self makes everything OK - everything the way we want it. That's the basis of Western high magic -
4. Totally balanced male and female energy. Yin & Yang, assertive male energy and totally nurturing female energy. Plato mentioned a time when we were both.
5. An expression of man and woman's own perfection.
6. Our connection to the higher realms of creation, above Higher Self and God
7. Represents the process of evolution in Huna, the spiritual art and science of old Hawaii. Shows us the way we're developing
8. Has the power to recognize causes (source of events) of events that happen in our lives in the now. Direct knowledge of Past Lives comes from the Higher Self
9. Has the power to remove complexes, fixations and false identifications. Can clear up psychological ailments
10. Has the power to produce attainments (Sanskrit siddhis, etc.) including ESP, clairvoyance, clairaudience etc.
11. Has the power to know, predict and affect the future. Creating Your Future process in Time LineTherapy actually works with Higher Self, and that's why we breathe in that process to energise the Internal Representation
12. Doesn't make mistakes. If you're worried about making mistakes, operate from the Higher Self and you can only do right
13. Higher Self cannot interfere with conscious mind's free will (it must be
asked). It can't intervene unless you ask (through prayer)
14. Is all forgiving, because we are all one. All knowing and all seeing. It thinks you're perfect the way you are
15. Conscious mind has free will to deny Prime Directives of Aumakua (and just might do it).
[NOTE: Once you have connected with your Higher Self consciously, you can learn how to ask your Higher Self to come down and remove any negative emotions, limiting beliefs or decisions directly out of your neurology, at any time. This is the quickest and deepest form of therapy I've ever seen. If you are interested in learning how to do this for yourself, read my book "Ignite & Unshackle".]
Some thought-provoking questions for you to ponder:
• What do others say about your unique qualities, gifts and talents?
• What is your special talent that you would like to orient your life around?
• What are you truly grateful for?
This is Jonathan Clarks Mastermind Inner Circle Blog -a meeting place, discussion forum, and overall friendly support system for Jonathan's clients, customers and students, and anyone who wants more visibility. more enquires and more leads.
Friday, July 27, 2007
"Coach Reveals The Truth About Self Hypnosis and Personal Growth”
After spending 16 years studying positive thinking, meditation, martial arts, Hypnosis, NLP, auto-suggestion, Time Line Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Huna, Feng Shui, Life Coaching, and almost every other approach to mind action that exists, I found that there are 7 critical aspects to making your life easier and attracting success, with the maximum amount of results in the minimum amount of time.
Only when all 7 aspects are in harmony does your subconscious mind (your auto achievement pilot) pour out your unlimited potential almost without any greater effort on your part at all, and your body becomes naturally balanced, calm, and stress free.
To begin with, you have several bodies, all connected together.
1 Let's agree that you have a Physical body, the foundation upon which
everything sits - the vehicle that houses your awareness. Remember, you're body's a temple, but it's also a nightclub!
2 Above that is the Emotional Body, the seat of your unconscious processes and the source of your memories and emotions. The emotional body is magnetic, and attracts people with similar emotions e.g. Anger management groups. Protesters.
3 Next you have the Mental Body - the rational, thinking Conscious Mind, and usually with an area of interest or a field of knowledge that it specialises in. The mental body likes stimulation, deep and meaningful discussion, debate and new ideas.
4 Last but by no means least comes the Spiritual Body, the super conscious mind and your connection with whatever is higher and bigger than you. The Spiritual body attracts like minded souls, such as in gathering to worship, or a "calling", or you reading this book….
Now here’s the second secret - you are of three minds. Our ancestors used to teach this, as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Ever wonder why it's in that order? This trinity is present in every tradition on the planet. The Pope's cross has 3 horizontal bars, the Cardinal's only two, and the Priests only has one. Hmmm. Or the Lovers Card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Cards. There's a man (conscious
mind) looking at a woman (unconscious mind), but she's looking above him at an angel (higher self) which he can't see.
5 You probably know that you have a conscious mind, don't you? The part of you that answered - that was it! It likes experience, knowledge, mental power, analysis and rationality. It also likes respect, admiration, significance and success. It's focussed on specifics, likes order and sequence, and it usually kicks in at about age five. Unfortunately, it's also an expert in denying and avoiding pain.
6 The Conscious Mind thinks, "I am". But you also have an unconscious Mind with feelings, "I feel". (The mind that controls all subconscious activity within your body and the actions and non-actions that you find yourself taking or not taking). It runs your body, beats your heart, stores your memories, controls your emotions. It's sometimes called the "body/mind". It's like a timid animal with basic desires and a mental age of about five years old. It adores food, clothes, security, sex, fun, the five senses and safety. It has no words. You always know you're really at the unconscious level when you have no words for the feelings you're experiencing. Any time you criticise yourself, you're criticising your unconscious mind. Society likes to keep you out of here - men are taught to be unemotional, therapists will help you manage your anger (rather than clear it up completely) and prescription drugs suppress your true feelings. They're still there, you just can't feel them. So the next time a red light appears on your car dashboard, just paint black paint over it. It's still a problem, but at least you can't see it.
7 Many believe you have a third self, the Higher Conscious Mind also, with still more, higher functions, such as wisdom, order, justice, ecology, peace, truth, perfection and evolution. (Your connection to your true unlimited and infinite self). It looks down at you like a totally trustworthy parent gazing lovingly on a perfect child (you). It creates anything that you ask for, (whether you dwell on good things or bad).
The majority of counselling interventions, analysis, positive thinking and reading books are only Mental, Conscious actions. That’s only 2/7ths of the picture. Advanced change techniques like autosuggestion, meditation, Hypnosis and NLP tap into still just 4/7ths of the individual, by also accessing the unconscious mind and emotional body. Psyched up, high adrenaline motivational seminars actually make you less effective by actually keeping you out of the very areas that would stimulate change. And they are emotional states that few people can recreate in their everyday lives, unless they spend more money becoming seminar-junkies. Spiritual practices often only deal with the Spiritual aspect of the person and the Higher Conscious Mind. Again only 2/7ths of the picture. If they involve fasting, retreats or rituals then they activate four, i.e. the physical body and emotional body.
This is why they haven’t worked wholly for you.
Any of these methods taken in isolation leave you short-changed, unable to make the changes you hoped for. It’s like putting a tractor tyre on a Ferrari – you end up with an imbalanced car that is highly unstable, is difficult to stop, burns fuel wastefully, is dangerous to drive and will spend most of its time going in circles…
Get all 7 in harmony, suddenly, in the most natural way, life starts to come together. Love starts to blossom. Money starts to pour in. Abilities start to sharpen dramatically and produce greater fruitage. Energy starts to rise. Health starts to improve. Coincidences start to multiply. Try it and see!
Only when all 7 aspects are in harmony does your subconscious mind (your auto achievement pilot) pour out your unlimited potential almost without any greater effort on your part at all, and your body becomes naturally balanced, calm, and stress free.
To begin with, you have several bodies, all connected together.
1 Let's agree that you have a Physical body, the foundation upon which
everything sits - the vehicle that houses your awareness. Remember, you're body's a temple, but it's also a nightclub!
2 Above that is the Emotional Body, the seat of your unconscious processes and the source of your memories and emotions. The emotional body is magnetic, and attracts people with similar emotions e.g. Anger management groups. Protesters.
3 Next you have the Mental Body - the rational, thinking Conscious Mind, and usually with an area of interest or a field of knowledge that it specialises in. The mental body likes stimulation, deep and meaningful discussion, debate and new ideas.
4 Last but by no means least comes the Spiritual Body, the super conscious mind and your connection with whatever is higher and bigger than you. The Spiritual body attracts like minded souls, such as in gathering to worship, or a "calling", or you reading this book….
Now here’s the second secret - you are of three minds. Our ancestors used to teach this, as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Ever wonder why it's in that order? This trinity is present in every tradition on the planet. The Pope's cross has 3 horizontal bars, the Cardinal's only two, and the Priests only has one. Hmmm. Or the Lovers Card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Cards. There's a man (conscious
mind) looking at a woman (unconscious mind), but she's looking above him at an angel (higher self) which he can't see.
5 You probably know that you have a conscious mind, don't you? The part of you that answered - that was it! It likes experience, knowledge, mental power, analysis and rationality. It also likes respect, admiration, significance and success. It's focussed on specifics, likes order and sequence, and it usually kicks in at about age five. Unfortunately, it's also an expert in denying and avoiding pain.
6 The Conscious Mind thinks, "I am". But you also have an unconscious Mind with feelings, "I feel". (The mind that controls all subconscious activity within your body and the actions and non-actions that you find yourself taking or not taking). It runs your body, beats your heart, stores your memories, controls your emotions. It's sometimes called the "body/mind". It's like a timid animal with basic desires and a mental age of about five years old. It adores food, clothes, security, sex, fun, the five senses and safety. It has no words. You always know you're really at the unconscious level when you have no words for the feelings you're experiencing. Any time you criticise yourself, you're criticising your unconscious mind. Society likes to keep you out of here - men are taught to be unemotional, therapists will help you manage your anger (rather than clear it up completely) and prescription drugs suppress your true feelings. They're still there, you just can't feel them. So the next time a red light appears on your car dashboard, just paint black paint over it. It's still a problem, but at least you can't see it.
7 Many believe you have a third self, the Higher Conscious Mind also, with still more, higher functions, such as wisdom, order, justice, ecology, peace, truth, perfection and evolution. (Your connection to your true unlimited and infinite self). It looks down at you like a totally trustworthy parent gazing lovingly on a perfect child (you). It creates anything that you ask for, (whether you dwell on good things or bad).
The majority of counselling interventions, analysis, positive thinking and reading books are only Mental, Conscious actions. That’s only 2/7ths of the picture. Advanced change techniques like autosuggestion, meditation, Hypnosis and NLP tap into still just 4/7ths of the individual, by also accessing the unconscious mind and emotional body. Psyched up, high adrenaline motivational seminars actually make you less effective by actually keeping you out of the very areas that would stimulate change. And they are emotional states that few people can recreate in their everyday lives, unless they spend more money becoming seminar-junkies. Spiritual practices often only deal with the Spiritual aspect of the person and the Higher Conscious Mind. Again only 2/7ths of the picture. If they involve fasting, retreats or rituals then they activate four, i.e. the physical body and emotional body.
This is why they haven’t worked wholly for you.
Any of these methods taken in isolation leave you short-changed, unable to make the changes you hoped for. It’s like putting a tractor tyre on a Ferrari – you end up with an imbalanced car that is highly unstable, is difficult to stop, burns fuel wastefully, is dangerous to drive and will spend most of its time going in circles…
Get all 7 in harmony, suddenly, in the most natural way, life starts to come together. Love starts to blossom. Money starts to pour in. Abilities start to sharpen dramatically and produce greater fruitage. Energy starts to rise. Health starts to improve. Coincidences start to multiply. Try it and see!
Monday, July 23, 2007
First Ever Profit Partnership Contest
Win 1 of 3 AMAZING Prizes In The Brand New, Month of July 2007 Affiliate Contest.
First things first. I'm running the FIRST EVER contest for my affiliates this month.
The contest will be very straightforward. Over the next 2 weeks (ending August 3rd at 11:59pm), the top 3 affiliates in terms of August 2007 Practitioner Places sold will win one of the following great prizes:
£427 commission + a Home Study Programme of your choice, selecting from
Your Money Or Your Life
Hypnosis Weekend
Time Line Therapy Weekend
Life Coaching with NLP
Miracles On Demand [Huna]
Its what you do that counts
Stand & Deliver
2 – Second prize for next most # of places =
Free place on the December Miracles On Demand Huna course priced at £1407, for free as my guest. [And if you’ve done Level 1 already, you get to do level 2 as my guest]
1 – Top prize for selling most places =
I’ll come to your home and spend the day with you [office hours 9-5pm], either Coaching, doing a Personal Breakthrough Session OR building your business and making it more profitable
NOW, if you're not already a member of my Profit Partnership, you might like to visit and sign up [it's free!] to take part in this contest.
Only 12 days to go...
First things first. I'm running the FIRST EVER contest for my affiliates this month.
The contest will be very straightforward. Over the next 2 weeks (ending August 3rd at 11:59pm), the top 3 affiliates in terms of August 2007 Practitioner Places sold will win one of the following great prizes:
£427 commission + a Home Study Programme of your choice, selecting from
Your Money Or Your Life
Hypnosis Weekend
Time Line Therapy Weekend
Life Coaching with NLP
Miracles On Demand [Huna]
Its what you do that counts
Stand & Deliver
2 – Second prize for next most # of places =
Free place on the December Miracles On Demand Huna course priced at £1407, for free as my guest. [And if you’ve done Level 1 already, you get to do level 2 as my guest]
1 – Top prize for selling most places =
I’ll come to your home and spend the day with you [office hours 9-5pm], either Coaching, doing a Personal Breakthrough Session OR building your business and making it more profitable
NOW, if you're not already a member of my Profit Partnership, you might like to visit and sign up [it's free!] to take part in this contest.
Only 12 days to go...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
An Excerpt from "Zero Limits" by Dr. Joe Vitale www.zerolimits.infoThree years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane?It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono. I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more.I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it's out of my hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that way. We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does. The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach me an advanced new perspective about total responsibility.His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. We probably spent an hour talking on our first phone call. I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a therapist. He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous.Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit.Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal."After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely," he told me. "Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications.And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed."I was in awe."Not only that," he went on, "but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed."This is where I had to ask the million dollar question:"What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?""I was simply healing the part of me that created them," he said.I didn't understand.Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply because it is in your life--is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.Whew. This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another. Yet, the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is your responsibility because it is in your life.This means that terrorist activity, the president, the economy--anything you experience and don't like--is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you. The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change you.I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or actually live. Blame is far easier than total responsibility, but as I spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that healing for him and in ho 'oponopono means loving yourself. If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want to cure anyone--even a mentally ill criminal--you do it by healing you.I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at those patients' files?"I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained.That's it?That's it.Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, your improve your world. Let me give you a quick example of how this works: one day, someone sent me an email that upset me. In the past I would have handled it by working on my emotional hot buttons or by trying to reason with the person who sent the nasty message. This time, I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I kept silently saying, "I'm sorry" and "I love you," I didn't say it to anyone in particular. I was simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating the outer circumstance.Within an hour I got an e-mail from the same person. He apologized for his previous message. Keep in mind that I didn't take any outward action to get that apology. I didn't even write him back. Yet, by saying "I love you," I somehow healed within me what was creating him.I later attended a ho 'oponopono workshop run by Dr. Len.He's now 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive. He praised my book, The Attractor Factor. He told me that as I improve myself, my book's vibration will raise, and everyone will feel it when they read it. In short, as I improve, my readers will improve."What about the books that are already sold and out there?" I asked."They aren't out there," he explained, once again blowing my mind with his mystic wisdom. "They are still in you."In short, there is no out there.It would take a whole book to explain this advanced technique with the depth it deserves. Suffice it to say that whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there's only one place to look: inside you."When you look, do it with love." Ditto
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Thought forms...
Hi Jonathan and gang,
Yip I totally agree with that comment, basically...thoughts become things.
The movie ' The Secret' explains this vey well...great piece of work.
I'm sure all you guys out there know and believe that we are all creating
our own reality. However I'm also sure there's times when 'things happen'
and we all wonder, ''did I create that?'' or '' was that me or them or him or her''
It's like, ''well if we're all creating our realities, who's creating what, and who's
you've probably had those wee moments, I know I have (please tell me you have)
Anyway I think the first thing is 'chill'...I've found, or I'm finding that what works well for
me is to just keep it simple.
The thought of monitoring thoughts is a crazy thought...I think.
So I'm just having having fun with it, and it does become quite habitual.
Anytime a wee fly , sneeky negative or unresourceful thought creeps up on you,
IMMEDIATELY replace it with the OPPOSITE, or the outcome you want.
You get into the habit and it becomes a bit of a game. Treat it like a kinda 'swish pattern'
So, in comes the negative thought's what I want instead.
Eventually with repitition, day by day the wee 'critters' start to fizzle out and fade away.
Like I say, I'm starting to have fun with it.
I think it's the time delay between the thought and the actual manifestation of it that
causes a lot of people to give up. I know a lot of my past frustrations came from not
getting what I wanted quick enough.
So now I'm just going about my day with a lazer beamed focus on what I want and
where I'm going and it's a buzz, i've created a 'vision board' that sits by my pc with
pictures and some affirmatons.
As I said earlier the film 'The Secret' helped me a good bit and clarified things for me.
There's a bit in it when Jack Canfeild talks about when he met W.Clement Stone, who said
to him, "I want you to create a goal, so big that it will blow your mind, and prove to you that
it could've only been achieved by applying 'the secet' "
So I thought I'd give it a go. I've put the outcome in an envelope which I'll open at Christmas.
It is so far from my current reality that it is pretty mind blowing, but I know it's mine, it's already
in progress, and every day it's...Bang.....focus and do at least one thing towards it.
Take comfort in the fact that your present reality is the manifestation of past thoughts from years ago, and todays thoughts are....whats to come.
Exciting stuff eh?
Take care guys, and thanks for all your help JC.
Yip I totally agree with that comment, basically...thoughts become things.
The movie ' The Secret' explains this vey well...great piece of work.
I'm sure all you guys out there know and believe that we are all creating
our own reality. However I'm also sure there's times when 'things happen'
and we all wonder, ''did I create that?'' or '' was that me or them or him or her''
It's like, ''well if we're all creating our realities, who's creating what, and who's
you've probably had those wee moments, I know I have (please tell me you have)
Anyway I think the first thing is 'chill'...I've found, or I'm finding that what works well for
me is to just keep it simple.
The thought of monitoring thoughts is a crazy thought...I think.
So I'm just having having fun with it, and it does become quite habitual.
Anytime a wee fly , sneeky negative or unresourceful thought creeps up on you,
IMMEDIATELY replace it with the OPPOSITE, or the outcome you want.
You get into the habit and it becomes a bit of a game. Treat it like a kinda 'swish pattern'
So, in comes the negative thought's what I want instead.
Eventually with repitition, day by day the wee 'critters' start to fizzle out and fade away.
Like I say, I'm starting to have fun with it.
I think it's the time delay between the thought and the actual manifestation of it that
causes a lot of people to give up. I know a lot of my past frustrations came from not
getting what I wanted quick enough.
So now I'm just going about my day with a lazer beamed focus on what I want and
where I'm going and it's a buzz, i've created a 'vision board' that sits by my pc with
pictures and some affirmatons.
As I said earlier the film 'The Secret' helped me a good bit and clarified things for me.
There's a bit in it when Jack Canfeild talks about when he met W.Clement Stone, who said
to him, "I want you to create a goal, so big that it will blow your mind, and prove to you that
it could've only been achieved by applying 'the secet' "
So I thought I'd give it a go. I've put the outcome in an envelope which I'll open at Christmas.
It is so far from my current reality that it is pretty mind blowing, but I know it's mine, it's already
in progress, and every day it's...Bang.....focus and do at least one thing towards it.
Take comfort in the fact that your present reality is the manifestation of past thoughts from years ago, and todays thoughts are....whats to come.
Exciting stuff eh?
Take care guys, and thanks for all your help JC.
New Podcast Series Launched...
Hey I'm hip to the scene and down with my homies....
Keeping up with the times and accessing a whole new demographic of self-developers, I've just launched my new Podcast Show, and I've got big plans for this one.
To subscribe to the regular Podcasts on your PC or iPod, CLICK HERE and you'll be able to stream episodes as they are published.
Hope you enjoy it!
Keeping up with the times and accessing a whole new demographic of self-developers, I've just launched my new Podcast Show, and I've got big plans for this one.
To subscribe to the regular Podcasts on your PC or iPod, CLICK HERE and you'll be able to stream episodes as they are published.
Hope you enjoy it!
The Danger Of thought Forms

For a while now I've been stressing the danger of feeding inappropriate Thought Forms. I've been warning students that the media is encouraging us all to focus on the same idea. The more they scare us, the more we watch the TV and buy the papers. Now its in my home city.
A thought form is a powerful thought backed up by strong emotions - an energy bundle. Ad + Ki for those in the know. The more you dwell on it, the more energy it gets and the stronger its boundaries become. Ant number of people, all dwelling on the same thought, magnifies it. Infact, it needs living mana/chi to survive.
Starve the thought form, and it will begin to dissolve till it becomes a memory.
How to clear a thought form? Clear any negative emotions like Fear or Anger using Time Line, Higher Self Therapy or any other intervention you know. Esoteric techniques include cutting connections and banishing the energy cluster.
I'm off to do some work on myself. May I ask that you do likewise, and focus on what you want instead, not what someone else wants you to focus on...
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