Friday, November 30, 2007

Retreat Announcement & A Favour

Hi there,

Jonathan Clark here, and I need to ask you for a favour...

We are REALLY close to completing our long-awaited Spanish Retreat which will be held in January 2008 and will be open to the public within the next 10 days...

We have literally been working on this all-out for the last 2 months solid, putting together the ideal package as voted for in an email survey that you probably took part in. But before we roll it out officially, we need to ask you a couple of questions. Can you help us out?

The Retreat will be 5 days in the Murcia region of Spain, in a world-class luxury location, with your mornings free to relax, roam around the area, get massages, swim or choose from a long list of healthy activities. Your afternoons will start with an after-lunch meditation then workshops with 2 successful seminar leaders right up till dinner, then evenings to spend as you like.

We are going to focus on your 3 main sources of personal power - time, money and energy, and we are going to show you exactly how to master all three. You will come back with a whole new set of lifeskills, recharged batteries and a tan if you want one ;-)

HOWEVER we need your help. Before we finalise everything and open the website up to the general public, we need to make sure we've covered everything. That is where you come in...please take a minute to answer this super-short survey - there are only 2 questions.

You can answer the questions [and get the FIRST sneak preview of our amazing venue] at this web page:

Many thanks in advance,


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Final Huna Training

This is just a short message to invite you one last time to my final Huna training of 2007.

But be warned - this seminar contains sacred knowledge and practices from old Hawaii that were illegal to teach right up until 1989.

Can you believe that? In the nation that promotes free speech, theHawaiian people were banned from teaching their original system of psychology, healing, spirituality and magic. That's why its not easy to find quality information, never mind quality training inHuna.

I trained over 3 years in Hawaii and have been given permission to teach Huna. Its an honour, because of the sheer number of changes it makes to people's lives, including:

You have more energy, and can summon it whenever you need it

You get in touch with your spirituality

You can create almost magical change

You dissolve toxic relationships

You clear out negative emotions and past hurts in seconds!

You become calmer and healthier

Never mind the exoteric magic secrets that we teach you...

If you really want to expand your horizons and evolve yourself meaningfully then I invite you to come and spend a very special 5 days with me starting Monday December 3rd...

If its not for you, then thanks for reading. But if it is, go to

Thank you, or "mahalo" as they say in Hawaii.

Jonathan Clark

Alakai'i Ho'omanaloa [teacher & initiator]

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Adapt Or Suffer...

Did you notice that the early 90’s changed the world? There were massive social and economic shifts. The first was global competition – if you work for a company, that company now has worldwide competition. An old school friend of mine makes hearing aids. But their competitor makes them for half the cost in Vietnam. So his job is about to go.

Shift 2 was mini computerisation - it created laptops and mobiles, DVD and iPods – and frankly, humans can’t compete with these never-complaining tools.

Shift 3 was instant information – endless channels of digital TV, Broadband, email. Information overload has created a world that is crazy busy, wants instant gratification and has a short attention span. You can find out anything about anything within minutes thanks to the internet.

It used to take a generation to go through these changes. We’ve gone through them in a few years.

And it was done using “Mass Marketing” - where the media blanket brainwashed everyone into buying brand products. Nowadays its individualised marketing aimed at you if you’re the target client they want to reach – that’s why your credit card transactions get logged and you receive more and more junk mail and email about tings that you like.

Mass marketing was simple when there were only 3 TV channels. Now there are TV channels devoted to just one target client. It’s not about selling anymore. It’s about building long term relationships with specific people.

The world has changed from local markets to global markets. Look at how many high street shops and banks that are closing. Frankly, it’s cheaper to run a call centre and a website, than having to pay staff, rent, rates and maintain hundreds of premises across the country. The high street is doomed. The internet makes going global instantly available to anyone, right now. Teachers are having to be careful with Myspace and Facebook in case their pupils learn their personal stuff.

People are no longer willing to wait for 2 weeks for a book from the bookstore. Amazon can do it overnight. The world is going digital. No post office queues, no waiting. The downside? Our kids know more about it than we do.

We need to be resilient, adaptable, or we’re dinosaurs. Rigidity and stubbornness will kill you. “Hardening of the attitudes” is terminal. Flexibility, being able to learn and being able to use a keyboard will allow you/

Read the rest of this article here

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thank You...

Hi there,

A couple of months ago I asked for some help - I asked you to help me design the ideal Spanish Retreat.

The response was ASTOUNDING! Within 24 hours I had hundreds of responses, and they've helped me to refine the course so it includes everything you want out of 5 days in the sun.

If you haven't had your say yet, please click here to specify what you'd like to see.

Now here's the thing - a few years ago one of my earliest students, a lovely guy with a heart of gold and the funniest man you'll ever meet, well he went through an awful personal tragedy. He ended up relocating to Spain with his wee boy, and we were talking about running an exclusive course over there together. I wanted to contribute because I felt he was due some good fortune.

What's really amazing is how quickly and easily this has all fallen into place. Wait till you see the photos!! We have a luxury destination with flights, transport and accomodation all inclusive - all you do is book one of the priority places and we'll take care of everything.

Soon you'll be able to fine tune your life, detox your head and recharge your body - all at the same time. But we can only take a small group at a time.

Watch this space...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Become A Client Magnet...

Do you run your own business?
Are you a Coach?
Are you a complementary therapist?
Could you do with more customers next week?
Do you long to be free & work for yourself?

"Announcing The Most Complete, A To Z Practice Building System That Shows You Exactly How To Become A ‘Client Magnet’...

Exclusive & unique marketing & positioning programme will fill your books with paying customers…

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to run your own lucrative business, be paid to do what you love to do and work the hours that suit you, then this might be the most important message you'll ever read.

Here's why:

I’m going to make a promise to you that no one else - anywhere - is willing to make: I’m going to show you exactly how I run my business. From start to finish.

This is your personal invitation to my “Client Magnet” Practice Building crash course – a brand new one day event which I’m holding at Parklands Country Club, Newton Mearns, Glasgow on Saturday 24th November.

I consistently run a full diary each and every month with my Therapy, Coaching, & Training Practices, as well as selling digital and physical products to individuals, to Companies and on the internet. And I have been for years now. Of course I do NOT make any claim whatsoever that you will be able to do the same. I don’t know you. I don’t know your work ethic. All I’m going to do is show you how I’ve generated income - like clockwork - day in and day out for the past sixteen years.

In reality, there are only 6 steps to bringing in clients like clockwork: click here

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ever Wanted To Have Your Own Business?

Have you ever wondered just how much you'd make selling sponge cakes using your mother's recipe?

Ever thought about making a living on Ebay?

Hankering to use your NLP and HGE skills in your own therapy, consulting or coaching practice?

Every day I deal with clients who either long to, or are in the process of, running their own business to earn money doing something they love to do. My favourite kind of Coaching is working with a new entrepreneur - maybe a massage therapist or a newly qualified Coach, and helping them position themselves in the market, create an irresistible offer and start to get their first paying clients. It's an exciting time.

The way I started in the early 90's is DEFINITELY NOT the way I would recommend you launch now.

And I think its simple. Its maybe not easy, but it is simple. There are straightforward steps you can take to practically ensure you'll make profit in the first 30 days [assuming its a service business and not a product manufacturing company - that takes longer]. What it takes is discipline, bloody-mindedness and a game plan modelled from someone who's done it.

And only 19% of businesses survive the first year - did you know that? There are so many pitfalls and mine fields people get sucked into, often because they followed the advice of someone who's paid £20K a year to dish out advice [and that's exactly the WRONG person to listen to, cos they're not risking anything, its not their business and they're an employee fer gawd's sakes!]

That's why I've put together a simple road map that anyone can follow. I'm just about to unveil my One Day Crash Course in how to build a profitable business from scratch.

You can get a sneak peak by going to this web page.

One last thing. Just suppose for a minute that you were dreaming of having your own business... What are your 2 biggest questions that you'd ABSOLUTELY have to have answers to before you'd even consider it for real?

Use the "Comments" link to post your questions and I'll answer them in my next posts.

What if you didn't need to get up early tomorrow because your monthly income already exceeded your outgoings....?

Friday, November 02, 2007

Huna Last Chance...

Just a last chance reminder here...

If you haven't already secured your place on my One Day Huna Taster this coming Saturday in Glasgow, you only have about 27 hours left. The deadline is 5pm on Friday the 2nd [mainly
because I'm at a wedding reception on Friday night and I won't be reading emails when I get home late!]

Remember the special offer: I know for a fact that once you get a taste for this magical method you'll probably want more, so I'm going to take the £147 price of the one day November taster off of the £1407 fee for the 5 day course in December.

In other words, if you do the one day taster and then decide Huna is for you, you can deduct the money you've already paid from the December training. That's a 10.4% discount.

Here's what you'll cover on Saturday November 3rd:

Ho'o Ponopono - the cutting connections process, which most people find profoundly moving and freeing the first time they do it, dropping toxic relationships and forming new ones. Elegant way of getting unwanted "stalkers" to leave you alone.

Higher Self Therapy - quicker and deeper than Time Line or EFT, this is a stunningly quick but powerfully way to let go of anger, sadness, fear, whatever in seconds! Honestly! Finally clear out stuff from your past.

Higher Self Connection - Usually brings tears of joy to people's eyes when they physically touch their Higher Self, then meditate with it for the first time. Always make the right decision and learn more about yourself.

Ha Breathing - using breathwork to raise your energy whenever you want, burn fat and calm the mind all at once. Heal yourself and help others make positive changes.

Here is the web page to go to:

or call Eileen on 0800 072 5792.

If you haven't booked yet, then there is still some room. By the way,
I've never held this kind of intimate, one day Huna seminar before -
they are usually at least 2 days long, so this is going to be packed.

Now I'm off to buy a nice new shirt for the wedding...

Take care,

Jonathan Clark