CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE KIDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1920's, 30's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70’s!!
First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us and lived in houses full of asbestos.
They took aspirin, ate blue cheese & tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes or cervical cancer.
Then after that trauma, our baby cots were covered with bright coloured lead-based paints.
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets or shoes, not to mention, the risks we took cadging lifts.
As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags.
A trip to the coast on a warm day was always a special treat.
We drank water from the stream and NOT from a bottle.
Take away food was limited to fish and chips, no pizza shops, McDonalds, KFC, Subway or Kebabs.
Even though all the shops closed at 6.00pm and only opened for a few hours at weekends, somehow we didn't starve to death!
We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this.
We could collect old drink bottles and cash them in at the corner shop and buy fruit Spangles and some bangers to blow up frogs with.
We ate buns, white bread and real butter and drank soft drinks with sugar in it, but we weren't overweight because......
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on.
No mobile phones – no one was able to reach us all day. And we were always O.K.
We would spend hours building our trolleys out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. We built tree houses and dens and played in streams with matchbox cars.
We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games at all, no 99 channels on Sky, no video tape or DVD movies, no surround sound, no personal computers, no Internet or Internet chat rooms..........WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!
We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no Lawsuits from these accidents.
Only girls had pierced ears!
We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever.
You could only buy Easter Eggs and Hot Cross buns at Easter really!
We had air guns and catapults for our birthdays,
We drank milk laced with Strontium 90 from cows that had eaten grass covered in nuclear fallout from the atomic testing.
We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just yelled for them from the street!
Mum didn't have to go to work to help dad make ends meet!
Mum & dad didn’t need Brandy, Whisky whatever when they came in from work!
Footy had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!!
Our teachers used to belt us with big sticks and leather straps and bully's always ruled the playground at school.
The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!
Our parents got married before they had children and didn't invent stupid names for their kids like 'Kylie' and 'Blade'
This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever!
The past 70 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned
And YOU are one of them!
You might want to share this with others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before the lawyers and the government regulated our lives for our own good.
And while you are at it, forward it to your kids so they will know how brave their parents were.
Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it?!
PS -The big type is because your eyes are shot at your age
This is Jonathan Clarks Mastermind Inner Circle Blog -a meeting place, discussion forum, and overall friendly support system for Jonathan's clients, customers and students, and anyone who wants more visibility. more enquires and more leads.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Last Call For Bootcamp...
The Fully Booked Bootcamp practice building and income boosting programme starts on Sunday the 27th of January. After that, you’ll have to wait A YEAR till January 2009 before you can do it again. I know you might still be thinking about taking part, so you only have [at the time of writing this] 48 hours to book your seat.
If you’ve already decided that this is for you, just go to and use the “Priority Reservation” link, or alternatively call Eileen on 0800 072 5792. If you’re not sure, phone anyway. There is still room.
Between a video campaign on YouTube and 3 other video sites, articles, emails, personal invitations, a teleclass, a one day live event, a postcard campaign, Blogging, my affiliate programme, social bookmarking, Google Adwords and several other website adverts, it’s been MAD in my office. We’ve been kept busy with emails and phone calls about the 12 month programme, and several similar questions or queries kept coming up.
[By the way, imagine if you had all that promoting YOUR product or service….]
If you missed the teleclass and the one day “Client Magnet” seminar, you might like to read what folks have been asking about, and my best advice below.
Its January, I’m broke after Xmas and the economy is shaky – all the more reason to create an additional income stream doing something you enjoy. How else are you going to find the money to pay the credit cards and the higher mortgage? Are you just crossing your fingers and hoping the interest rates will drop and your employer will suddenly increase your salary? Or that magically clients will start flooding towards you? AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN! I’ll show you exactly how to do it in the real world and I’ll even hold your hand over the next 12 months to help you.
The course fee is too high – I honestly did struggle with this – I wanted it to be high enough so it forced commitment and made you take it seriously, but it also had to be within reach for new start-ups and struggling businesses. That’s why the monthly fee is £466. Now understand this – the FIRST priority on Bootcamp will be to create a business plan that increases your income by at least £500 per month, thereby making your participation essentially FREE. Remember also that there’s a £6,000 guarantee on the course. You can all about it at
Can’t manage to the live training days in Glasgow each month – OK, here’s an alternative that several people have opted for. You get the audio CD recordings of each month of Bootcamp in monthly home study packs sent to you, 8 CDs at a time. So in fact you have a permanent library of content each month that you’ll refer back to forever. AND, you can still take part on the mid-month teleclasses and be part of the group. More than that, we’ll arrange to speak on a half hour mentoring call every week throughout 2008, PLUS unlimited email access at all times.
I am not a Life Coach or Therapist so this isn’t for me – Great! Last year we had an Electrician and a Yoga Teacher on Bootcamp. This is about ANY business, the principles are the same. If you have an idea for a product or service, or you have skills but no clients, this is the programme for you. If you want to start selling those lurid paintings you’ve been doing, this is the programme that’ll teach you how.
I’m not ready to launch my business yet, I’m still getting my qualifications – fine, and why not LEARN how to launch and market yourself so that when the time comes and YOU’RE READY, you have all the know-how and precise step by step game plan to fly with it?
So what are you waiting for? How else are you going to generate an additional £6000 MINIMUM in 2008?
If you’ve already decided that this is for you, just go to and use the “Priority Reservation” link, or alternatively call Eileen on 0800 072 5792. If you’re not sure, phone anyway. There is still room.
Between a video campaign on YouTube and 3 other video sites, articles, emails, personal invitations, a teleclass, a one day live event, a postcard campaign, Blogging, my affiliate programme, social bookmarking, Google Adwords and several other website adverts, it’s been MAD in my office. We’ve been kept busy with emails and phone calls about the 12 month programme, and several similar questions or queries kept coming up.
[By the way, imagine if you had all that promoting YOUR product or service….]
If you missed the teleclass and the one day “Client Magnet” seminar, you might like to read what folks have been asking about, and my best advice below.
Its January, I’m broke after Xmas and the economy is shaky – all the more reason to create an additional income stream doing something you enjoy. How else are you going to find the money to pay the credit cards and the higher mortgage? Are you just crossing your fingers and hoping the interest rates will drop and your employer will suddenly increase your salary? Or that magically clients will start flooding towards you? AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN! I’ll show you exactly how to do it in the real world and I’ll even hold your hand over the next 12 months to help you.
The course fee is too high – I honestly did struggle with this – I wanted it to be high enough so it forced commitment and made you take it seriously, but it also had to be within reach for new start-ups and struggling businesses. That’s why the monthly fee is £466. Now understand this – the FIRST priority on Bootcamp will be to create a business plan that increases your income by at least £500 per month, thereby making your participation essentially FREE. Remember also that there’s a £6,000 guarantee on the course. You can all about it at
Can’t manage to the live training days in Glasgow each month – OK, here’s an alternative that several people have opted for. You get the audio CD recordings of each month of Bootcamp in monthly home study packs sent to you, 8 CDs at a time. So in fact you have a permanent library of content each month that you’ll refer back to forever. AND, you can still take part on the mid-month teleclasses and be part of the group. More than that, we’ll arrange to speak on a half hour mentoring call every week throughout 2008, PLUS unlimited email access at all times.
I am not a Life Coach or Therapist so this isn’t for me – Great! Last year we had an Electrician and a Yoga Teacher on Bootcamp. This is about ANY business, the principles are the same. If you have an idea for a product or service, or you have skills but no clients, this is the programme for you. If you want to start selling those lurid paintings you’ve been doing, this is the programme that’ll teach you how.
I’m not ready to launch my business yet, I’m still getting my qualifications – fine, and why not LEARN how to launch and market yourself so that when the time comes and YOU’RE READY, you have all the know-how and precise step by step game plan to fly with it?
So what are you waiting for? How else are you going to generate an additional £6000 MINIMUM in 2008?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Highly Recommended...
I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
- The best blogging techniques.
- How to get traffic to your blog.
- How to turn your blog into money.
I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
How Else Are You Going To Do It?
I've just swiched the TV off and my blood is boiling...
Maybe you saw these 2 programmes tonight on Channel 5 and BBC 2 just like me.
First was "It Pays To Watch" with journalist MartinLewis offering advice on how to save. I really like him and his enthusiasm, especially when he was interviewing Paul Daniels.
Paul Daniels had emailed Martin Lewis suggesting that credit cards be called "Debt cards" instead. Just to really ram the message home.
And this is January where everyone's feeling the pinch, interest rates are up, debt figures are soaring and disposable take home is at a low. How many of those apply to you?
Most people are struggling to meet their monthly commitments as those commitments continue to get higher...
What really got me stirred up was the BBC programme "What Britain Earns". Tonight I learned that the average British wage is £24,000 a year, and 90% of the population earns less than £46,000 per year.
That means you're probably in that band somewhere, maybe even below it.
What really got me going was the lowest pay rates for some of the most "vital" tasks. Hey, squaddies get an extra £12 an hour for being stationed in Afghanistan! Woohoo!
Here's the thing though - it doesn't have to be that way.
Sure you need the security of a monthly salary, but realistically what's the chances of you doubling your wage in 2008? Honestly?
You're probably sighing right now, or laughing out loud sarcastically. Someone once said a sigh means "if only"...
Well, would you believe me if I told you I can show you how to double your salary in 2008?
If you're a trained Therapist or Coach you can
If you're a trained ANYTHING you can
If you have hobbies or interests you can
If you long to work for yourself you can
And I want to hold your hand for the next 12 months and help you personally to do it.
My Fully Booked Bootcamp starts January 27th, where I'll be helping just 24 people build their own earning stream from scratch, and its backed up by a moneyback guarantee if you don't.
Check out the full story at
and if you're interested, hit the Priority Reservation button and we can have a telephone chat about how badly you want to multiply your take home by 2.
How else do you plan to handle the higher mortgage, debt and commitments?
Best Wishes,
Jonathan Clark
Maybe you saw these 2 programmes tonight on Channel 5 and BBC 2 just like me.
First was "It Pays To Watch" with journalist MartinLewis offering advice on how to save. I really like him and his enthusiasm, especially when he was interviewing Paul Daniels.
Paul Daniels had emailed Martin Lewis suggesting that credit cards be called "Debt cards" instead. Just to really ram the message home.
And this is January where everyone's feeling the pinch, interest rates are up, debt figures are soaring and disposable take home is at a low. How many of those apply to you?
Most people are struggling to meet their monthly commitments as those commitments continue to get higher...
What really got me stirred up was the BBC programme "What Britain Earns". Tonight I learned that the average British wage is £24,000 a year, and 90% of the population earns less than £46,000 per year.
That means you're probably in that band somewhere, maybe even below it.
What really got me going was the lowest pay rates for some of the most "vital" tasks. Hey, squaddies get an extra £12 an hour for being stationed in Afghanistan! Woohoo!
Here's the thing though - it doesn't have to be that way.
Sure you need the security of a monthly salary, but realistically what's the chances of you doubling your wage in 2008? Honestly?
You're probably sighing right now, or laughing out loud sarcastically. Someone once said a sigh means "if only"...
Well, would you believe me if I told you I can show you how to double your salary in 2008?
If you're a trained Therapist or Coach you can
If you're a trained ANYTHING you can
If you have hobbies or interests you can
If you long to work for yourself you can
And I want to hold your hand for the next 12 months and help you personally to do it.
My Fully Booked Bootcamp starts January 27th, where I'll be helping just 24 people build their own earning stream from scratch, and its backed up by a moneyback guarantee if you don't.
Check out the full story at
and if you're interested, hit the Priority Reservation button and we can have a telephone chat about how badly you want to multiply your take home by 2.
How else do you plan to handle the higher mortgage, debt and commitments?
Best Wishes,
Jonathan Clark
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Are You Fully Booked Next Week?

Do you run your own business?
Could you do with more customers next week?
Want 48 ways to get clients?
If the answer to all of the above is NO, then press delete and ignore this message, and I apologise for interrupting you.
If the answer to any of these questions is “YES!”, then there’s still a chance to get on Jonathan Clark’s “Fully Booked Bootcamp” starting Sunday 27th January...
If you’re really serious about growing a successful business, doubling your income this year and filling your books with happily paying customers, I urge you to check out a very special website:
In a nutshell, I’m offering you a chance to take part in an exclusive 12 month mentoring programme to finally end the struggle and earn what you’re worth doing something you actually enjoy. You and 23 other business owners will learn:
Make 2008 your best year in business yet - with coaching, mentoring, monthly live training, monthly telephone conference calls, individual breakthrough sessions, personal rollout plans and more...and it's all backed with a money back guarantee.
Real Results: “It’s all been just so simple and by implementing and taking the time to build the strategies I am now seeing repeat business, referrals and – as long as I keep doing what I’ve learned - a business that can do nothing else but grow, grow and grow.
Using these tools has enable me to attract enough clients in 5 months to have to start considering a waiting list and this is from a standing start. I have made contacts and partnerships with the people who are perfect for my business and this has enabled me to grow the business faster than I thought possible.
I am so far ahead of anyone else running a business like mine even I’m surprised and it’s all by implementing simple strategies and ideas. I am attracting new clients faster than my competitors that have been doing this for years.”
There’s no catch – the website tells you all about the upcoming event, but spaces are limited to 24 businesses, so please visit it today if you want to be considered for one of the remaining places…
Only a few days left…
“The Fully Booked Bootcamp” launches on January 27th and after that the doors will be closed – no one else will be allowed to take part. Read all about it at
All the best,
Jonathan Clark
P.S. And if you choose to skip this programme then I have to say "sorry" - you're going to be up against some stiff competition shortly.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Tired, broke and cold?
Jonathan Clark here wishing you a Happy New Year!
I also have a treat for you – an online video showing you our Release Retreat venue in Spain. It lets you see the full range of activities available outwith seminar time, plus you get to see the world class setting for the 5 day event that starts January 14th.
The focus of the Retreat is to have you master your money, control your time and boost your energy – three things that most folks could do with at this time of the year.
Remember that there are only 20 places available on the Retreat and you can read all about the seminars, the bonuses, the spa, the pampering, the accommodation and the easy travelling arrangements at
As I write this there’s only 3 days left before we close the doors on this event. So if you if you do want to book a place then there’s still time, as long as you beat the 5pm deadline on Friday the 4th of January.
OK, so here’s the video – it takes a minute or so to download, and its about 4 minutes long and has all kinds of spectacular scenery in it. There’s also a photo tour and a virtual tour for you to check out. Here’s the direct link
then look for the “La Manga Club Video Presentation”
What a great way to start 2008.
Take care,
Jonathan Clark
I also have a treat for you – an online video showing you our Release Retreat venue in Spain. It lets you see the full range of activities available outwith seminar time, plus you get to see the world class setting for the 5 day event that starts January 14th.
The focus of the Retreat is to have you master your money, control your time and boost your energy – three things that most folks could do with at this time of the year.
Remember that there are only 20 places available on the Retreat and you can read all about the seminars, the bonuses, the spa, the pampering, the accommodation and the easy travelling arrangements at
As I write this there’s only 3 days left before we close the doors on this event. So if you if you do want to book a place then there’s still time, as long as you beat the 5pm deadline on Friday the 4th of January.
OK, so here’s the video – it takes a minute or so to download, and its about 4 minutes long and has all kinds of spectacular scenery in it. There’s also a photo tour and a virtual tour for you to check out. Here’s the direct link
then look for the “La Manga Club Video Presentation”
What a great way to start 2008.
Take care,
Jonathan Clark
Happy New Year!
I just want to wish you a happy new year - and urge you to make 2008 your best year yet!
Now's the best time to set goals for your future. I'm not talking about silly new year resolutions that never last past January 3rd, I mean life direction in all the major areas of your world - health, money, relationships, family, fun... And here's one way to do just that:
How to make 2008 your better than best year so far!
The time for New Years Resolutions is past. Here's what works instead...
If you are having even the remotest thought about setting new year's resolutions...Don't!
They never work. By January 3rd you'll be smoking the fags, eating the doughnuts, guzzling the wine, kicking the cat and bitching about the neighbours just like the rest of us. Unless, that is, you use this process...
I was talking to a young lady yesterday who was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. She moved to las Vegas 2 years ago to live and work there, and when she recently went back to Hawaii to visit, she cut her trip home short and came back to Vegas early. I asked her "Why on earth would you do that?" She told me "People in Hawaii are happy just scraping by. Noone wants to improve themselves or their lot. And I'm not like that"
Goal setting and changing habits may sound like cliches, but like all cliches, they are based on truths. At this time of year you can't get away from stop smoking ads, drink driving warnings and shopping channel gadgets all aimed squarely at those of us who like to indulge. Well, there's a free way to change your ways and make your lifestyle more rewarding, and the only thing you'll have to exercise is your brain...
You probably managed to achieve some of the things you set your heart on this year. And you probably managed to cock up a few times as well. Both of these are life lessons, in fact the latter are probably more important and teach you way more than the victories do.
Get more of the things you want, and change the things you don't. Here's how. Grab a pen and paper [or a keyboard seeing as how writing is becoming a dying art!] and answer the following 10 questions over the next 10 days. Then by January 1st you'll have a killer game plan to act as your treasure map for the next 12 months. And it works.
This is the exact goal setting process that I've used successfully for the last 7 years running, and I can vouch for its power. this works!
It isn't a cheesey Hallmark Card kind of process - this really does do what it says on the tin, mainly because you actually do look at your victories and your disaters from 2007 (yeah, me too!) and you realy do Learn from them. If you are willing to clench your teeth, get the learnings from your mistakes and successes, then you can apply those learnings in 2008.
Who is the best life coach for you? YOU are!
I recommend you do this over 10 days. Pick one step and take the day to jot down answers. Keep coming back to it, and capture your thoughts on paper or on the PC. The computer is better because you can keep it all in one place and read over it again in the future. Plus you can set up a template with the questions and leave room for your answers. Then next December all you need to do is cut 'n paste.
If you want to go the whole hog, then I can thoroughly recommend the book "Your Best Year Yet" by Jinny Ditzler. That's where this comes from.
1] What did I achieve in the last 12 months?
2] What were my biggest disapppointments?
3] What have these taught me?
4] How do I get in my own way, and how can I stop that?
5] What do I really want out of life?
6] What different roles do I play? What hats do I wear?
7] Which role do I need to focus on for the biggest benefit?
8] What is my top goal for each role/hat?
9] Therefore what are my top 10 goals for next year?
10] How can I make sure I achieve these? What/who can help me?
Spanish Retreat Update
If you haven't been following the saga as we roll this thing out, you can check it out at:
Only a few days left to book!
Any plan is better than none at all. It doesn't matter whether you write 10 sentences, or a small book. Just genuinely take some time to answer these questions one per day over the next 10 days. You'll be glad you did.
Then put your top 3 learnings from Q3, your main focus area from Q 7 and your top 10 goals on a single sheet of paper, and stick it to your wall where you'll see it everyday. Visibility is key.
Now's the best time to set goals for your future. I'm not talking about silly new year resolutions that never last past January 3rd, I mean life direction in all the major areas of your world - health, money, relationships, family, fun... And here's one way to do just that:
How to make 2008 your better than best year so far!
The time for New Years Resolutions is past. Here's what works instead...
If you are having even the remotest thought about setting new year's resolutions...Don't!
They never work. By January 3rd you'll be smoking the fags, eating the doughnuts, guzzling the wine, kicking the cat and bitching about the neighbours just like the rest of us. Unless, that is, you use this process...
I was talking to a young lady yesterday who was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. She moved to las Vegas 2 years ago to live and work there, and when she recently went back to Hawaii to visit, she cut her trip home short and came back to Vegas early. I asked her "Why on earth would you do that?" She told me "People in Hawaii are happy just scraping by. Noone wants to improve themselves or their lot. And I'm not like that"
Goal setting and changing habits may sound like cliches, but like all cliches, they are based on truths. At this time of year you can't get away from stop smoking ads, drink driving warnings and shopping channel gadgets all aimed squarely at those of us who like to indulge. Well, there's a free way to change your ways and make your lifestyle more rewarding, and the only thing you'll have to exercise is your brain...
You probably managed to achieve some of the things you set your heart on this year. And you probably managed to cock up a few times as well. Both of these are life lessons, in fact the latter are probably more important and teach you way more than the victories do.
Get more of the things you want, and change the things you don't. Here's how. Grab a pen and paper [or a keyboard seeing as how writing is becoming a dying art!] and answer the following 10 questions over the next 10 days. Then by January 1st you'll have a killer game plan to act as your treasure map for the next 12 months. And it works.
This is the exact goal setting process that I've used successfully for the last 7 years running, and I can vouch for its power. this works!
It isn't a cheesey Hallmark Card kind of process - this really does do what it says on the tin, mainly because you actually do look at your victories and your disaters from 2007 (yeah, me too!) and you realy do Learn from them. If you are willing to clench your teeth, get the learnings from your mistakes and successes, then you can apply those learnings in 2008.
Who is the best life coach for you? YOU are!
I recommend you do this over 10 days. Pick one step and take the day to jot down answers. Keep coming back to it, and capture your thoughts on paper or on the PC. The computer is better because you can keep it all in one place and read over it again in the future. Plus you can set up a template with the questions and leave room for your answers. Then next December all you need to do is cut 'n paste.
If you want to go the whole hog, then I can thoroughly recommend the book "Your Best Year Yet" by Jinny Ditzler. That's where this comes from.
1] What did I achieve in the last 12 months?
2] What were my biggest disapppointments?
3] What have these taught me?
4] How do I get in my own way, and how can I stop that?
5] What do I really want out of life?
6] What different roles do I play? What hats do I wear?
7] Which role do I need to focus on for the biggest benefit?
8] What is my top goal for each role/hat?
9] Therefore what are my top 10 goals for next year?
10] How can I make sure I achieve these? What/who can help me?
Spanish Retreat Update
If you haven't been following the saga as we roll this thing out, you can check it out at:
Only a few days left to book!
Any plan is better than none at all. It doesn't matter whether you write 10 sentences, or a small book. Just genuinely take some time to answer these questions one per day over the next 10 days. You'll be glad you did.
Then put your top 3 learnings from Q3, your main focus area from Q 7 and your top 10 goals on a single sheet of paper, and stick it to your wall where you'll see it everyday. Visibility is key.
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