Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Free teleclass for personal growth fans to turn their passion into income http://ping.fm/oV2Uk
1 in 4 pensioners lives on less than £7500 per year. Could you? www.meanttoberich.com

Monday, August 24, 2009

1/3 of borrowers lie about the real reason for taking out a loan www.meanttoberich.com

Thursday, August 20, 2009

50% of women shoppers would rather have a gift voucher from their favourite store than have sex - http://www.theconsolidatedebtblog.com/

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You wanted the best & you got the best! New Kiss song at www.kissonline.com

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Secrets Of the Millionaire Mind

"Ex-Financial Adviser and 6 Figure Money Coach Reveals...

Secrets Of the Millionaire Mind: Why You Never Have Enough Money, Plus The Quickest Legal Way To Crush Your Credit Card Debt That The Lenders Don't Want You To Know

AND I'll Coach You For A Full 4 Weeks To Help You Step By Step To Get Out Of Debt And Grow A Nest Egg That Will Spare You From Eating Cat Food On Crackers When You're Seventy..."

Isn't it strange how some people appear to get rich easily, while most are trapped in a life of money worries? Is the critical difference between them and you hidden in their skills, qualifications, brains, timing, work ethic, their contacts, fate or their choice of career, business ventures, or investments?.

The stunning answer is: None of the above!

The truth is, your unconscious mind has a money map built in, "factory fitted" so to speak, and that's the critical thing that determines your money results. We show you how to rewrite your money map which leads to natural and automatic changes in your money habits...

FACT: One third of all borrowers lie to the bank about the real reason for taking out a loan. Did you?

If your level of debt and monthly repayments are spiralling out of control - even to the point of leaving you feeling physically sick, hopeless and in despair - then drop everything you're doing and read this critically important message, this very instant.

FACT: Parents typically spend £165,668 raising a child from birth to age 21. Are you?

If you’re as fed up as I am with crumbling bank institutions, scaremongering news headlines and the gradual creeping up of daily expenses, then I’d like to ask you to STOP and read this 5 minute message.

FACT: One in four pensioners survives on less that £7,500 per year. Could you?

If you'd like to get out of debt, get control over your money and never lose a night's sleep over finances again, then this might be the most important message you'll ever read.


If you have credit card debt that's gone wild, a mortgage that's hovering above your neck, or payments on a personal loan that knocks you overboard each and every month...then I have a solution for you:

Let me strip my intentions bare: I'm going to do everything I possibly can to get you booked onto my next weekend seminar "Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind"... within the next 24 hours.

The reason is that - quite simply - if you are not privy to the dozens of simple but powerful debt-reduction and wealth-building strategies that I teach, you're extremely likely to continue suffering from financial difficulties... possibly for the rest of your life

WATCH the video HERE

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?

Friday, August 07, 2009

40% of the population is stupid & struggles with math; the other 70% of us don't have a problem with it.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Doing keyword research for a client so she can be found on Google - enlightening!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Huna Training Weekend - August 22, Cambridge

Revealed: Previously Illegal Energy & Manifestation Secrets From Old Hawaii…

If you’re ready to grow & evolve yourself meaningfully, come & spend a very special weekend with me…

Be warned - contains sacred knowledge that was illegal to teach until 1989…

WORKSHOPS on Shamanism, Native American and similar kinds of teachings are more popular than ever before. You are hereby invited on a unique seminar on the master system of them all – Huna.

Huna offers specific & practical ways of making desired changes in your reality. If you’re involved with spirituality & change in any way, then Huna offers something to you. Huna is rumoured to be the source of a lot of other esoteric disciplines, such as Chinese Medicine, Energy Healing & Shamanism. You’ll have less problems, drop toxic acquaintances, feel better more of the time, have the money you need, live as you wish, get in touch with your higher purpose & give off a vibe that others want.

Some of the topics we'll cover in this intensive weekend training include:

Higher Self Connection – Usually brings tears of joy to people’s eyes when they physically touch their Higher Self, then meditate with it for the first time. always make the right decision and learn more about yourself.

Ho’o ponopono: Powerful process to clear & heal relationships in support of your evolution . the cutting connections process, which most people find profoundly moving and freeing the first time they do it, dropping toxic relationships and forming new ones. Elegant way of getting unwanted “stalkers” to leave you alone.

Huna model of Conscious Mind, Unconscious Mind, & Higher Self

Hakalau: the shaman state, calm & relaxed yet completely alert

Ho’o Aka Manawa: Clearing out past limitations like anger, fear or guilt using Higher Self Therapy. Quicker and deeper than Time Line or EFT, this is a stunningly quick but powerfully way to let go of anger, sadness, fear, whatever in seconds! Honestly! Finally clear out stuff from your past.

Chanting: Attune your neurology to handle more energy

Ha Breathing: using breathwork to raise your energy whenever you want, burn fat and calm the mind all at once. Heal yourself and help others make positive changes.

Mana: Working with energy, sending it to others to heal

Initiation into the Ho'omanaloa Symbols used in Huna [similar to Reiki symbols but with more punch] & optional morning class to amplify your practice

"A truly amazing course, on a high at the moment & I think probably the most important thing I've ever done for myself - a defining moment"

“Miracles On Demand” – Starts August 22-23rd. Book your place now on this unique & special training: Call FREE on 0800 072 5792, email enquiry@jonathanclark.org or visit www.HunaNow.com

PS. Maybe you’re not even sure what Huna is in the first place. If that’s the case, I have a gift for you.


you can replay a 1 hour 40 minute Introduction to Huna teleseminar that I ran earlier this month. You can even save the recording to your PC or iPod. This will tell you if Huna is for you.