This is Jonathan Clarks Mastermind Inner Circle Blog -a meeting place, discussion forum, and overall friendly support system for Jonathan's clients, customers and students, and anyone who wants more visibility. more enquires and more leads.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Friday, June 08, 2012
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Monday, June 04, 2012
By popular demand I'm running a 2 day Huna intensive "Miracles On Demand" in June
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Saturday, June 02, 2012
Friday, June 01, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
If you’d like warm referrals for your business come to one of our Glasgow networking events
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Monday, May 07, 2012
Thursday, May 03, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
If you’d like to monetise your knowledge and skills here’s my new coaching club
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
13 hours left to get a LIVE NLP Practitioner course at 67% off
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Friday, March 02, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
NLP Scotland - Perception is projection
Kristin Zambucka said in her book “The Seed” : “Though I may travel far I will meet only what I carry with me, for every man is a mirror. We see only ourselves reflected in those around us. Their attitudes and actions are reflections of our own. The whole world and its conditions has its counterpart within us all. Turn the gaze inward. Correct yourself and your world will change.”
Go back and look at the HGE communication model
Here’s the argument. The world is my creation – even if it’s not true, you’d better believe it. Everything in the Universe is you! Your Universe is yours! There’s nothing outside of you that isn’t you. You filter everything as it comes in, but what if it works the same way on the way out? What if your body is like an overhead projector, and the light streaming out is your energy. Your model of the world is the acetate, and what shows up on the screen (your reality) is exactly what’s written on the acetate.
You’re projecting holographically in 360 degrees, all of the time! You filter 2 million bits of information per second down to 134 per second, and leave bits in that fit your map of the world. Remember that the 5 senses are just electrical interpretations in your brain. You don’t experience raw data, you experience your interpretation of the data.
So ask yourself, the people in your world – are they happy? Angry? Have money? In good relationships? Are they like you? Could it be that they are just grey silhouettes, until you look at them, when you project a hologram over them of how you expect them to look and behave. Your world is a projection of you. Quantum Physics says that reality is relative to the observer. Every person creates a unique world which can never be 100% identical to that of another. Observation changes reality – just by being present, you alter the course of event.
Evil can only exist if it exists in your mind, and only what you allow. If you feel like a victim you are probably victimising someone. If you feel like you are being manipulated, you are probably manipulating. People who act as caretakers for others may be avoiding taking care of themselves. What you see is who you are. The people in your life are a barometer of your experience of life. The significant people in your world are a reflection of your internal state
How we Construct Reality
We create what we observe.
We observe with our minds.
Observations are measurements.
Measurements transform nothing into something.
We make measurements through our language.
A Kahuna wouldn’t do a healing if there was someone present who didn’t believe, or was there to prove it didn’t work (and if there was, that was the Kahuna’s projection). So they’d go home and work on themselves, asking “For what purpose did I create a doubter or sceptic? Where am I doubting myself?”. As inside, so outside. verything you love about your partner is you. And everything you hate about them is you also. There is a theory that e marry our Unconscious Mind and blame all our unresolved stuff on them. You can’t see something you’re not. The more energy you give it, the more you’ll find it. “Energy goes where attention flows”.
What's more, for you to perceive something in someone, it has to exist in you. Perception is projection. So it's not them, it's you. What you observe is an aspect of you. Heal it in you and it vanishes outside. You did not consciously choose to create this problem, but you may have unconsciously. And your unconscious mind has only positive intentions for you in everything that it does.
Go easy on yourself! It’s focussing you on what you want, it’s perfect!
Apply to self – where else am I doing this?
I’ve created a projection of….
Now - What do I need to learn from this, such that if I clear it, this will never happen again?
How can I prevent this from happening again?
What’s the need in you that’s unmet at the moment?
Clear any negative emotion with Higher Self Therapy, Time Line therapy, or Hakalau
Clear Limiting Decisions with Higher Self Therapy or Time Line Therapy
Do Ho’o Pono Pono
Basic Healing with the Elements
Test & Future Pace – Is it bothering me?
Dwell on the new outcome
The highest form of revenge is indifference
Let it go so you no longer “get plugged in”
What if you really could create what you want – what would you ask for? Your thoughts are law in your universe. Taneo Sands Kumelae said “The people you hate, you bind to you as much as if you loved them”. If you notice it, you’re projecting it right now. If its unresolved, it’ll keep coming back until you get the learnings.
“If you don’t pay with attention, you pay with pain”
A Little Black Bag opens up – ask yourself “What is the learning I need to get right now to let this go?”. Oh and by the way, there’s usually another set at a higher evolutionary level, so there’s always more to clear. The lesson of life is Physical Emotional Mental Spiritual. You deal with a problem on one level, but later in life it comes back, at another level. So a physical problem you had years ago may return, but this time it’s from a spiritual challenge. Something you clear may come back again on a different level. We need to keep evolving and growing in that direction.
You achieve a new state of consciousness, then stuff comes up to be handled. The next time a major issue returns, look at the opportunity – go where the resistance is
You can’t clear it out if you don’t know its there. Awareness is Progression.
Go back and look at the HGE communication model
Here’s the argument. The world is my creation – even if it’s not true, you’d better believe it. Everything in the Universe is you! Your Universe is yours! There’s nothing outside of you that isn’t you. You filter everything as it comes in, but what if it works the same way on the way out? What if your body is like an overhead projector, and the light streaming out is your energy. Your model of the world is the acetate, and what shows up on the screen (your reality) is exactly what’s written on the acetate.
You’re projecting holographically in 360 degrees, all of the time! You filter 2 million bits of information per second down to 134 per second, and leave bits in that fit your map of the world. Remember that the 5 senses are just electrical interpretations in your brain. You don’t experience raw data, you experience your interpretation of the data.
So ask yourself, the people in your world – are they happy? Angry? Have money? In good relationships? Are they like you? Could it be that they are just grey silhouettes, until you look at them, when you project a hologram over them of how you expect them to look and behave. Your world is a projection of you. Quantum Physics says that reality is relative to the observer. Every person creates a unique world which can never be 100% identical to that of another. Observation changes reality – just by being present, you alter the course of event.
Evil can only exist if it exists in your mind, and only what you allow. If you feel like a victim you are probably victimising someone. If you feel like you are being manipulated, you are probably manipulating. People who act as caretakers for others may be avoiding taking care of themselves. What you see is who you are. The people in your life are a barometer of your experience of life. The significant people in your world are a reflection of your internal state
How we Construct Reality
We create what we observe.
We observe with our minds.
Observations are measurements.
Measurements transform nothing into something.
We make measurements through our language.
A Kahuna wouldn’t do a healing if there was someone present who didn’t believe, or was there to prove it didn’t work (and if there was, that was the Kahuna’s projection). So they’d go home and work on themselves, asking “For what purpose did I create a doubter or sceptic? Where am I doubting myself?”. As inside, so outside. verything you love about your partner is you. And everything you hate about them is you also. There is a theory that e marry our Unconscious Mind and blame all our unresolved stuff on them. You can’t see something you’re not. The more energy you give it, the more you’ll find it. “Energy goes where attention flows”.
What's more, for you to perceive something in someone, it has to exist in you. Perception is projection. So it's not them, it's you. What you observe is an aspect of you. Heal it in you and it vanishes outside. You did not consciously choose to create this problem, but you may have unconsciously. And your unconscious mind has only positive intentions for you in everything that it does.
Go easy on yourself! It’s focussing you on what you want, it’s perfect!
Apply to self – where else am I doing this?
I’ve created a projection of….
Now - What do I need to learn from this, such that if I clear it, this will never happen again?
How can I prevent this from happening again?
What’s the need in you that’s unmet at the moment?
Clear any negative emotion with Higher Self Therapy, Time Line therapy, or Hakalau
Clear Limiting Decisions with Higher Self Therapy or Time Line Therapy
Do Ho’o Pono Pono
Basic Healing with the Elements
Test & Future Pace – Is it bothering me?
Dwell on the new outcome
The highest form of revenge is indifference
Let it go so you no longer “get plugged in”
What if you really could create what you want – what would you ask for? Your thoughts are law in your universe. Taneo Sands Kumelae said “The people you hate, you bind to you as much as if you loved them”. If you notice it, you’re projecting it right now. If its unresolved, it’ll keep coming back until you get the learnings.
“If you don’t pay with attention, you pay with pain”
A Little Black Bag opens up – ask yourself “What is the learning I need to get right now to let this go?”. Oh and by the way, there’s usually another set at a higher evolutionary level, so there’s always more to clear. The lesson of life is Physical Emotional Mental Spiritual. You deal with a problem on one level, but later in life it comes back, at another level. So a physical problem you had years ago may return, but this time it’s from a spiritual challenge. Something you clear may come back again on a different level. We need to keep evolving and growing in that direction.
You achieve a new state of consciousness, then stuff comes up to be handled. The next time a major issue returns, look at the opportunity – go where the resistance is
You can’t clear it out if you don’t know its there. Awareness is Progression.
Training NLP - Cause & Effect
This is where HGE excels, when we talk about the first concept of Cause vs Effect
One of my Master Trainers once shared this as an afterthought and I’ve been teaching it ever since, because I think its so profound.
In life, you either get the result that you want, or you can give me a whole bunch of reasons why you don’t. Another word for reasons is excuses
There Are Only 3 Reasons/Excuses
1. Negative Emotions – Anger, Sadness, Fear
2. Ineffective Behaviours – “running West looking for a sunrise”
3. Limiting Beliefs – “I can’t… I’m not…”
Now some people use this model as an excuse to be harsh, or to blame. It’s not about that. It’s about responsibility:
• “Responsibility” = the ability to respond
• It’s not about fault, or blame, or guilt
• It’s about handling it.
• What are you going to do about it?
There are certain rules we operate from in HGE. The 1st teaching of HGE is the assumption of C>E. For us to get maximum personal power we need to take maximum responsibility for everything that happens in our world. It took me a long time to “get” this.
In our culture at them moment it’s a case of “If at first you don’t succeed blame someone else, then sue the bastard!” Or in relationships your partner says “make me happy”. Wrong – only they can make themselves happy. They need to do something.
The effects that occur in our lives are our own. You either created it, manifested it or attracted it. So rather than say “I would have succeeded too if it wasn’t for ….” Ask yourself “For what purpose did I create this?” Which side are you on? Are you the cause, or are you at the effect? If a pigeon shits on my shoulder, am I responsible? Yes! I might have shat on someone this morning. For Every Effect there’s always a Cause. Is it you? And how are you going to handle it?
Why is Cause & Effect important?
C>E is the principle that for every effect, there is a cause. Everything that happens has a cause. You would be more empowered if you operated from the C side, besides it’s always nice to go to the C side (groan). When you’re at Cause you always have a choice. Moving to cause = creating more choices. A lot of people learn this then use it as a place to hide behind, so they can abdicate responsibility and blame their shit on you
If you're at the Effect end, you blame other people, circumstances, and all the external things outside, for how you feel inside. "Life's a bitch, it's not my fault, why me, it's not fair." Effect people use words like "should", "I don't know", "I'll try", "he makes me". If it’s meant to be it’ll happen – advocate all responsibility, put the cause outside self. You have no choice and can’t do anything about it. You’re choosing to accept a bunch of reasons or excuses for not having your result.
If you're at the Cause end, you accept that you create your own universe, and everything that happens you have either attracted or created unconsciously. You're honest with yourself and you accept responsibility (the ability to respond). The more responsibility you take, the more support you get from your surroundings. Empowered people use words like "I know I can do that", "I will", "I choose to". "The universe I'm in is perfect right now. However, there are some things I would change." The responsibility for change lies with the client - you simply facilitate it. You can't do it for them, and you don't do it "to" them. You simply show them how to do it for themselves.
From the book on Provocative Therapy by Frank Farrelly, I’ve borrowed Frank’s blame list. Just so you know, these are all excuses.
Blame List
Biology Astrology Parents
Body Type Bad Luck Brothers
Deficiencies God Sisters
Genetics Satan Children
Heredity Karma
Hormones Past Lives SOCIETY
Looks Boss
Menopause HISTORY Education
Nerves Age Law
Nutrition Childhood Politics
Origins Media
NATURE Birth Order Men
Nurturing Women
Yang Unconscious MTV
Frank said that clients go through 4 stages with this concept:
1 Client is provoked into a series of experiences that leave him/her
Even outraged
2 Client’s protests reduce and begins to realise they must change, not the therapist
3 Client affirms that therapist’s opinion of them is wrong
4 Integration – client no longer protests. Confidence and adaptability increasing.
You have to get the results for yourself. You have to take 100% responsibility & do whatever it takes to achieve them. You (the reader of this book) are responsible for getting value from this book yourself. As another one of my teachers once said “I can be your tour guide but I can’t have your holiday”
The extent to which you (the Coach) take responsibility for the client’s results is the extent to which you create codependency
A good coach will keep pointing out any C>E violations they hear
“As a coach I’ll do everything I can do – whatever it takes to facilitate your results”.
How does Cause & Effect work?
If forms the basis of all beliefs: "x causes y". It is identified by the words "make, if... .then, because, as, causes". People frequently (mistakenly) believe that "When he does _____ I feel ____". In fact, they are saying is that another person's action changes their state. Now you can't experience anything outside of your own nervous system. The truth is that no one’s actions outside of your nervous system causes you to change emotional state - you change your own state. It's not them, it's you. The other problem with this mistaken belief is that it implies that the other person can't change if they want to, and is dependent on others for how they feel. You either get the result you wanted, or reasons why you didn't. Another name for reasons is excuses. And there are only three excuses:
1 Negative emotions: you're scared, overwhelmed, sad, lonely, hurt, etc
2 Inefficient strategies: what you're doing isn't the way to do it
3 Limiting Beliefs: you don't believe you can/need to/will/deserve to
Get rid of these 3 and then there's only results. To recover the cause, use language like:
When did you decide that.....? What is it within me....? What was my intention in creating that ?
What causes it to be this way ? Is this person at cause ? How does cause you to choose to be ?
What is there to learn here ?
What if Cause & Effect is true?
Think about it – if you want a result, and you feel great about going for it, you believe you can and you deserve it, and you have a specific “how to” plan to get there, what could possibly stop you?
You would be more empowered, because you would be taking total responsibility for the results in your world. All of it. In HGE we say “the meaning of any communication is the response you get”. If you try to encourage someone but you demoralize them instead, then you communicated demoralization. Alter your approach. Being at cause does not imply fault, or blame. It implies choice. Let go of the ego, and attachment to why it isn't working. Be willing to let go of the things that aren't working, and alter your approach. It’s not about blame or fault. Those are value judgments - It’s about handling it. 100% value from this book lies with you– it’s how you use the information in this book to get results that counts. Use it or lose it.
And if you choose to be at effect then you’re still at cause
One of my Master Trainers once shared this as an afterthought and I’ve been teaching it ever since, because I think its so profound.
In life, you either get the result that you want, or you can give me a whole bunch of reasons why you don’t. Another word for reasons is excuses
There Are Only 3 Reasons/Excuses
1. Negative Emotions – Anger, Sadness, Fear
2. Ineffective Behaviours – “running West looking for a sunrise”
3. Limiting Beliefs – “I can’t… I’m not…”
Now some people use this model as an excuse to be harsh, or to blame. It’s not about that. It’s about responsibility:
• “Responsibility” = the ability to respond
• It’s not about fault, or blame, or guilt
• It’s about handling it.
• What are you going to do about it?
There are certain rules we operate from in HGE. The 1st teaching of HGE is the assumption of C>E. For us to get maximum personal power we need to take maximum responsibility for everything that happens in our world. It took me a long time to “get” this.
In our culture at them moment it’s a case of “If at first you don’t succeed blame someone else, then sue the bastard!” Or in relationships your partner says “make me happy”. Wrong – only they can make themselves happy. They need to do something.
The effects that occur in our lives are our own. You either created it, manifested it or attracted it. So rather than say “I would have succeeded too if it wasn’t for ….” Ask yourself “For what purpose did I create this?” Which side are you on? Are you the cause, or are you at the effect? If a pigeon shits on my shoulder, am I responsible? Yes! I might have shat on someone this morning. For Every Effect there’s always a Cause. Is it you? And how are you going to handle it?
Why is Cause & Effect important?
C>E is the principle that for every effect, there is a cause. Everything that happens has a cause. You would be more empowered if you operated from the C side, besides it’s always nice to go to the C side (groan). When you’re at Cause you always have a choice. Moving to cause = creating more choices. A lot of people learn this then use it as a place to hide behind, so they can abdicate responsibility and blame their shit on you
If you're at the Effect end, you blame other people, circumstances, and all the external things outside, for how you feel inside. "Life's a bitch, it's not my fault, why me, it's not fair." Effect people use words like "should", "I don't know", "I'll try", "he makes me". If it’s meant to be it’ll happen – advocate all responsibility, put the cause outside self. You have no choice and can’t do anything about it. You’re choosing to accept a bunch of reasons or excuses for not having your result.
If you're at the Cause end, you accept that you create your own universe, and everything that happens you have either attracted or created unconsciously. You're honest with yourself and you accept responsibility (the ability to respond). The more responsibility you take, the more support you get from your surroundings. Empowered people use words like "I know I can do that", "I will", "I choose to". "The universe I'm in is perfect right now. However, there are some things I would change." The responsibility for change lies with the client - you simply facilitate it. You can't do it for them, and you don't do it "to" them. You simply show them how to do it for themselves.
From the book on Provocative Therapy by Frank Farrelly, I’ve borrowed Frank’s blame list. Just so you know, these are all excuses.
Blame List
Biology Astrology Parents
Body Type Bad Luck Brothers
Deficiencies God Sisters
Genetics Satan Children
Heredity Karma
Hormones Past Lives SOCIETY
Looks Boss
Menopause HISTORY Education
Nerves Age Law
Nutrition Childhood Politics
Origins Media
NATURE Birth Order Men
Nurturing Women
Yang Unconscious MTV
Frank said that clients go through 4 stages with this concept:
1 Client is provoked into a series of experiences that leave him/her
Even outraged
2 Client’s protests reduce and begins to realise they must change, not the therapist
3 Client affirms that therapist’s opinion of them is wrong
4 Integration – client no longer protests. Confidence and adaptability increasing.
You have to get the results for yourself. You have to take 100% responsibility & do whatever it takes to achieve them. You (the reader of this book) are responsible for getting value from this book yourself. As another one of my teachers once said “I can be your tour guide but I can’t have your holiday”
The extent to which you (the Coach) take responsibility for the client’s results is the extent to which you create codependency
A good coach will keep pointing out any C>E violations they hear
“As a coach I’ll do everything I can do – whatever it takes to facilitate your results”.
How does Cause & Effect work?
If forms the basis of all beliefs: "x causes y". It is identified by the words "make, if... .then, because, as, causes". People frequently (mistakenly) believe that "When he does _____ I feel ____". In fact, they are saying is that another person's action changes their state. Now you can't experience anything outside of your own nervous system. The truth is that no one’s actions outside of your nervous system causes you to change emotional state - you change your own state. It's not them, it's you. The other problem with this mistaken belief is that it implies that the other person can't change if they want to, and is dependent on others for how they feel. You either get the result you wanted, or reasons why you didn't. Another name for reasons is excuses. And there are only three excuses:
1 Negative emotions: you're scared, overwhelmed, sad, lonely, hurt, etc
2 Inefficient strategies: what you're doing isn't the way to do it
3 Limiting Beliefs: you don't believe you can/need to/will/deserve to
Get rid of these 3 and then there's only results. To recover the cause, use language like:
When did you decide that.....? What is it within me....? What was my intention in creating that ?
What causes it to be this way ? Is this person at cause ? How does cause you to choose to be ?
What is there to learn here ?
What if Cause & Effect is true?
Think about it – if you want a result, and you feel great about going for it, you believe you can and you deserve it, and you have a specific “how to” plan to get there, what could possibly stop you?
You would be more empowered, because you would be taking total responsibility for the results in your world. All of it. In HGE we say “the meaning of any communication is the response you get”. If you try to encourage someone but you demoralize them instead, then you communicated demoralization. Alter your approach. Being at cause does not imply fault, or blame. It implies choice. Let go of the ego, and attachment to why it isn't working. Be willing to let go of the things that aren't working, and alter your approach. It’s not about blame or fault. Those are value judgments - It’s about handling it. 100% value from this book lies with you– it’s how you use the information in this book to get results that counts. Use it or lose it.
And if you choose to be at effect then you’re still at cause
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
"Jonathan is a gifted teacher who brings so much to our learning. The price is just too good to be missed"
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Last chance to grab my flagship NLP course for 67% off [expires midnight]
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
It's confirmed - on Jan 26th the NLP courses deal of the year will be on - spread the word!
Monday, January 23, 2012
If you're a Glasgow business & social media still baffles you - Glasgow social media marketing for business workshop Wed
Saturday, January 21, 2012
One place to find people with any skill you need, or better list yourself on there!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Kick your year into gear with my Tower Of Doom clearance - ends midnight tonight
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Sunday, January 08, 2012
My Son Is Kicking Me Out… But You Benefit BIG STYLE!
Attention personal growth enthusiasts!
Save a small fortune on my first (and last)“The Tower Of Doom” January Sale!
Dear friend,
I need your help…
My adorable but demanding 5 year old needs our back bedroom for his expanding collection of toys, including the Tower Of Doom castle which is taller than he is! So after turning my stock room into a play room, we decided to use this as a chance to free up even more space…
That’s why you’re reading this… because you get a January Sale price on a bundle of my most popular home study programmes.
That’s right, and I do mean SALE!
I’m still working from home, but we decided that giving Luke his own playroom was a nice thing to do, and creating more space in January is good Feng Shui anyway
So as I was humphing boxes from bedroom to attic, I thought about turning potential grumble into a positive. You see, this way of helping my boy helps a few lucky people like you…
“Make 2012 Your Best Year Yet AND Evolve Yourself Faster Than Ever Before”
I’m offering my most popular NLP and Huna Home Study programmes… at January sale prices for the first and last time ever
You can see what’s on offer at
As you can see, they’re at bargain basement prices on the site – about a 50% discount over the regular prices.
But wait [as QVC would say], to sweeten the deal you’ll also get a bonus Teleseminar series (£97 value) to help kick your year into gear. I’ll walk you through an 8 week “New Year New You” process, one week at a time. I’ve never offered this EVER before, it’s a brand new programme.
This January Clearance expires Sunday the 15th of January at midnight. The stock listed on the site is all I’ve got left, and once they’re snapped up, they’re gone.
Hurry, order yours now.
I’ve never offered so much for so little, and with this kind of pricing, I doubt I’ll have anything left by the end of the week.
That means if you’re the least bit interested in making 2012 your best year yet… now is the time. I’ll NEVER repeat this offer again!
Oh, one more thing….
You still have my full, unconditional personal guarantee for a full 30 days. That means if you don’t think you got at least 10 times the value out of your small investment… just return the goods and I’ll send you a refund.
These home study programmes will work for you… OR YOU PAY NOTHING!
Here’s that secret January Clearance website again:
Remember this January Clearance expires Sunday the 15th of January at midnight. You have nothing to lose, and a great year ahead to gain.
Order now before your chance to snap up a bargain expires. With prices this low, I’m sure these programmes will shift. And Luke will get even more toys!
Here’s to a fab 2012,
P.S. That’s right, you get some of by best selling home study programmes plus the 8 week Teleseminar calls (worth £97) for January clearance prices. Because Santa delivered a roomful of stuff to Luke, you save a packet. But you’d better move fast before it’s all gone.
Jonathan Clark nlp,
nlp scotland,
training nlp
Saturday, January 07, 2012
A new client asked us for proof that we can get them on page 1 of Google so I showed him this
Friday, January 06, 2012
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
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