Friday, April 26, 2013

Learn hypnosis techniques in Glasgow from hypnotist Jonathan Clark

“On The Count Of Six You Will Open Your Eyes…”

A 6 Part E-Course revealing the truth about Hypnosis


Jonathan Clark
Master Hypnotherapist
Founder & Developer of HGE™


I once worked with a 16 year old girl with Endometriosis.   During the appointment she embarrassingly admitted that she was worried that she was pregnant.  So we asked her fingers, and they said no, and she wasn’t.

What if you could ask the sex of a baby in the womb without having a scan?  Its called psycho-physiological thought reading.  You can find lost items for instance.

Some people use a Pendulum, or a Pocket watch, necklace, ring on a thread, even a plumbers plumb bob.  You see the mind runs the body, the Unconscious Mind controls the muscles, which means you can set up yes and  no signals, and you can then go ahead and ask your Unconscious Mind to communicate with you,  and it can answer you directly! 

Some people think that Pendulums are too “New Agey”.  So you could use a swallow, a flush, or even better two fingers on the same hand, one for yes, one for no.  We teach this technique fully on our Hypnosis Weekend.  This comes from Lesley Le Cron 1964 – who coined the phrase Ideomotor Signalling.  My Master Trainer David Shepard told me a great story about a car accident that we witnessed, where the driver of the car was thrown from the car and was bleeding on the roadside.  So David kneeled down beside him and asked to speak directly with the man’s unconscious mind, and the man’s eyelids fluttered.  He double checked that that was indeed the ideomotor signal by saying “if the eyelids flutter meant yes, they will flutter even more” and they did.  So having established contact, he asked the man , or rather the man’s unconscious, “Do you know what to do to stop the bleeding?” and the eyelids fluttered “yes”.  And the bleeding stopped.  But then the man went into convulsions and David asked him “Do you know what to do to stop the convulsions?” and the eyelids fluttered “yes”.  And the convulsions stopped.  The paramedics said it was David’s ability to stop bleeding that saved the man’s life.  But as David said “It wasn’t my ability to stop the bleeding, it was the man’s unconscious mind”

Ask your unconscious mind for a signal for yes, and a different signal for no.  If it’s your fingers, you may need to give it a Kinesthetic awareness by moving it first.  Hey, if you can lift and arm, you can lift a couple of fingers

Remember when you were really small, and you knew the answer at school, what did you do?  You put your hand up, didn’t you?  And when you really, really knew the answer and you wanted to be noticed, you would wave your arm in the air, wouldn’t you?  Now, if you’re all grown up and at a posh restaurant, the staff are trained to see clearly your signals.  You don’t have to raise the whole hand, you just can raise a finger and they’ll know you’re trying to get their attention, won’t they?

It’s the oldest & wisest part of you, who’s been doing all that work for so long, the part that runs your body, stores all of your memories, no one has talked to it directly……..until now!  It’s bound to have a lot to say to you by now!

            Go through the following questions, answering all of the questions consciously, with your best considered answer.  Then go back over them again, asking your unconscious mind to give you a clear yes or no signal, using finger signals or a pendulum….

Feel safe.
Feel loved.
Be liked.
Be approved of.
Be punished.
Suppress hostility.
Minister to others.
Serve others.
Be dignified.
Earn father's love.
Earn mother's love.
Get praise.
Be hurt.
Be respected.
Hurt others.
Have peace at any price.
Be alone often.

Notice any differences between what you thought was the answer, and what your unconscious mind knows….?


Most Hypnosis books are full of specific scripts for specific problems.  Rather than teach you a whole bunch of different interventions, here’s the master template you can use with anything.  It’s actually more effective and gives the client more freedom to fix themselves in whatever way they need to.  You ask the Unconscious Mind questions directly.  You want straight Yes’s.  Whenever you get a No you’ve found something important and need to pursue it

1. Do you Know what to do to have this problem disappear?
no - "what other resources do you need ? Run through Values and other states, and "imagine an infinite source of___ above the top of your head..
Give me a clear Yes signal when you have all the resources you need

2.  Is it possible ?
no - "When did you decide that you could not ___ ?
  Treat as a Limiting Decision and ask the Unconscious Mind to let it go.
3.  Is it OK ?
no - "/ know that there's a part of you that thinks it can’t _    "
For what purpose would you not let this go now?
Get it's highest intention and ask
"You know that you'd be more (intention) by solving this now  wouldn’t you? "

4.  Are there any other problems you’d like to work on?
"Are there any other problems that you 'd like to clear up today ? "
yes - go to step 1 no - go to step 5

5.  Give permission
Thank it and acknowledge if, and assure it that client's Conscious mind gives it
 permission to start immediately

6.  How quickly can you start now?
Set up time periods
Start -When will you start ? Immediately ? An hour/day/week/month ?
Finish -How quickly can you complete all the work necessary ?
 Will it take you an hour/day/week/month ?

 "In a moment I'm going to count... "
This locks in the session and prevents the client’s conscious mind from undoing all your good work.


You’ve probably heard about these - suggestions given in trance for the person to carry out after they come out of trance, to operate at a later time.  A Post-Hypnotic Suggestion is a suggestion that activates and operates at a time after the induction of trance. The time of the activation of the suggestion can be minutes later or months later.
1.   Requires Medium to Deep Trance: A Post-Hypnotic Suggestion generally requires a trance which is at a medium to deep level.
2.   Make the Suggestion Direct & Specific: While suggestions should, at first, be given in an indirect way, Post-Hypnotic Suggestions should be direct and to the point. This is the case with any suggestions given while the client is in deep trance.
3.   Tell the Client what the trigger for the Post-Hypnotic Suggestion will be:
E.G.: "Whenever you see chocolate or sweets…."
4.   Tell the Client what to do:
E.G.: " will feel an undeniable urge to look for food that is healthier and better for you"
5.   Tell the Client when to do it:
E.G.: "...and you will do it immediately."
Suggest that next time they will go quicker and more easily into trance - that way your trance work with that person gets progressively better. 

Give the client a suggestion that they will feel compelled to go to the gym, or eat salad with every meal, or take the stairs instead of the lift, or will remember all these hypnosis skills the next time they’re talking to a client, or a friend who needs help…
They will demonstrate the new behaviour, and it’s always a good idea to include the phrase “In ways that are safe, ecological and ethical”.

It’s also great fun at parties…

A Cautionary Tale…

As I end this E-Course, I would like to comment on the use (and misuse) of Hypnosis.  When it comes to ethics, I like to think of it like this – only do with a client what you would want done yourself in their shoes.  I could write an entire book on this subject alone (now there’s an idea!) but for now let me say this.  Technology has no ethics of its own.  You can use a hammer to build a house, or something awful instead.  The morals come from the wielder, the human being.

Newly trained students of hypnosis may have skills, but they also must have humility.  Another downside from my NLP days was seeing newly certified  Practitioners adamant that the methodology of modelling experts to quickly accelerate your learning, also somehow gave them wisdom and experience way beyond their station.  WRONG!  You may know a lot about hypnosis after a weekend training, but 2 days does not a hypnotherapist make!  (Nor one E-Course!).  You still have to build up your calluses and earn your stripes.  I encourage you, if this chapter has whetted your appetite, to seek out further training. Go to a reputable body and enrol in longer hypnosis training.  This is only the start, not the be all and end all.

You should also be made aware of another unfortunate occurrence in the hypnosis world – that of “The Hypnotic Seal”.  Certain unscrupulous individuals will include suggestions that they are the only person who can induce trance with that client, thus blocking any further inductions of hypnosis by any other hypnotherapist.  Purported to protect the client, this in fact removes their choices and thus is not in their best interests.  Again this approach tells you more about the therapist than the client.

Its far better to teach the client a trance-prevention technique which they can use if and when they choose to stop unwanted hypnosis, rather than limit their personal freedom.

Beware also the flamboyant advertising and hyped up claims of 100% success rates or one hour guaranteed smoking cessation programmes.  I don’t know anyone who can guarantee that a client will stop smoking after one session of hypnotherapy – not me, not my Master trainers.  There’s usually a huge catch, like having to listen to a CD for 21 days straight afterwards else there’s no money back.  Tell me, how can you prove you listened to that CD every day?  The unfortunate clients who fall for these shams usually then tell everyone Hypnosis doesn’t work and that they still want to smoke.  Worse, they’re disappointed and usually £500 worse off…

One can make a quick buck in Hypnosis if one combines it with slickly written misleading sales rhetoric.  Problem is they’re doing no one any favours, and they’re giving Hypnosis a bad name.

Then there’s the Hypnosis Trainer who makes up a fictitious Institute, or calls themselves a Society, so they can run paper thin courses and charge people a fortune, handing them a certificate that’s not worth the paper its written on.  Ask me for my “16 Questions You Must Ask” report for more guidance on what to look out for.

Do I run Hypnosis Trainings then, I hear you ask?  Yes I do – I include Hypnosis as part of my HGE Certification Courses.  Look at the Events Calendar on my website for the next scheduled training.  Students must first go through my 3 day Foundation Skills Training, so I can vet them and ensure that they have positive intentions and integrity.  Only when I’m satisfied that they are trustworthy and honourable, will I teach them Hypnosis in person.  And I’ll share with them the same cautionary advice that you’ve just read here.  Anyone not trained thoroughly in Hypnosis should consider a weekend course as purely an introduction.

There is one famous case in the UK of a household name stage show hypnotist who was sued for “causing a participant in the show to have a psychotic episode and subsequent mental illness”.  Firstly, note the cause and effect violation there.  Secondly, that entertainer has been working closely with the creator of NLP for many years now.  The risk of causing a mental illness using Hypnosis is highly unlikely, provided the Hypnotherapist uses common sense and sticks to these guidelines.

Health issues are another area that requires careful handling.  It is illegal to claim that you can heal someone.  See the Time Line Therapy and Health chapters for more information.  Pain is a sign that something is wrong.  Deal with the underlying issues, don’t ask the pain to go away.  It may be signalling that something critical is amiss, and to mask that signal could be a mistake.

Finally, as I conclude this section on careful management and cautious handling of people’s heads and hearts, there is again the issue of control – the general public still believes that hypnosis is a form of mind control – that the hypnotherapist can suggest things to the client and they will automatically do them.  Another big mistake.  In some cases that would be great!  Imagine no crime, no war, no self abuse, no cruelty.  Unfortunately [or maybe fortunately], all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.  No one has any power over you, unless you give it to them.  The individual creates their own level of relaxation and trance, and will only accept suggestions that are in accordance with their own beliefs and values.


So as we draw our chapter on the all-important science and art of Hypnosis to a close, ask yourself “how many metaphors are still open?”  You’ll need to come to my other events to hear them closed!!  Or was that simply a suggestion?  Only your unconscious mind knows….


So there I am in “so and so communications” trying to choose which one to buy.  So we agreed on which category of mobile I needed.  We talked vaguely about price, vaguely about size.  Some of them you can even change the way it sounds.  Some can even change colour…… you’re using it.  And I don’t know if you already know how to do this or not, but you can store all of it in the memory – you simply recall it from the memory and then speak.  That’s what happens – its voice activated.  You just open your mouth and speak, and the message goes through.  That’s what happens when you use the best, when you use an Erickson…………..

So John’s at the station, and now he’s even more spaced out.  How could this old machine, so old and dented and unused, hidden away in the dark, how could it speak such truths and say exactly the right thing?  So he took a deep breath and stepped up..put his money where his mouth is, and out came the same gravelly deep voice
“Your name is still John, you still weigh 10 stone and you’ve just missed the 2:20 to Glasgow!”


“All learning, all behaviour, and all CHANGE, is unconscious”

Glasgow hypnosis teacher gives you free script

“On The Count Of Six You Will Open Your Eyes…”

A 6 Part E-Course revealing the truth about Hypnosis


Jonathan Clark
Master Hypnotherapist
Founder & Developer of HGE™



The 4 A’s method contains the four essential elements of any good self - hypnosis session.  It is made up of the following stages:

Autorelaxation stage – the first step is to induce in oneself a calm, relaxed and receptive self-hypnotic state.  This is easiest to achieve in a quiet, possibly darkened room, with some light relaxation music, creating a safe and conducive atmosphere.  The client should lie back, relax and release all stresses and tensions, mentally and physically, until they are in relaxed state.

Autosuggestion stage – the client then practices suggestibility tests, suggesting to themselves that their eyes want to close, their throat wants to swallow, or their hand wants to tingle.  Once these responses are present, now is the ideal time to give oneself some positive, useful hypnotic suggestions relevant to the problem in mind.

Autoanalysis stage – at this point one starts to break down the presenting problem, trace the root cause, and look for possible solutions to improve the situation.  Asking pertinent, investigative questions helps strip away the truth of the matter.

Autotherapy stage – the final stage is to prime the mind to think and act positively to resolve the issue, using suggestions during the session, as well as posthypnotic suggestions to be carried out in the normal, waking state.
This method should not be the client’s sole method of treatment in cases of severe emotional trauma or physical symptomology.  Obviously, someone who is deeply traumatized or highly emotional ought to seek professional help to help with the problems, rather than try to solve it alone.  One cannot be one’s own therapist for long!  In addition, in the cases of physical illness or disease, the ailment should be correctly diagnosed and treated using conventional medical wisdom first and foremost.

Try this trance induction for the Autorelaxation stage.  If doing this with another person, speak as your subject breathes out..  If you really want to practice self hypnosis, here’s the single best way I know of – dictate this script out loud and record yourself, using your best gravely trancey voice.  That way you can play it back anytime you want and I promise you, you’ll feel the benefits.  There’s nothing more hypnotic than your own voice using hypnotic language and tonality.


“Welcome to your self-hypnosis session. This is a self hypnosis session for relaxation, managing stress, and for accessing the resources within yourself
This tape should not be played in a moving vehicle, or in an activity that requires your full attention.
Sit or lie back in a relaxed position, with your legs and ankles uncrossed, and your hands and arms resting on your lap or by your sides. Since you are in charge of your own relaxation, you can adjust yourself now to find the most comfortable,
relaxed position for you.


Bring your full attention into the present moment, and into the space that your body occupies. As you continue to listen to the relaxing tones of my voice, I’d like you to look at a spot on the wall if you would, and keep your eyes fixed on that spot.
Any spot will do, and as you do that now, I am going to begin counting. You might
become aware that your gaze can become like tunnel vision as you continue to stare at that spot over there. I want you to open and close your eyes with each number I count. Each and every time that you open your eyes, keep them fixated on that spot as I count from 1 to 20. You will find that each time you close your eyes, they will want to remain closed. Each time you open them, it will be more and more difficult to do so, more difficult than the last time, much more difficult. And by the time I reach 20, or perhaps before, your eyelids will be soo heavy that they will remain tightly shut, and you will go deeply into trance. Beginning now.. one.. .your eyes are open,  now closing.., two.. .open. and closed.., three... open and closed.. .your eyes are becoming very tired now, heavier with each closing.. .four. - .open. . .and closed.. .so much heavier than before... five.. .open. . . and closed..., so hard to open your eyes... six... so drowsy and sleepy that your eyes just don’t want to open... seven.. .open and closed...just relax your closed eyes now as you instead take a deep breath and
become deeply relaxed…

You don’t have to close your eyes to relax, so if you’re in a place where you can do so now, your eyes can just as easily close.., if they haven’t done so already. Just as you are ready to bring your full attention inside of yourself, preparing to use the full resources of you’re unconscious mind and beginning to see more clearly with inner eyes, I wonder if you’ve noticed yet how much easier your breathing has become as you relax even more...
Because in a few moments you’re going to be more relaxed than you’ve ever known yourself to be. I’m going to draw your awareness to certain parts of your body, and as you do so, I want you to just feel that part begin to...relax and let go...just feel the muscles relax. In order to help you to relax. I’d like to ask you to imagine yourself
sunbathing on the deck...of your very own luxury yacht. You can feel the sunlight warming every muscle, every cell in your body The sky is the most beautiful clear blue, and there are a few puffy white clouds..drifting lazily... across the sky, and as you listen to the lapping sounds of the sea and the whisper of the warm breeze, you arc beginning to feel more and more relaxed. As you become aware of each part of your body now, you’ll feel that part just begin to...relax and let go. so that in a few moments you will be more relaxed than you’ve ever known...
Starting with the forehead, I’d like you to feel all the little frown lines, all the little worry lines in the forehead, just seem to.. .disappear. The forehead smoothes out, feeling so relaxed, and you feel warm feelings of relaxation coming down now around the eyes. Now you may not have noticed yet.. how very heavy the eyelids are feeling now., so heavy that they don’t want to open, and they may want to flutter a bit, but that’s OK. .just feel how warm and heavy they arc... and as those feelings come down around the face, all the muscles in the facial area just begin to. .relax and let go...
The warm, soothing feelings of relaxation come down around the mouth now, and all of the hundreds of little muscles around the mouth just start to relax.. so much so that the lower jaw can become heavy and the teeth can part. Your mouth may even open up a little bit with relaxation as continue deeper.. and deeper relaxed. Feel the tension easing now around the jaw and up behind the ears, so that all the little nerve endings behind the ears just seem to relax as you go deeper and deeper, even deeper as the sounds of the waves seem to lull you deeper and deeper
The relaxing feeling goes to the back of the neck now, down around the shoulders, so much tension seems to go to our shoulders, but now you feel the
shoulders just begin to relax..and let can even feel them drop a the soothing sensations go to the backbone now, and as they go down the spinal column, it seems to spread out to the sides, so that every muscle, every nerve, every cell in your back just seems to relax..all the way down, all the way… down to the small of theback, and around the curve of the back…
This warm sense of relaxation comes into the backs of the thighs now, and
, and into the hollows of the knees, through the calves, into the heel, along the soles of your feet, and each and every toe just relaxes even more as you go deeper, deeper, even deeper, listening to the sounds of the sea as the yacht gently rocks you back and
forth.. .calm..very peaceful.., relaxed, the whole head and back area seem very, very relaxed...
Now you’ll proceed with the rest of you, starting with the throat muscles, feel your throat muscles just start to relax. The relaxation comes down the front of the shoulders, down the upper arms, over the elbows, down through the forearms to the hands, as each and every fingertip relaxes more and more as you go deeper. . .and deeper. Feel the relaxation in the throat, in the shoulders, easing gently now into the chest, and all the muscles and organs within the chest area just begin to relax, continuing down, down into the abdomen, as all the muscles and organs within the abdomen seem to relax…relaxation spreading deeper now into the thighs, over the knees.. .more and more as you continue to go deeper, deeper, even deeper... calm.. .peaceful...and very, very relaxed...
I’m going to let you enjoy this rest for a moment, but when you hear me speak again you will continue to go down, peaceful and relaxed imagine yourself daydreaming on that luxurious yacht, gently swaying back and forth, back and forth, drifting deeper and even deeper…


So now I’d like you to allow your mind to daydream.. .to dream and float away from that scene. ,to another.. .and allow your inner mind to show you standing at the top of a fine staircase.. .carpeted in a thick, deep carpet in your favourite colour,, with ten steps leading down. There is a firm banister to hold onto and you feel safe and secure.. .with nothing to concern you. in a moment you will see yourself walking down the staircase as 1 count from 10 to 1, and as I count off each step will go gently step down.. .deeper. . .doubling your relaxation with each step you take..
Begin now as I count... 10...doubling your relaxation going deeper... 9...deeper still...8...letting go of any remaining tension as you relax and go deeper...7... doubling the restfull sensations...6...aware now of the rhythm of your breathing and how slow its becoming.. .5.. each gentle breath relaxes you.. .and you can relax more with each breath you breathe...4...even deeper into a state of profound restfulness of mind..and body...3...doubling your relaxation going even deeper...2...the deeper you go, the better ii feels.. .and the better you feel, the deeper you go... 1.. .almost all the way down now...ZERO...stepping off the bottom step and you can find yourself in a safe and special place...


...a place that is comfortable and safe for you to be. .a place of safety and security where there is nothing to disturb you...just tranquility..and calm inner peace.. .you can imagine it to be any place you choose.. .perhaps you would enjoy the beach or the ocean with clean fresh air and warm sand.. .or perhaps the mountains with a crystal clear stream nearby. .or perhaps somewhere from your past that was safe, warm and totally secure.. .any place will do, so now imagine looking at this place through your own eyes.. .you are safe and there is no-one to disturb you. This is the most peaceful place in the world for you. Imagine yourself there and feel that sense of peace and well-being flowing through you now... enjoy these positive feelings and keep them with you long after this session is complete, for the rest of the day, tomorrow and all the days that follow. Allow these positive feelings to grow stronger and stronger, feeling at peace with a sense of well being, and each and every time that you choose to do this kind of relaxation, you will be able to relax deeper and deeper. Regardless of the stress and tension that may surround your life, you may now remain more at peace, more calm, more relaxed, and allow the tension and stresses to bounce off and away from you, just and away from you. And these positive feelings will grow stronger and stronger throughout the day as you continue to relax deeper and deeper...


And as you continue to relax here.. .you can become aware of how little you need to be aware of.. .the sounds in the room sounds outside.. .each sound only helps to relax you even more deeply.. .each word that you hear is just a signal for you to become less and less aware of the importance of all that is unimportant here,..the exact meaning of words that are said or not said as I talk to you here... nothing bothers or concerns you as your conscious mind drifts off to a place which is comfortable and safe.. .and your unconscious.. .mind. . .takes on the responsibility for guiding and
directing your awareness...down...into your innermost self...aware now of that gentle connection.. communication with that part of you that is the essence of you.. .that knows all.., remembers each and every event that has served to shape and mould your unique and special personality a part of you that you really do hear as a quiet and calm voice from within.. .a voice of wisdom and of truth that is so often lost within the clamour and clatter of the world... the demands.. .the constraints.., the noise that is those who would have you bend to their will now hear that voice, still, quiet and calm... but now clear as crystal.. .piercing through the fog of indecision and lack of confidence... unmoved and unaltered in its determination to give to you at all times... good advice.., wise answers and solutions to all problems.. .to the benefit of yourself and those who are special to you.
This is that creative and special part of you.. .that wise inner advisor that is always there for you with your benefit and your well-being always the prime consideration.. .a constant, etheric part.. .that is you and was you before there was awareness of this existence in this invaluable friend that must be listened to .and you will listen, will you not ?
And can you recognise now that value, that unique capacity and capability that is yours... has always been yours... and I really don’t want you to know too much how good you can feel with that intense awareness of confidence in your ability to make changes and decisions in your life for longer allowing others to manipulate take advantage of you. you expect of yourself everything that is yours.. .that you deserve.. .that you are entitled to as a unique and special person.. aware of who you are aware of your own talents and special abilities.. .always that person who is at the forefront.. .always there with a valuable input to every listen and take note of what is important, and then you make a decision.. .you make your own decision, and you are comfortable in that.
I wonder if you can notice soon how others will come to rely on you to he the person that you are.. .confident and self-assured.. .an example to those who will admire you, as you allow those qualities so long hidden... to shine through from within.., to astound and confound those who would manipulate and control.. .you are your own person.. .proud and confident.. .taking responsibility for your own life and wellbeing.. .a true friend to your own inner advisor.. .that is you personified...


So enjoy your special place for a few more moments until you hear me speak again.. .and when next I speak I will count... up from 1 to 5 and you can begin coming back to full consciousness, and you will come back feeling refreshed and alert as if you’ve had a long rest.. .come back feeling alert and relaxed...
When you hear the count of 5 you will come back to full awareness, feeling better than you’ve felt in a long time. I.. .getting ready to come back to full awareness now, feeling good...2...your mind is clear and your body is refreshed...3..looking forward to each and every day... 4.. .ready to open your eyes and to follow through everything you’ve learned here.. .and 5.. open your eyes, feeling wide awake now.. .alert and refreshed. Have a big stretch.. .smile. . . good!

Well done, and thank you.”

This is an excellent trance induction and creates a deep trance rather quickly.  Try it, it’s fun.  Alternatively, you can listen to me taking you through this exact hypnosis session on CD – just email me at for a copy of “Relaxation Self Hypnosis”.


Once they’re deep in trance, give them instructions to stay there.  In addition, there are a few other useful strategies to take them further down, some of which I used in the induction above…

  • Peaceful scene – a guided visualisation takes the client through a tranquil scene in their imagination, perhaps a beach, or a secluded garden, or a clearing in the woods, with full sensory rich descriptions allowing them to drift off into their internal world.  The same can be done by visualizing a candle flame and melting wax.
  • The elevator – as the lift descends, the client can be counted down many levels, “and the further down the elevator goes, the more deeply relaxed you become, and deeper into trance you can go…”  Staircases, escalators, anything that goes up and down will work.
  • Simple counting – “and as I count backwards from 10 to one, with each count you will be 10% more relaxed, and 10% less awake…”
  • Arm catalepsy – suggestions to have the arm lift all by itself, so that when it goes back down all by itself, the lower your hand descends, the deeper you go…”
  • Repeating the induction of trance, often called fractionation, deepens the trance. Typically, the more times a client is hypnotized, the deeper the client will go. If trance is induced several times in succession in a short period of time without allowing the client to fully wake up each time, the client will go deeper.  This is my favourite method.
  • Using embedded metaphors will deepen the client's trance. In fact, the more levels of embedded metaphor used, the deeper the trance which follows. Three stories told in succession, but none of them actually completed, seems to induce altered states quite nicely.  See the chapter called “Stand & Deliver”.

The subject is always in control, although if they have seen stage show hypnosis they may have fears about amnesia or acting in strange ways.  They must learn to accept that their results using hypnosis are completely their results, and it is their ability to trust themselves and relax that determines the success of the session.  The unconscious mind will never accept a suggestion that violates its values and ethics.  Sometimes it is useful to suggest to oneself to do something uncharacteristic at the start of a hypnosis session, just to prove this point.  “Now open your eyes and do a cartwheel across the room”. 

     Deepening techniques may be required with a tense or highly conscious client, to help them to relax.  Of course, a  pre-induction discussion should always take care of these issues up front though.

  In the last part of this Hypnosis E-Course we’ll be discussing communicating DIRECTLY with the unconscious mind, AND GETTING ANSWERS.  We’ll also give you the ultimate Hypnosis script, and we’ll close with my opinion on the ethical use of these skills.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Glasgow Hypnotherapy with Jonathan Clark hypnosis 0141 639 7099

“On The Count Of Six You Will Open Your Eyes…”

 A 6 Part E-Course revealing the truth about Hypnosis

 By Jonathan Clark

Master Hypnotherapist

Founder & Developer of HGE™


****** Spaces Left On Our Next Live Training   ******* 


In 1898 Boris Sidis in “Psychology of Suggestion” wrote about the difference between indirect (choices) and direct  (command) suggestion.  “You will go deeply into trance”…. versus  “you may notice…”

If the client is very alert or conscious, and you’re direct, they may not go into trance easily, as you’re trying to tell them what to do and they’re going to contradict you.  However, if you’re indirect it gets the Conscious Mind out of the way.  When  the client is deeply in trance you need to be more specific and direct and literal though, and talk to the Unconscious the way you’d talk to a small child.

Your Hypnotic voice should be softer, lower in pitch, and more gravely.  It helps to tilt your jaw down & talk more from the back of your throat, not the front of your mouth.  Try that – it really makes a difference.

OK, so now you know how to sound hypnotic, what exactly do you say to yourself or your client to induce a hypnotic trance state?


In the old days Hypnosis was Direct Authoritarian,  where the hypnotist would say “Sit Down, uncross your arms and go into a deep trance”.  We don’t do that anymore – that’s old hat.  We’re going to learn how to use your voice… put someone under “Linguistic anaesthetic”.  NLP gave us the Hypnosis language patterns to use, as modelled from Milton Erickson MD.  Richard Bandler and John Grinder modelled Erickson and broke down the trancey sentences that when put together make the eyes heavy…  Imagine that.  Your words can alter someone’s state…

This chapter will teach you and make you proficient with The Milton Model, abstract, artfully vague hypnotic language patterns as modelled from Milton Erickson, the world’s leading Hypnotherapist.  Now let’s take the trance to learn how to speak hip…notically…


I know that you have your own expectations of what a Hypnotic Language Pattern article will provide you with, and that’s just perfect!  It’s very important to be expectant when reading useful information, and you’re learning here today will probably increase your curiosity.  Hypnotic language is exciting, and excitement means rapid change.  You see, some people haven’t realised…..yet…just how powerful the technology of HGE and hypnosis actually are…although anyone and everyone who’s taken the trance to train with us in person sees the very real benefits in the end.  You probably thought you couldn’t get this level of excellence, and now you can.  Now.  I’m not sure if you already know this or not, but Milton Model patterns are the key to effective communication, and the more you read and explore this subject, the more you’ll get, don’t you think? 

We’re all interested in rapid growth, I mean, weren’t you?  You know the kind of feeling that you want, so sooner or later you’re going to call in some expert assistance…

Now…you’re sitting here, thinking about all that’s been said and not said here, or whether you just want to take the next step only.  Doesn’t this sound like just what you’re looking for?

See, last month we ran a training in which the team leader talked about his boss’s favourite author who wrote always be learning….yet not everyone sees it right away.  Yet a profit & loss statement tells its own story, doesn’t it?  So that team leader resigned..himself to always be learning when the opportunity lands on your doorstep, and we are right on your doorstep, are we not?

Oh that’s right, we’ve already been invited inside….

The team leader’s name is John, and he wanted to fly up from where he lives….down there, all the way up here to leave behind all the sounds of the big city, and come and breathe easily in bonnie Scotland – hear all the accents, language and colloquialisms, and just to……relax….and let go..of any concerns of working so hard.  So he bought a first class ticket, and went to the station.  Now having all the time in the world, he explored the station.  And he found something rather curious, down an old, dimly lit corridor.  Way down there, he found, dusty and unused in such a long time, a “speak your weight and fortune” machine.  So he stepped up, put his money in the slot, and heard it rattle all the way down deep inside the machine.  From the machine came a deep gravely voice that said “Your name is John, you weigh 10 stone and you’re going to catch the 2:20 to Glasgow

Now all of that was true, but how did it know?  I mean usually fortune tellers are very vague, very ambiguous, but this said exactly the right thing.  So he stepped back up, put his money where his mouth was, and once again the machine spoke in a deep gravely voice “Your name is still John, you still weigh 10 stone and you’re still going to catch the 2:20 to Glasgow

Now John is a consultant who travels around a lot, and if you’re as mobile as he is, you need to stay in touch.  You need to be able to get in touch with your messages.  You want to get all the messages that are sent loud and clear, because that gives you freedom and flexibility.  So you need to make a choice – you need to get the right tool for the job.  So I went down the way to see “so and so communications”.  At least that’s what the sign above the door said, and that reminds me of another story….

I needed to get my questions answered.  I needed to get something that was once hard to get, and now its part of everyday life.  So I went inside to speak to the one… know…..the one you speak to.  I’m not really sure what I said to him.  In fact I’m not really sure he knows what I said to him.  All I do know is that we got agreement, and I don’t know if you already know how to do this or not, but I had loads to choose from.  19 different types in all.  Lots of different types of mobile – different categories to choose from……but which one should I choose? So we talked for a while, and we cut it down to ten, then narrowed it down further……to five, then four, then two……but I still wasn’t really sure which one should I pick…..?


You cannot not affect an individual’s representation of what you say.  In other words what you say creates pictures, thoughts and feelings in the heads of people you talk to.  Think about that for a moment… and you’re doing that right now, aren’t you…?

There are 5 main reasons to learn this model:

5 – It helps you build rapport.  You will be using language that is artfully vague, lacks any real content and is easy to get agreement with
4 – It induces trance!  When I first learned this, I was amazed!!  You can affect another person’s state using only your words.  Basically hypnotise someone using hypnotic language – specific ways of saying things that are trancey. When I first learned that I got really excited!
3- You can establish direct access to another person’s unconscious mind.  You can talk directly to the oldest & wisest part of you.  You can activate all the inbuilt potential & resources of the human mind and body.  Would you like to know how to do that?
2 – All change is unconscious.  That means you can open people up to new learnings and new concepts, which will assist people in getting the changes they want.  Just suppose you could help people to change?  All learning, all change and all behaviour require trance.  Just try multiplying 7 x 6 right now.
Welcome back.
1 – Abstraction controls specificity. There’s more power in abstraction – the big picture, global concepts control the small specific details.  Think economics.  Think politics.  Think about those tiny plastic things at the end of your shoe laces.  Now which are more important?


The Milton Model is a language tool for inducing trance states in yourself and other people, modelled from a world renowned expert in his field.  Elements of genius from a legendary professional.  Does that sound like something you’d like to learn?

Hypnotic language patterns are vague, abstract sentence structures that put you into a trance – you go inside your head to make sense out of what you heard. 

Bandler & Grinder modelled Milton Erickson’s language.  John Grinder said Erickson provided him with the single greatest model he ever used.  When Erickson read “Patterns & Techniques of Milton Erickson MD Volume 1” (1975) he called it “A delightful simplification of the language I use with patients – I learned a great deal about the things I’ve done without knowing about them”.

There are 19 patterns taught within this Model, so let’s go through them one at a time, learn the kinds of words to use, and then we’ll give you some examples.

Milton Model

Hypnotic Language Patterns

 1.        Mind Read           
Claiming to know the thoughts or feelings of another without specifying
the process by which you came to know the info.

“I know that you are wondering...”
I know you’re wondering how much impact this will have
Perhaps you don’t know yet how powerful HGE is
I can see you’ve learned more than you thought you would
I know you have your own expectations
I can tell that you like what I’m saying
You’re probably thinking that it’s time to move on

 2.        Lost Performative
Value judgments where the performer of the value judgment is left out.

“And it’s a good thing to wonder...”
It’s good to be sceptical about powerful information
It’s right for you to wonder what’s in it for you
Today’s a great day to make a strategic decision
That’s perfect!
It’s really good that you asked that
This is a wonderful process
There’s a right way to do this and a better way to do this
It’s a wise thing to review your department’s progress
It’s best to add your own examples here now:

 3.        Cause & Effect  
Where it is implied that one thing causes another.  Implied Causatives include:
            a.         C>E makes
            b.         If... then...
            c.         As you... then you...

Our discussion will probably increase your curiousity
Because you’ve booked your place that makes you even more committed
Since you’ve done training before, that makes you ready for more
If you come into this room then you’ll improve
Just by asking that question, you’re starting to see the benefits
Since you’re reading this sentence, you can think of several more examples.

 4.        Complex Equivalence
Where two things are equated - as in their meanings being equivalent.

“That means...”
Training is exciting and excitement means growth
Having invested this much time shows me you’re serious about results
Your questions mean you already want assistance
Having gotten this far means you can write more examples of this pattern.

 5.        Presupposition 
The linguistic equivalent of assumptions.
“You are learning many things...”
The problems you’re facing are fixable
Some business people haven’t realised how powerful HGE is
Now your HR team will be able to produce with even more credibility
How much more value would you have gotten from me by having another session?
Most of the best examples of this pattern will be written here by you.

 6.        Universal Quantifier
A set of words having:              a.  a universal generalization and
                                                            b.  no referential index. (doesn’t say “who”)
“And all the things, all the things...”
Everyone in this room cares about profit
Everything will become clear once you’ve completed this chapter
You always get results
Anyone I’ve presented to saw the benefits in the end
You have them all in your head. Write every one you can think of here.

 7.        Modal Operator
Words which implies possibility or necessity, and which form our rules in life.

“That you can learn...”
You have to understand our position in all of this
You shouldn’t have to want it, unless you really need it
Would it be possible?
You might discover you can dare to go ahead
You probably thought you couldn’t, but now you can
You must be getting the hang of this by now
You could list a few more examples on the lines below.

 8.        Nominalization
Process words which has been frozen in time by making them into nouns.

“Provide you with new insights, and new understandings.”
HGE is easy
Your input to this relationship is really important
You’re looking for demonstration of powerful impact
Increased profitability shows renewed vigour
Empowerment is a possibility
Your thoughts on nominalizations are an important form of communication

 9.        Unspecified Verb
Misses out the “how”
“And you can,”
Tony Robbins says “When you can’t, you must”
You may discover you start moving forward
The more you continue with this, the more you’ll get out of it
If you could just let go and notice your intentions
Now perhaps you could continue to

10.       Tag Question
A question added after a statement, designed to displace resistance.  Draws your attention to the question and gets agreement.
“Can you not?”
You can see the value in this, can’t you?
We’re all interested in profits, don’t you think?
We’re all looking to agree here, aren’t we?
And you do want the best, don’t you?
You’ll add more to the list now won’t you?

11.       Lack of Referential Index
A phrase which does not pick out a specific portion of the listener’s experience.  Misses out the who.

“One can, you know...”
We put people though a wonderful process
That’s the way to do business
Folk do, you know
It’s often said that…
Statistics prove…
Please help them -  they couldn’t think of any more of these.

12.       Comparative Deletion   (Unspecified Comparison)
Where the comparison is made and it is not specified as to what or whom it was made.

“And it’s more or less the right thing.”
Sooner or later you’re going to employ some expert assistance
At one time or another you’ve loved a training you’ve done
It’s probably better to start now, sooner rather than later
Before or after this chapter?
That are more or less better than the ones above, as they occur to you from time to time.

13.       Pace Current Experience
Where client’s experience (verifiable, external) is described in a way which is undeniable.  Makes the person go internal.
“You are sitting here, listening to me, looking at me, (etc.)...”
We’re all sitting here, discussing these ideas
Just thinking about stuff like this
Just after you blink, you’ll notice your breathing
As your eyes  continue reading the words on this page  while you’re looking at it and from time to time you may become aware of the thoughts in your mind or those  sensations in your  hand or down  there on the soles of  your feet you could  also begin to  wonder if you could  think of how artfully  you can  pace a  person’s ongoing  experience and you might even like to make a note or two right here now about pacing.

14.       Double Bind
Where it appears like there’s a choice but actually there isn’t
“And that means that your unconscious mind is also here, and can hear (phonological ambiguity) what I say.  And since that’s the case, you are probably learning about this and already know more at an unconscious level than you think you do, and it’s not right for me to tell him, learn this or learn that, let him learn in any way he wants, in any order.”
Take all the time you need to take the next step
Will you book this training, or the one later this year?
Is this valuable to you, or just vital?
Light trance, medium trance, deep trance – either will do
If you don’t  write at least  one more double  bind in the  space below now, you will either think of one automatically very soon, or else  wonder when the next  one will come to  mind, so you can write it down then.

15.       Conversational Postulate
The communication has the form of a question, a question to which the response is either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’.  If I want you to do something, what else must be present so that you will do it, and out of your awareness?  It allows you to choose to respond or not and avoids authoritarianism.

“Do you feel this... (punctuation ambiguity) is something you understand?”
Does this sound like just what you want?
Do you feel ready to become a master communicator?
Can you picture yourself doing this?
Will you remember to congratulate yourself on your decision?
Would you mind writing down a couple more conversational postulates here?

16.       Extended Quote
“Last week I was with Richard who told me about his training in 1983 at Denver when he talked to someone who said...”
Last month we ran a course in which the team leader talked about his bosses favourite expression which was “Always seize an opportunity”
Did I tell you that Eleanor watched Newsnight last night, when Jeremy Paxman asked his guest “How badly do you need this?”
The other day, a participant in the training was telling me that her husband said Jonathan had told him to ask you to write a couple of extended quotes down right here.

17.       Selectional Restriction Violation
A sentence that is not well formed in that only humans and animals can have feelings. In this sentence structure you attribute feelings to an inanimate object.
“A chair can have feelings...”
I was driving the car with trainers
How does your toilet feel getting flushed?
How stressed does your email get?
If you’re not sure, ask the executive chair
Your accounts speak volumes
Do sales cry out when they fall?
How does a mirror feel being stared at all day?
Who does a ladder lean on for support?
Your pen knows how to write selectional restriction violations very easily, if you will just lead it to the paper below now.

18.       Ambiguity
a.         Phonological:
            “Hear”, “Here”
You can trust you’re unconscious mind now.
So you think you can’t deal with your lover? Love her; can’t you?

b.         Syntactic:
            Where the function (syntactic) of a word cannot be immediately determined from the immediate context.
            “They are visiting relatives”
Your increasing options
Hypnotizing hypnotists can be tricky.
This is a training in trance

c.         Scope:
            Where it cannot be determined by linguistic context how much is applied to that sentence by some other portion of the sentence.
            “Speaking to you as a child...”
            “The old men & women...”
            “The disturbing noises & thoughts...”
            “The weight of your hands & feet...”
Your deep breathing and trance. . . .
Speaking to you as a master hypnotist
            d.         Punctuation:
                        I want you to notice your hand me the glass.”
My boss resigned himself to constant learning
If you hear any ambiguities, it’s all right to write them right here.

19.       Utilization
            Utilize all that happens or is said.

            Client says: “I am not sold.”
            Response: “That’s right you are not sold, yet, because you haven’t asked the one question that will have you totally and completely sold.”
Client: "I don’t think I know."
Practitioner: "That’s right, you don’t you know."

Client: "I can’t be hypnotized."
Practitioner: "That’s right. You can’t be hypnotized yet, because you haven’t asked the one question yet that will let you relax completely"

Client: “We can’t afford you”
Practitioner: “That’s right, you can’t afford me yet, because you haven’t realised the alternative”

Client: "This meeting’s dragging on a bit."
Practitioner: "That’s right, so it must be time to agree"

Client: "HGE is all about mind control, isn’t it?"
Practitioner: "That’s right, we do teach people how to control their own minds"

Putting it all together:
Perhaps you don’t know… yet… how powerful HGE is, and it’s good to be sceptical about powerful information.  In fact, our discussion will probably increase your curiousity, and your internal questions mean you already want assistance.  Now, the problems you’re facing are fixable, and everything will become clear once you’ve completed this paragraph.  You have to understand your position in all of this - your input to this relationship is really important, and the more you continue reading, the more you’ll get out of it…. and you do want the best, don’t you?  You see, we put people though a wonderful process, because at one time or another you’ve loved a training you’ve done.  And as your eyes continue reading the words on this page, while you’re looking at it …from time to time you may become aware of the thoughts in your mind or those sensations in your hand or down there on the soles of your feet, you could also begin to wonder if you could take all the time you need to take the next step.
  Does this sound like just what you want?  Did I tell you that Eleanor watched Newsnight last night, when Jeremy Paxman asked his guest “How badly do you need this?”  I mean, your accounts speak volumes, but they’re conscious, aren’t they?  You can also trust you’re unconscious mind now, because this is a training in trance.  And speaking to you as a master hypnotist, are you wearing anything that restricts you can loosen off now…


The next step is to figure out how to use all of this.  How do you make someone go inside their head to make sense out of what you’re saying?  It shifts the listeners attention from outside, to inside……….  As you use fluffy language they go inside and try to make sense out of it from their model of the world.

The Milton Circle – a favourite exercise that we conduct in our 7 day HGE Practitioner and Hypnosis weekend trainings.  Simply sit in a circle with a few other willing participants, and simply say aloud a Milton pattern example in your best “hypnotic voice”.  The next person then picks up and links a sentence onto yours.  Then the next person, and so on.  Keep going until all your eyes are closed….

Write emails using hypnotic language patterns.

In your speech – talk slightly slower than normal, and softly.  As for Tonality – pull your chin down a bit and bring your voice out from the back of your mouth.  You will sound deeper and more gravely.  Try saying this sentence with your mouth & jaw in that position…


You’re probably wondering where…….and how……you will apply this model in your life, are you not?

What happens if you just dry up?  My strategy is to just pick one, say it aloud, and then keep doing that.

You’ll probably find some that are your favourites, or that some are easier to remember than others.  That’s because you probably talk like that anyway.  Practice and train up your least preferred patterns.

What happens if someone calls you on it?  They might say “You’re talking weird!  You’re not making any sense!”.  You just utilise it and keep going:  “That’s right, I’m not making any sense…..yet, and that’s because……”

Practice – get a sheet of paper for each category and write out ten examples of each

Come up with five business or career applications for this Model.  Where could you use this?  Imagine business meetings and you start talking hyp…….ah….

What if you did presentations and talks where you were able to control the audiences state moment to moment…

What would Customer Services be like getting agreement in trance, or in person, over the counter, over the phone?!!

Now  you’re ready for your first formal trance induction….

In the next instalment of this 6 part Hypnosis E-Course, you’ll receive a word for word script that you can record your own voice reading, and create your very own trancey Self-Hypnosis session…