Monday, September 14, 2020

15 Ways To Make Money Online From Zoom Working From Home

 I’d like to give you 15 ideas about how you can make money online, working from home, using the Zoom web conferencing platform

This is perfect for Coaches, Consultants and Authors… or somebody to wants to be one, OK?  I’m going to talk about how you can add one or more income streams to your business with tools you are probably already using.  Imagine working from home or anywhere you want – living the laptop lifestyle, and doing the job once and getting paid forever.

If you have a vision of starting an online business, or you can see yourself adding it to your main thing as a side hustle, let me show you how it’s done.

Zoom is being used for meetings to communicate and educate all over the world right now.  I don’t know if you saw the world’s best known personal development guru Tony Robbins running a couple of his live events with thousands of people on Zoom as he stood in a studio and addressed them all.

Even Britain’s Got talent has had all of the audience tune in online using video conferencing

You’re probably already using Zoom, or you can sign up for a free account at  You can use Zoom to communicate on video, and you can record both the audio and the video.  So what you might be thinking.  Who cares?  Why should I bother?

So let me give you some examples.

Now I’ve got 2 YouTube channels and I’ve now got over 500 videos on there that I’ve built up over the last 20 years, so I often get leads and enquiries from people who’ve already “met me” in a video.

This is my online course on business networking called “TurnYour Contacts into Contracts” = that’s a whole training course on video with handouts that sells on the web 24/7, to the world.  That’s globally.

Here’s – my yearlong marketing training for business owners who want to grow their profits and do it themselves.  Again, members pay me a monthly fee to access the training… and I’m not there.

You can record yourself talking about your knowledge, skills, experience, interests, and then turn that into a book.  I have 6 non-fiction books here on my Amazonauthor page, and I also have 3 novels out there.

My First book was “Ignite & Unshackle” which was written in 2006 - people say when they read it they can hear my voice talking – well that’s probably because the book was transcribed from my live seminars, so it IS me talking!

Then there’s my CD sets – see if you teach a weekend seminar once, it’s over.  The only people who benefit from it were the students on the day.  But if you record it, its evergreen, and you can impact a lot more people, and get paid over and over again

Maybe you’re not that familiar with Zoom – that’s OK, I have several videos on how to set it up and use it on my YouTube channel – I’ll put the link below this video here

Some people are scared of the Tech issues – Zoom is pretty simple to use.  There’s even an app for your smartphone.  Sure appearing on video takes a bit of getting used to but honestly, once you’ve done it a few times, you get a taste for it.  But think about it – it’s better than a phone call because now you can hear and SEE the other person too, their body language, all the little nuances, all the emotions in a conversation.  And usually what kind of books are on their bookcase behind them.

What about the time it takes?  – For years my Coach told me if you’re speaking at an event or to a group, record it.  If you’re teaching people, record it.  I ignored that advice for years which is a shame cos I could have captured a ton of good stuff.  But from the point I did start capturing most of it, I know have a huge vault of material.  Do it once, get paid forever.  That’s why it’s called a “royalty”  So a huge benefit of using Zoom is that you can record stuff so people can play it back later.

If like me you have a face for radio, fine, use PowerPoint or keynote slides and just use your voice.  You don’t actually have to be in the video.  You can always keep your camera off, or just have your image on there.

If you’re a consultant in a particular field or area of expertise, or you want to be one, you can communicate your skills and knowledge and advise your client over the Zoom platform,  You can record your screen, you can share your screen, you have online chat and you can record each session to they have a complete record of the discussion.  You’re helping people you’re solving problems and you can charge by the hour or by a block of sessions, whatever you want to do.  With anyone anywhere in the world.  Think about the possibilities.

If you’re a Life Coach or Health Coach or Eating Coach or Business Coach or Underwater Basket Weaving Coach – whatever - you can have a group of paying clients all call in to your group coaching class at a certain date and time and you take them through a 4 week or 90 day programme.  They pay up front or they pay in monthly instalments and you have an agenda and some individual coaching.  You take your members through a powerful series of lessons over a number of weeks – and of course if you record it then you’ve got all the material you need for a book or an online course that you can sell forever more.

Then there are Virtual Summits – where a group of experts all get together to work as a team and everyone benefits.   You host the event and each expert then gets a chunk of tie to teach something valuable then take questions.  Students pay to attend and the profits are divided up between all them experts.

Let’s move on to using Zoom for Lead generation.  Every business under the sun needs new prospects, and here’s how you can do that.  Create Traffic magnet videos - I’d advise you start by recording talking head videos – answering the Frequently Asked Questions that your target market are asking.  Use the great website if you’re not sure what they are.  Set up a Zoom call by yourself, hit record and shoot a 1 minute video answering that question.  Record it then upload the recording to YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn.  Make sure you include a link sending them somewhere, you’re your website or offering your webinar [which we’ll come to in a minute]

You can also offer 15 minute Strategy Calls – a free chat in confidence where the person can get to know you, you get to know them, and you can find out what problems your audience is having right now and give them bespoke, tailor made coaching to help them figure it out and move them in the right direction.

Online virtual networking – weekly business networking like Club Five 55.  You can get in front of 20 or more business owners and decision makers who you can share your details with their connections.  Most virtual networking events allow you to do a 60 second pitch - in your 60 second pitch make sure to mention your webinar and give them the link

Perhaps more importantly is what you do AFTER the networking event – and that’s the 121, where you identify 2 or 3 of the other attendees as potential clients, joint ventures partners or they asked for help and you know you can help them.  That’s where relationships are built and opportunities pop out and they are simple to arrange as a Zoom meeting.  No petrol expenses, no parking to pay for, no need to get dressed up from the waist down.

Teach a Webinar or a virtual class – 30-40 minutes of good, valuable content, then have an offer of your product or service at the end.  Put together a short and simple PowerPoint presentation so you can bring in a helpful visual element so people can see what you’re teaching .  Simply prepare your slides, your speaking notes and then hit record. That’s up forever on YouTube and will drive traffic to your offer

Recording Podcasts – now take all of your FAQ videos and upload them to  Now you have a podcast show with several episodes that will get syndicated out to major podcast platforms including Spotify, Google Play and iTunes.

By this point you’re ready and well-practised enough to move into Product creation – think online course like Udemy or Teachable.  You can create your course first then turn it into an book – send the videos to and they transcribe it for you for free.

Another product Creation thing you can do is meditation audios or self-hypnosis tracks.  Get yourself a good meditation or guided visualisation script off the internet, record yourself reading it out in your best… hypnotic …and relaxing…voice.  You can use free sound recording software called Audacity, get some royalty free meditation music from and you can combine your voice and the music into a cool guided relaxation audio.  You can then sell that on Etsy or eBay.  Imagine if you built up a collection of 10 or 20 different tracks, all selling globally, 24/7.  Do it once, get paid forever.  Is this giving you ideas?

How about writing a book by dictating it – take all of your FAQ scripts and your webinar script, add a story or bio at the start, and you have your book.  See my other video on How To Write A Book Quickly & Easily.  Once you have your book you can use each chapter as the script to create a video to camera – now you have an online course.  So you can dictate a book and turn that into an online course, or create an online course and let Rev transcribe it for you and now you have a book.  And it’s all free.

Paid workshops – hold a 1 or 2 hour paid event on Zoom where you teach a topic and interact with your students.  List it on Eventbrite, Facebook events and LinkedIn events, then teach it.  Record it too.  You can then repurpose that seminar into an online course or a book, or sell it as an off the shelf product as a corporate training for businesses.

Keynote speeches – you offer your services as a speaker and teach good content using a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom.  Simply prepare your slides, your speaking notes and then hit record.  Charge a speaking fee for your time.  One you have your Signature Talk prepared you can deploy the same presentation that’s all ready to go.

Amazon Affiliate – you can sign up at as an affiliate and you can instantly resell ANY product that Amazon sells and make a commission.  You buy the product, do an unboxing video then do a review video.  Post them on social media with your Amazon link – that’s up forever.  If anyone clicks that link, goes through to Amazon and buys that product, you get paid a commission.

Network marketing is another obvious way to make money online and Zoom can be used for three way calls where you introduce your prospects to our upline sponsor, for team training, supporting your downline promoters, new product training, you name it.  So if you are signing up to a supplement company or a beauty company or a health company, you can use Zoom to grow your business and grow your monthly commissions.

Expert Interview – we prepare a series of questions, the expert knows what questions I’m going to ask them and they can have a cheat sheet on the wall beside their computer screen, and I interview them.  They don’t have to travel or come to me so its cost effective.  That can then be edited and a nice intro added to it and now we have a natural and authentic show reel or ask the expert style video that shows off their expertise and credibility which they can put out on YouTube and LinkedIn to get clients.

So there you have it – several ways for you to start or grow a business and make money online from home using Zoom. 

Now we have a flagship programme called The Guru Factory where over 90 days we help our client write a signature talk and get it all over the internet.   We handle all of the technology, the transcribing, we organise the slides, we even set up the social media platforms for you and build out the online course.  Or a book, or a CD set, or live workshops.  Or all of them!

But that’s actually step 5 in a 9 step roadmap from struggling and invisible, to impacting thousands of people without years of trying to figure it out yourself.

Fancy making money while you sleep?  How confident are you that you could do all of the above steps?  I’ve tried to strip it right back and make it as simple as possible, and as low cost.  Now as I said, we do all this for you as part of the Guru Factory programme.

If you’d like to get crystal clear on the first steps you should be taking right now then schedule a call with me and we’ll take a look at how using Zoom fits into your overall business plan.  We help entrepreneurial people who want to have books, courses and products online as their main income stream or as a side hustle.  Either way we can help.  So see the details below and let’s have a chat.

Tel 07715 641690


Thursday, September 03, 2020

How To Write A Book Quickly And Easily

Have you ever wanted to write a book?  Do you have an idea for a story or a plot that you’d love to publish one day?  Or as a business owner, do you realise that a book can be the ultimate business card?  Maybe you’ve got a child who’s creative and they’ve got ideas pouring out of their head. 

Hiya – my name’s Jonathan, I’ve just published my 11th book and I’d like to show you how to get a book done quickly and easily… for virtually nothing.  If you’d like to know exactly how to get your book out in the next 90 days, for free or for less than a family meal out, then watch the rest of this video

So I started doing some research on Google Trends and other websites that give you that kind of data about what the market wants – where’s the demand?  Honestly I was surprised – every day you see stuff on Facebook about creating online courses or various trainers offering their online programmes, but there’s WAY more demand for information on how to write a book.  Here’s a screenshot from Google Trends showing the demand for how to write a book in blue, and how to create an online course in red.  This is Worldwide in the last 12 months.  So guess what?  I’m making a video about the top one!

And just so you know you’re in safe hands, here are some of my books, and here are some of the results of some of my clients.

As you can see we’re quite good at not only getting books written and published, we’re also damn good at turning our clients into bestselling authors. 

Fancy being a best-selling author?

Now if it’s so easy, why doesn’t everyone write a book?

Well, we both know it might be simple, but it ain’t easy.  There are 3 main reasons people struggle with producing their own book:

1] You don’t know what to write about.  Where do you start?  OK, so ask yourself would your first book [notice that I said first book, cos once you’ve been bitten by the bug, you’ll want to do more] would your first book be a fictional story, or a non-fiction factual book?  Fiction is the tougher one of the two, cos you need an idea for a fantastic story, you need to know if its science fiction, horror, a cowboy story, a romance, i.e what genre.  Then you need a plot.  I can recommend a guy called Stevie Drive who created a series called Perfect 10 plots – these are pre-written templates for whole books.  You just fill in the blanks.

2] Little old me – impostor syndrome – who’d read a book that I wrote?  Most authors go through that stage of feeling vulnerable, like people are seeing into your soul.  I felt like that when I wrote my first book – I was worried what my parents would think if they read it. You could always write under a pen name so nobody knows it’s you.  Listen, if you are passionate about your topic and you have a dream of being published as an author, just do it.  The royalties help ease the struggle 

3] Technology puts me off or is overwhelming.   Like most things in life, it sounds more complicated than it actually is.  All you need is a word processor like Microsoft Word, and a cover.  And I’m going to show you where you can get that done too.  Getting excited yet?

The good news is that, if you’re struggling with any of these issues, I am going to show you very clear, proven and easy-to-implement steps you can use TODAY to handle these issues and start your writing career without losing your shirt or having to get rejected by publishing houses

Non-fiction factual books are the easiest.   Biggest FAQ’s customers ask you.  Not sure?  Go to a wonderful website called Or go on Google Trends and look at what people are looking for information on. Or the Amazon best seller list in your niche or area.  Look at what’s selling, cos you’re far better giving the market what it wants than trying to guess

Fiction? I’d recommend The Marshall Plan book and software, or Save The Cat by Blake Snyder. Both of those have a template that you can follow. Or Google The Heroes Journey and you’ll see the formula that most books and movie use, from Star Wars to Lord Of The Rings.

Your book manuscript is just a Word document.  Start with an introduction which is mostly your bio or story – tell us who you are, why we should listen to you, your credentials, qualifications, experience and then a bit of background story telling us your experience in your chosen topic.

Then 3-5 chapters of meaty content.  You ideally want about 50-100 pages so 10-20 pages per chapter FOR YOUR FIRST BOOK.  The easiest and fastest way to do that is sit down for dinner with your friends or family, stick your phone’s voice recorder on and record an hour on one topic.  Then send that to and it will be transcribed for you overnight.  Five dinners and you’ve got a book

Then finish with an offer to join your Facebook Group, or buy your main product or service, or go to this website.  A next step.

For your Book cover you can do it for free using the pre-made covers inside, there’s a great website called Designrr which has pre-made covers and layouts – in fact you can import your text into that and it’ll make it look pretty.  The other cheap option is the wonderful where you can get an awesome cover done for peanuts – even £20 will get you a nice looking cover.

What should your cover look like?  Again look at the Amazon best seller list – look at the most common colours being used.  Are they long titles or short titles?  Do the covers have people on them or diagrams?  Photos or cartoons?  Again you should be modelling what’s already selling.  So if they are mostly blue covers with a person’s face on the front and 3 word titles, so should yours be.

Here’s an example of a client of ours – Fae wanted to write a vampire novel which are huge on Amazon Kindle.  Most of the covers were spooky, blacks and purples, with a girl on the front and 3 word titles.  So we produced Dead To Me.

Then you go to, upload your word document, upload your cover, and 24 hours later you’ll have a book on Amazon Kindle.  Boom!  You’re a published author on the world’s biggest book selling platform

See once you’ve got a book that’s divided into say 5 chapters, it’s really easy to then sit down in front of your smartphone or even a webinar app like Zoom, and read your chapters to camera.  Now you’ve got an online course!

Now I’ve made this sound ridiculously easy, and it is simple – maybe not easy – but this in only part of the overall process to making money online or using your book to get more visibility, sales or credibility.  You still need to market the book cos nobody will know about it unless you tell them.

Now we have a flagship programme called The Guru Factory where over 90 days we help our client write a book and create an online course.  We handle all of the technology, the transcribing, we organise your cover, we even get the book uploaded onto Amazon for you.

But that’s actually step 6 in a 9 step roadmap from struggling and invisible, to impacting thousands of people without years of trying to figure it out yourself.

Fancy making money while you sleep?

How confident are you that you could do all of the above steps?  I’ve tried to strip it right back and make it as simple as possible, and as low cost.  Now as I said, we do all this for you as part of the Guru Factory programme.

If you’d like to get crystal clear on the first steps you should be taking right now then schedule a call with me and we’ll take a look at how a book fits in to your overall game plan.  We help entrepreneurial people who want to have book in their name and be an author on Amazon, or they already have a book and it’s not selling.  Either way we can help.  So see the details below this video and let’s have a chat.