Monday, December 04, 2006

Hi team - need some help - anyone any experience

of finding that someone's unconscious doesn't want to come out and play?? I have a client who has previously been treated badly by a therapist and was left back at age 4 in traumatic circumstances - he ended up in hospital.

He is keen to get rid of his ASFG with timeline. I started by using the human pendulum to get the root cause. At the first question I asked the normal - is it ok with your unconscious mind to let this go blah blah. It said no. Quite emphatically. I then went on to the various other questions raising the point that by hanging onto it, it was going against the Prime Directives of the unconscious mind blah blah. I still got no even though it recognised that it was in conflict. I asked for the reason and it appeared (through his voice) to fear of going back to hospital.

I thanked the uncon for its co-operation and assured it that all would be done safely quickly and easily. Then I brought client back to sit down.

He was very surprised at what happened and I continued to re-assure him that we had had a good result and asked him to communicate with his uncon more often so that it felt more secure.

I am intending doing some hypnosis next time, some healing scripts and some which alleviate the fear of letting go.

Has anyone come across anything like this before and is there any advice as to how I would be best dealing with it??

Many thanks. Jackie

1 comment:

Jackie Walker said...

Just in case anyone was wondering what happened to my client - luckily he's held off til beginning of the year. In the meantime, I've been given advice to try EFT - it's been used on me before and is extraordinarily useful in tricky situations. I'll give it a shot and post what difference it has made.