OK, we are now officially “launched” at www.FullPractices.com…and things are pretty busy at this end.
The web stats have been clicking and we’ve just had member # 33 sign up, but things are starting to slow down. Good thing otherwise we’d go through all 150 Founder Memberships in the first day.
Just a couple of things…I wanted to remind you that the report describing the state of the Coach and Therapist situation [and my solution] is at www.CoachTherapist.com.
A couple of people have called my office to say they feel “funny” about signing up and leaving their credit card details with an online system like Paypal, so we did it the old fashioned way.
It hadn’t crossed my mind that some people might not want to type their credit card or bank account details into a webpage [I do it all the time so it’s normal for me – big learning!] so if that’s you, call me on 0800 072 5792 and I’ll handle it personally.
Finally I wanted to highlight the Bonus teleseminar that comes with membership – open to the first 50 Founder Members only and to be held in late April.
As I write this everyone who’s already signed up is among the first 50 – they are all “in”.
If you haven’t joined us yet, then there is still room. However the “seats” are going fast so I can’t guarantee how long this bonus will be available. My best guess is that it will be full up by Friday.
And if you don’t want to read the full story and are keen just to get on board, just go to www.FullPractices.com
Take care,
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