Saturday, July 31, 2010

This is one train you'll wish you were on

Wish I'd Caught This Train...

Friday, July 30, 2010

If you've got more books on visualising than you ever visualised having, here's what works instead

Waiting for what's outside to make you happy inside?

Ever wondered why spiritual people suffer the same
tragic conditions as the worst people?

Fed up with STRIVING to get what you want yet?

"By your fruits you shall know yourself" - So if
there's no fruits, you don't know yourself.

When you rely on people, things or vehicles of
fulfilment to make you happy, all you'll get
is lack and disappointment.

If you're expecting the Universe or the Law of
Attraction to "supply" or "heal", you'll end up
disappointed or at best get temporary improvement.

After all the books, cd's and seminars, are you
HONESTLY that much better off?

What I'm saying might not please everyone, but its
been my experience and most of my clients can

If you're fed up reading and hearing about miracles
happening to other people, but not to you, I want to
help you discover why.

This Sunday, Parklands Country Club, 10 till 4 on my
first ever True Silence workshop. Not for rookies.

If you've had your fill of "mind techniques" and you
know there's something you're missing, I think this
is it. I'm not saying I have the MAGIC BULLET, but
the truth has been staring us in the face since day 1.

If you're up for a stretch, call me on 0141 639 7099
or email before Sunday the 1st.

Take care,


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is Will Smith weird? [blog post]

Will Smith dropped by and spoke his mind

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The offer to be one of the first ever True Silence graduates will be cancelled at midnight Monday

Friday, July 09, 2010

I'm looking for some guinea pigs to try it a new "mind method" that makes "mind methods" obsolete -

Thursday, July 08, 2010

NLP skills experiment

To book your place and take part, click HERE


Is this the real reason you do what you do?

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Tony Robbins - why you do what you do

Feel free to leave your comments below:

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

New video - how to spot subliminal messages [maybe]

(latest video) - how to spot subliminal messages

Do you agree with the maker of this video [not me by the way!], or do you think they're reading way too much into things.....?

Monday, July 05, 2010

(another free video) - How to Photoread

Another free video - how to Photoread

If you have any questions about the Photoreading system, as a Lifetools trained Trainer I'd be happy to help. Just ask below...

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Hi there - new free mind video helps you cope with pressure

Oprah and Eckhart Living In Now

Let me know what you think in the comments below: