Sizzling Summer SALE!
4 Part Bundle Deal 87% OFF!
Sizzling Summer Sale Offer Expires:
Since I launched this offer I got a flurry of emails and Facebook messages from several of my subscribers and past clients, asking me the same question: "Why would you do this, and at such a low price?"
Quick bit of background - every year I make a crazy offer available, where I bundle some of [what I think is] my best work together and make it available for a limited time at a massively discounted price.
WHY? Honestly, for a couple of reasons:
1] Because I can do what I like in my business!
2] It creates a nice burst of cashflow for me
3] It lets people who can't afford some of the bigger investment courses a chance to access these profound tools at a fraction of the normal price [I remember going to 4 Mindstore seminars and couldn't afford to buy Jack Black's £9.95 book. I vowed that would never happen again]
4] Because I'm looking to seperate the men from the boys, or the women from the girls - I'm looking to train and give clients to certified Practitioners as I grow and expand my Coaching practice over the next 12 months. Read between the lines as you look at the product combination below - get NLP trained, learn coaching skills, build a full practice. Hello? And if you've been personally trained and certified by me, you'll get first shout.
So there you have it - hopefully that explains what I'm doing. As I write this there's just over 12 hours left in the sale. once the time is up, I'll shut the doors. So if you haven't already, have a read below before you make your decision :-)
NLP PRACTITIONER COURSE: How To Get Everything You Want, & Change Anything You Don’t!
This is a private – by invitation only – offer to people who are serious about their personal growth. If you are ready to grow and evolve yourself meaningfully, I invite you to come and spend a week with me…
Now, if you’re looking to do an NLP course, there’s a lot of things you’re going to have to think about when you shop around looking for the best package, because there’s a lot to consider as you look at the various deals.
Having spent 22 years studying this methodology and 14 years training people how to use it to get what they want in life, I have a lot to thank it for. It’s been very good to me, and it was the best set of tools I had found up until this point for career achievement and personal growth. But it's not for everybody...
To unlock your own unlimited potential does not require you to do or say anything that is not perfectly natural and already inside you – right now. Quite the reverse! In fact, it’s the most natural and relaxed way of being that a person can be. All you have to do is close your eyes, go inside, and come out better.
Think about it – in the average day, how much time do you really spend, honestly, in a calm, relaxed, inner-focussed state? Truthfully?
Now, there is a bit more to it than that – there are methods, steps, processes to learn, but essentially that’s what NLP is all about:
The systematic development of a person’s positive characteristics through self hypnosis
Having done thousands of hours on one to one therapy, working with hundreds of clients on the phone, by email, in person or in groups, over 22 years of personal experience in dealing with human beings and their fears, hang ups, hopes and desires, I’ve realised that the main and final reason these hard working, well-meaning individuals suffer set backs, self doubt and turmoil, is because they did not know what I know about how to tap into their “inner life manager” and finally realise that the answer is never “out there” – it’s not going to be handed to you in the next book, on the next tape or the next seminar. It’s inside you right now, you either - Don’t know that it resides inside you behind a locked door
- Don’t have a key!
Imagine if you could free yourself from having to use techniques! Most NLP trainings teach you the fast phobia cure, reframing, Submodalities, and so on. But imagine if you could make problems disappear, in yourself and others, without having to use any scripts, without even saying a word! Now that’s real change work.
This course teaches you methods that amplify and work underneath and alongside any other form of therapy. That’s on the energetic level. Then there’s the language tools. A therapist will be talking to their clients. Imagine if the actual words they used were creating change all by themselves…
You’ll understand how every other “–ology” system works – EFT, Reiki, Kinesiology, Sekhem, you name it. If you learn NLP you’ll be able to understand any other form of personal development and see how it works and why it works, and also predict why something won’t work in advance. Save thousands of pounds buying useless books and pointless treatments
What Others Have Said About This Training
“Although I’ve done presentation techniques for 30 years it had never really gelled in my mind. I can’t get over the difference it’s made for me. I’ve done NLP before, I’ve done the Tony Robbins courses before, but until you get somebody who actually touches the inner core of your unconscious, it doesn’t work, and Jonathan does that.” – Carol Bentley
8 days LIVE training with me + Mp3 Recordings + Full Colour Manual RRP £2137
Which Would You Rather
Be - A Life Coach, Or A
Secret Weapon?
Revealed - Unique Trade Secrets Make NLP'ers
into Coaches, and Coaches into Invaluable Assets...
"There is nothing more
powerful than having someone focus
100% of their attention on your success. When that
attention is given by a Coach trained in NLP, the results can be magical.' -
David Shephard
NLP Practitioners can add Life Coaching to your
Life Coaches can use NLP tools to make you better coaches...
Why be an "also-ran" when you can combine both and
really offer your clients value for money...
Why Master
Life Coaching With NLP?
As you know Coaching is on everyone's lips. More and more
businesses are asking for coaching and the growth
of coaching companies is dramatically increasing. If you already know NLP you already have some of the most powerful
coaching techniques available today. However, you may not have thought how to
apply them in the coaching context.
If you don’t know NLP yet, or maybe as a Coach, you might
like to learn additional ways of making you better at what you do.
This 2-day training on 7
audio CD's will enable you to put NLP skills to good use as a coach both covertly and overtly as
corporate employee or external coach.
7 Audio CD
set RRP £97
Do you run your own business?
Are you a Coach? A complementary therapist?
Could you do with more customers next week?
Do you long to be free & work for yourself?
Are you a Coach? A complementary therapist?
Could you do with more customers next week?
Do you long to be free & work for yourself?
"Announcing The Most Complete, A To Z Practice Building System That Shows You Exactly How To Become A ‘Client Magnet’...
Exclusive & unique marketing & positioning programme will fill your books with paying customers…
F you'd like to run your own lucrative business, be paid to do what you love to do and work the hours that suit you, then this might be the most important message you'll ever read.
Dear Colleague,
IF you work for yourself as a Coach or Therapist, or you’re just about to take your first steps, and it’s proving to be much tougher than you originally thought, then this will help turn things around…
Here’s why.
Most of us enter the private practice world clear on what we want. We love the sound of a steady flow of clients, a flexible working schedule and the “Ker-ching” of a healthy income. Others start to question themselves in fear and anxiety and feel completely lost as to how to go about building a profitable practice.
Slowly it begins to dawn on so many therapists, coaches and healers that their vision and their reality are miles apart - as they struggle each month just to make ends meet. The clients just aren’t showing up. Your diary has blank, empty spaces. And the big money never materialises. Slowly things start to look dark and gloomy…
Pretty soon, your hopes of having a full practice fade into a distant daydream and that old agency job starts to look pretty good. No more worries about cancellations. No more chasing bad payers. No more waking up in the middle of the night panicking about how you are going to pay the bills. You find yourself longing for a steady job with a secure salary, even if it means sacrificing your freedom…
2 day weekend on mp3 RRP £97
going to ask you to lose weight for Scotland.
And you’re going to discover how to lose weight fast, build some lean
muscle so you don’t look saggy, and get
your sexy self back J
So here’s how we’re going to change the shape of the nation
– together. You and me. One person at a
time. I’ve put together the best of what
I know into my new book – Lose Weight For Scotland. Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life &
Look Good Naked!
What’s Different About This Book?
All of my best thinking in one place. This isn’t one of those crappy ebooks that
sits on your hard drive. His is the real
deal, packed full of useful tips and tricks of the trade.
It’s a psychological method for changing how you think and
act around food and exercise.
Now if I were you I’d be thinking right about now - there’s
plenty of DVD’s, personal trainer and endless books on the subject of dieting
and weight loss. So how is this
different? Because I deal with the
mental and emotional blocks as well.
You’re going to learn about the 9 silent saboteurs that glue fat to your
body. Ever heard the expression
“Emotional eater”. Well, in this book
you’re going to learn how to avoid obesity, diabetes and heart disease by
getting control of your emotions..
This is a brand new approach – there’s never been anything
like it before. And this is a plan that
you can start today and use right now because I want you to have more energy,
get back into your jeans, or get into someone else’s!
No sweaty bootcamps.
No embarrassing weigh ins. Just a
slimmer, leaner, happier you. People
noticing your shape. Compliments from
your work colleagues. More admiring
glances. Want some of that?
20 minute workouts.
Now I’m guessing that you’re probably like me and you like
step by step guidance that’s in plain English, so that’s why I’ve included a 90
day Challenge calendar telling you exactly what happens on each dayPicture the looks on your friend’s faces when they see how
much weight you’ve lost
Just suppose you had to buy
yourself a new wardrobe cos your old clothes are too big for you now
See yourself getting lean and in shape.
What would it feel like to look forward to going out
socialising or dancing the night away?
Would you like to be my next success story?
Do You Want To Know How I Can Get that Same Result With You?
Let the challenge begin!
Here’s my system…
Complete 90 Day programme – a treasure map if you will, with
simple day by day instructions.
Day By Day Calendar – easy baby steps, print it out and
stick it on your wall, your fridge, the bedroom door
Psychological keys – why you stop and how to keep going. The 9 psychological blocks and how to
dissolve each one.
Motivation – ignite the fire and catch yourself exercising
more, eating the right stuff, drinking more water
Shortcuts & sneaky secrets from the bodybuilding
industry, fitness professionals and the worlds #1 weight loss challenge company
Paperback Book RRP £19.97
Save Over 87% OFF!
Regular REAL Price for all = £2,351
Summer Sale Price = £297 includes All 4
This sale ENDS midnight Friday, July 18, 2014
What’s The Guarantee?
The guarantee is that if you're not entirely satisfied with this bundle AFTER you've attended all 8 days of the Certification training, you can ask for a complete refund.
This really is a CRAZY sale.
No jokes.
No shenanigans.
These products will NEVER be offered at these prices again. Period.
If you’ve been on the fence about getting them, now is the time. Or forever hold your peace.
This is a great deal and I encourage you to take advantage of it.
This sale ENDS FRIDAY, July 18, 2014 – GRAB Your Incredible Bargain Now
PS – £297 is a super price on some awesome training that has been PROVEN to work over for many years now. You get 4 complete course packages with a combined value of £2,351 and it’s a no-brainer.
Grab this deal now. When the deadline hits, it’s gone forever.
Space reserved for FAQ's
When will the live training be?
Starting after the summer holidays over 4 weekends. August through to November
Where will the live training be?
Glasgow, Scotland.
How can I find out more?
Call Jonathan on 07798 708989 or email
If you find yourself looking for haunners...
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