Saturday, March 24, 2018

Glasgow business networking group - Why invite visitors to Club Five55?

Well hello there, my name is Jonathan Clark and welcome to a quick training video on how to maximise your return to GET THE MOST out of your business networking.

This is a quick how to video to help you build your network, so you can reach your goals faster and more easily.  So you’ll make more valuable contacts who can introduce you to more potential clients, making your life easier.

Today’s topic is about inviting guests to take a look at your group.


The other day I got a Cold caller at my door, with a clipboard
I let him do his script… then I had to tell him I’m not really in the market for what he’s selling
But then I asked him - tell me, do you like knocking on doors and pounding the streets?
You’ll be really glad you came to my door… cos I know a better way to get clients…

Why you should invite guests

Yes you get points for bringing a visitor.  Yes you get points if they join.  But beyond that there are several reasons why you ought to invite people.  Let’s talk about the bigger picture
New people are the lifeblood that keeps a networking group buzzing and healthy, therefore every group needs guests
More people in the room = more referrals.  You make more money.  Everyone benefits.
You need to talk about the benefits of business networking with other like-minded business owners
A visitor is always a good result for a group, even if they don’t join – someone ends up doing business with them.  So they may turn into paying clients. 
Also You can’t do everything on your own – the more people who can help you, the easier it gets.
You need to build your contact sphere – the number of other business owners that you have at the other end of the phone.
Networking groups lose members, so it’s vital we bring in new blood to keep the group vibrant and healthy.
It’s also great PR when a local business visits the group and hears what it’s all about, who we all are, chats with several members and takes away all of our business cards.  Does that make sense?

What it means

The fact is - The average visitor spends money with the group, regardless of whether they join or not.  Someone usually ends up doing business with the visitor.
If they join, great - you now have a new member to build a relationship with and share each other’s connections
There’s always somebody in the room that can help you reach your goals, and you can help someone else reach theirs.
Statistically If you grow a group by 10 members, the referrals should double!
There are plenty of people to invite to the meeting
Average business person has 1000 contacts- Between Your phone, your clients, your Facebook friends, your little black book, your suppliers, your LinkedIn connections and your Christmas card list.
When I started, if someone had given me the chance to stand up in front to 20-30 local business owners and decision makers I’d have sold my granny for the chance!

How to invite?

Let me give you a script to help you invite people to look at this group.
Are you in a position to handle more clients?
Great - I am working with a group of local business owners who are looking for a professional [category] to pass referrals to.  Would you be interested in meeting them?

Always remember to tell them to bring lots of business cards.
Now you can run that script by Text, email, phone call, face to face, or private message on LinkedIn or Facebook

Be as brief as possible, get them along to the meeting [pick them up and bring them if need be] and let the meeting do the job for you.  People need to experience a good structured meeting, meet the members, hear the presentations and see the professionalism to be able to judge.

One veteran networker I know used to tell a story of helping out at a Cumbernauld group
There’s his next door neighbour
What are you doing here?
I’ve been coming for a year now – half of my clients come through this group.
Had been scared to invite him.  Pre-judged him – oh he won’t be interested.
Wondered where you were going all suited and booted at that time of day

You can always invite cold - Postcard adverts on supermarket notice boards, local directories, van signage – but I’d rather bring in people I already know, like and trust.

What If You Did?

Realise that YOU’RE DOING THEM A FAVOUR by inviting them.
The average member makes money from being part of the group!  You can help them add money to their bottom line.
You’ll soon come to realise that most long term networkers look at other local business owners and think they’re BONKERS to say no
What if your group grew by 2 or more new members every month?
You can actually see how the energy goes up when there’s a guest in the room – everyone ups their game

If you’re already a member, have a think about who you could invite for next time.

If you’re a guest – now you know how you got here!  But if you’d like to tap into the power of having a ready-made sales team acting as introducers for your business all year round, then speak to us at the end of the meeting.

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